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India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

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I guess must be real tough life for being an Indian,

Any time, any Indian expressed a different view from the main stream

will be attacked and insulted, just sad for some so called freedom of

view and speech. :smitten::pakistan::china:
I guess must be real tough life for being an Indian,

Any time, any Indian expressed a different view from the main stream

will be attacked and insulted, just sad for some so called freedom of

view and speech. :smitten::pakistan::china:

You don't know the half of it, I came on here because I thought I should speak on behalf of my countrymen what more rural life is like.
let me add something guys china gonna pay for their arrogance one day same as russia did in ww2 believe me when i say indian army hasnt forgetten anythin it wont be easy walk for them!

What are you on about, we're still as poor as ever, we can't afford a war, we just got the equipment to show off. What's equipment without money? I think we're the ignorant ones.


Nuvu chaptundee chala sahe.
Nice to meet you too! I am a muslim living in Andhra Pradesh, where are you from? Unfortunately, I hate the govt, it doesn't do a damn for us... All I see is just MKI, MKI, where is my broadband? Where is my city?

Bro if the govt isnt doing squat for you and your community then do something about it. Join your local council and start making a fuss. That's what democracy is about. Sitting behing a pc and complaining wouldn't change the situation. You are blessed to live in a country where you can change politicians with a vote and you may use any standpoint to canvass a change. Me'thinks you are mistakening the GoI for a Taliban style government. Go outside and check around. You have the power to change things with your vote so use it :coffee:
Bro if the govt isnt doing squat for you and your community then do something about it. Join your local council and start making a fuss. That's what democracy is about. Sitting behing a pc and complaining wouldn't change the situation. You are blessed to live in a country where you can change politicians with a vote and you may use any standpoint to canvass a change. Me'thinks you are mistakening the GoI for a Taliban style government. Go outside and check around. You have the power to change things with your vote so use it :coffee:

As if I haven't done enough? I am listless to care about it now, except babble about it on the net. Every hour I try, every 10 threats I get. Why should I bother? Life wasn't made fair, neither is the ratio Hindu:Muslim. What's your suggestion? Go buy an AK-47 and shoot people who oppose me?
Nice to meet you too! I am a muslim living in Andhra Pradesh, where are you from? Unfortunately, I hate the govt, it doesn't do a damn for us... All I see is just MKI, MKI, where is my broadband? Where is my city?

Anna manchiga unnava?

Nenu hyd lo tata photon+ 3.5 mbps use chesthunna adi broadband kaada?

Nuvu chaptundee chala sahe.

I mainly speak arabic, and a bit of Hindi and Urdu. Unfortunately, I don't speak Telugu but I know what it looks like at least, so give me break and treating me like I'm some stupid foreigner. From what I know, what you said above is a bunch of sh1t which wouldn't make sense to any of us here in Hyderabad. Quit fooling yourself.
As if I haven't done enough? I am listless to care about it now, except babble about it on the net. Every hour I try, every 10 threats I get. Why should I bother? Life wasn't made fair, neither is the ratio Hindu:Muslim. What's your suggestion? Go buy an AK-47 and shoot people who oppose me?

What is has to do with religion??I am a Christian born in a village and completed my SSLC and Higher secondary from a government school...now i am working as a tech supporter in a nice companys..If you say that government has provided nothing i wont agree with it..Your City is a prime example for that..Do your city look like what it was a decade ago??How many peoples got employment because of the reforms made by the government?

Sitting in front of the computer (which you can afford to but due to the reforms of the government) whining about the problems is not gonna help.Every one has its own share of problems..No one is successful with out facing trouble.don't expect any one to mouth feed you..You have to find it...instead of covering your incompetence with usual rant of failure of government and being a minority, try to get a life with hard work and knowledge you gained ..
I mainly speak arabic, and a bit of Hindi and Urdu. Unfortunately, I don't speak Telugu but I know what it looks like at least, so give me break and treating me like I'm some stupid foreigner. From what I know, what you said above is a bunch of sh1t which wouldn't make sense to any of us here in Hyderabad. Quit fooling yourself.

May be it wont make any sense to you because you are using the wrong flag..:disagree:..Have some guts to argue in the flag of real country you represent
Hey, come on, open a new thread for your ill treated country men to

speak up.

For the time being, Stay on the topic !!

BTW, Will you Indians ever talk about 1962 war in real life ? :smitten:

No my own people have forsaken me thinking I'm some traitor. This makes me very very sad

No you didnt betray your country.Infact you are doing a good thing for the country you actually from :china: :pakistan:
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