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India has largest, most experienced mountain army in the world, says Chinese military expert

If you keep throwing Sikhs up the hill to absorb machine gun fire while bombing an opponent who has no air force support, eventually you win. Even I could manage that.

This whole article is very clever ego massaging and feigning of weakness. This is the classic Chinese strategy - straight from Sun Tzu's playbook. They camp on your territory while saying you're amazing, your army is great and they don't want conflict.

This Chinese modus operandi is worth emulating if Pakistani propagandists are watching - play down any victory to the point where it didn't even appear like it happened. The problem for Pakistan is that the conflict with India is too wrapped up in raw emotion (understandably because of the genocides being committed against kashmiris) that such wordcraft and subterfuge is not an option.

Thank you volunteering as the poster boy for my post below I made earlier :D

Pakistani members insecurity in this thread is amusing

They have been mentally conditioned to negative news of Indian army that an innocuous military analysis of Indian army's mountain warfare capabilities is bruising their delicate ego :lol:
Have to give India credit for this they train their regular soldiers in mountain warfare extremely well whilst in Pakistan mountain warfare is a privilege I hope our military generals are not sleeping we need to train our marines in mountain warfare and setup a special mountain brigade armed with light howitzer and troop transport helicopters also why is there no airborne regiment in Pakistan they can also be used to good effective for taking back strategic posts and position be it on mountain ridge or a desert for god sake give the marines vehicles with a 105mm gun so at least they can be independent in case of a offensive against India and leaves the army to plan its counter offensive without logistical sacrifice

oh dear ..... did you do any research before posting that drivel
Thank you volunteering as the poster boy for my post below I made earlier :D
Thank you for demonstrating your basic lack of English literacy skills. You seem to be imagining some contextual similarities between what I said and what you said. Carry on.
How come Indian soldiers never win a MEDAL at the International Army Game? It can't even make it to the finals.
Hindustan times..no other article on this will be found anywhere else

1200 Indian soldiers died and thousands of wounded by Sri Lanka. Good job India military.


sri lanka.jpg
It is impossible for ITBP not noticing the Chinese build up from finger 4 and 8. They were watching every chinese movements from meters away. The higher ups surely had been informed. The area commander is one of our finest. And surely New Delhi was aware of each and every ground report from there. They knew why and what are happening.

Clearly, government did not want escalation, not sure why but they were not willing to be drawn into a quick ugly brawl the Chinese wanted us to drag in. But on longer strategic level, they were far clear sighted. Infra build up in SSN, Northern Ladakh did not stop. Migrant workers being returned to BRO sites. With more time passes and things settling down, we can see picture more clearly.

The solution is simple. Make India Military responsible for both monitoring and protecting the borders. Paramilitary forces including BSF, ITBP & Assam Rifles need to be moved from HM to DM. If ICG can be part of DM why not BSF & ITBP? We need to put a stop to this blame game and turf war.

Army revives interest in ITBP command
Move follows call for improved patrolling along border with China

By Imran Ahmed Siddiqui in New Delhi
  • Published 6.06.20, 1:59 AM
  • Updated 6.06.20, 1:59 AM
  • 2 mins read

The ITBP is the first line of defence on the LAC and the army remains behind it(Shutterstock)

The Indian Army has renewed its demand for operational command of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, amid talk of “intelligence and command failure” leading to the ongoing stand-off and Chinese build-up along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh.

Government sources said the army has recently revived its demand to take over the operational command of the paramilitary force, which reports to Union home minister Amit Shah.

“The turf war between the defence ministry and the home ministry over the control of the ITBP is a long-standing issue but it has again gained momentum in the midst of the escalating tension between Indian and Chinese troops in eastern Ladakh. The army has repeated its demand saying the paramilitary force was not sufficiently equipped to meet the challenges posed by the Chinese troops at the disputed frontier,” said a home ministry official.

The ITBP, which guards the 3,488km China frontier which passes along Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, is the first line of defence on the LAC and the army remains behind it.

Sources said the army’s contention was that the China frontier is under constant threat, considering frequent border skirmishes and face-off and several incidents of transgression by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

“The army feels it should have the command of the ITBP to ensure better patrolling along the LAC especially at sensitive areas which have witnessed transgression and face-off in the past,” said a defence ministry official.

The home ministry, however, has a different view. It has cited said that according to international conventions, paramilitary forces guard the borders and the army remains behind the first line of defence.

“Even on the Chinese side, the People’s Armed Police, also a paramilitary force, guards the border while the People’s Liberation Army is stationed behind this first line of defence,” a home ministry official said.

The home ministry has cited that the Border Security Force (BSF) guards the Pakistan and Bangladesh borders and the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) stands guard along the borders with Nepal and Bhutan.

“The home ministry has said that it was not in favour of handing over the command of the ITBP to the defence ministry. Instead, it has decided to deploy more border guards and increase ITBP presence along the Chinese frontier to counter transgressions,” the official said.

Sources said the Indian Army had for the first time in 1986 demanded operational command of the ITBP. But the demands became more insistent since 1999 when a Chinese intrusion at Chip Chap in the disputed Aksai Chin region was reported while Indian troops were engaged in the Kargil war with Pakistan.

Shah has been maintaining that the 90,000-strong paramilitary force was raised on October 24, 1962, specifically for guarding the Chinese frontier after the India-China war.


@Joe Shearer @Nilgiri
Well Indian armys medals are Bangladesh, siachin and kargil. What has the medal winning army gained in 70 years ? Losses do not count.

If we count Partition of India, Loss of GB & AJK and Ladakh (Aksai Chin) then Siachin and Kargil were not victories rather we averted defeat.
Yess India should go help their buddies in the mountains of Afghanistan. Didn't Afghanistan request their assistance?
If we count Partition of India, Loss of GB & AJK and Ladakh (Aksai Chin) then Siachin and Kargil were not victories rather we averted defeat.
The whole of India was never a country in it's entirety in the first place, so partition doesn't count. Secondly, by the time Maharaja Hari Singh signed the instrument of accession and IA troops moved in, pak army with tribal warlords already took over AJK & GB by the time we reached in to stop their advance.

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