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India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

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Apr 28, 2009
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Tawang, Nov. 9 (ANI): While China has blamed New Delhi for trying to provoke Beijing by orchestrating Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama's controversial visit to Arunachal Pradesh, India has rubbished the allegation.

"The Dalai Lama went to southern Tibet at this critical moment probably because of pressure from India. By doing so, he can please the country that has hosted him for years," the People's Daily quoted Hu Shisheng, a researcher at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, as saying.

The report published in China's state-run newspaper Global times even said that India seems to have forgotten the lessons of 1962 war.

"India may have forgotten the lesson of 1962, when its repeated provocation resulted in military clashes warning. India is on this wrong track again...When the conflict gets sharper and sharper, the Chinese government will have to face it and solve it in a way India has designed," Hu said.

Meanwhile, Minister of State for External Affairs, Shashi Tharoor, on Monday denied Chinese charges, pointing out that New Delhi does not deal with the travels of religious figures.

"The Dalai Lama is free to travel anywhere in India... I have not heard the suggestion comes from us as we do not deal with the spiritual travels of spiritual leaders. He has to visit his flock as he sees fit," Tharoor told the India Economic Summit.

He added that he was "sure that the initiative (to visit Tawang) would have come from him".

Tharoor also said that India had been "very generous" by giving over "58,000 business visas" to the Chinese.

"As far as our basic policy is concerned, we would certainly be hesitant to offer employment to a foreigner for a job which could be done by an Indian in India," said Tharoor.

Earlier, addressing the mass at Arunachal's Tawang, Dalai Lama said Beijing's accusations that his visit was anti-China and damaging to India-China relations are "baseless".

"My visit to Tawang is non-political and aimed at promoting universal brotherhood and nothing else," the Nobel Peace laureate had said. (ANI)

China says India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war - Yahoo! India News

:disagree: Disgraceful choice of words.
Neither India nor Japan forgot thier past.

Germany proved the world after taking hard bites of WW that it can be an economical power house in the near future and then its a matter of time to become a military power.
Economy is key to become a military power.
If FDI can make chinese economy great together with their respective economic reforms,so can be the India.
But when the time comes and states that reality bites harder and harder the best examples of Germany,Japan,soviet union will be an eye opener to China..

China is currently sitting on a gas bubble which gonna burst when an imbalance occurs.While India is standing on a solid foundation of rock making it impossible for any external forces to disturb its center of gravity.
Being an outsider and came across as many Indians while a majority of them are nationalistic and a few dont give a crap about the current day geopolitics as long as they can send their fingers into their mouths.

But it is the problem with only those majority of ultra nationalists who care about their country and try to avenge for the actions done in the past.When came to know about the Indian history and the greatness of their civilisation which is ofcourse due to the impact of the aryans ,I felt very great about it. If we didnt took the wrong step by invading soviets we would have fcuked up the brits *** hard and provided the full pledged support to indian nationalist fighters to kick the brits *** there in India as well.Unfortunate is that we failed to control our emotions and led the threads loose.
Even people can find cures and vaccine to all the notable diseases but they often fail to find the same cure to the war wounds.India is no excerpt.Neither germany nor japan.One has to figure out that the hours hand has to come back and say hai to 12 again during the noon and at mid nite.

It would be simply the foolishness and ignorance of China to consider that India might have forgot thier past and didnt learn anything.The day India strikes back,it will be another revenge of sith.Standing on a solid rock,India has all the obvious to take any move while China dont.
A friend of mine who has a partially owned subsidary in China always points his fingers about the chinese mindset of communism and containism.
To china: whom are you gonna contain? west? Asia?or what? As long as the west feels that its investments are justified on chinese land,you can survive and once we stop transactions,you will suffocate and find hard to even breath.Been to beejing once and fcuk my life.its terrible and my 3 day stay is miserable.Can any chinese breath the fresh air anytime in their life?apart from their incubation period. guys stop boasting. At a point I myself found it hard to digest that London might be even 1000 times better interms of keeping onces privacy.Even saw the cams pointing my pennis while peing.

Come out of the incubators and look at the world in terms of freedom and joy.
One has to agree a most notable fact that a free person has more will to fight than an tied up person.
$150 billion defence budget combined with 3 million standing army can only buy you time but not end victory.


Germany proved the world after taking hard bites of WW that it can be an economical power house in the near future and then its a matter of time to become a military power.
Economy is key to become a military power.
If FDI can make chinese economy great together with their respective economic reforms,so can be the India.

Wishful thinking.

India is a country notoriously unfriendly to foreign investment.

Weren't you guys seconds ago touting being minimal impacted by the financial crisis due to your closeness?

And you try to compare yourself with German? LOL, what’s your literacy, and what is their literacy?

Yes you have the potential, but not sure when the potential will be real. Be realistic.
Nay. Given inflammatory war rhetoric in India, this is certainly a right, correct and perhaps precise choice of words.

It is China who provoked India.
1) China objected indo-Us nuclear deal.
2) China voted against ADB loan.
3) Provoked Indian army by intrusions
4) China opposes India for permanent security seat.
5) It is building a dam on Brahmaputra river which will drain india's north east and bangladesh.
6) It is arming pakistan to check mate India.

it seems china don't want an emerging India in asia.

India just allowed Dalai lama to visit tawang why is the chinese authorities and media(state controlled media) in china is so insecure. It seems chinese worse nightmare is a revolt in tibet for freedom, which will spread to other provinces.
India haven't taken any provocative steps until now.
And i want to remind you that it is not 1962 and war between china and India will be disaster for both emerging economies. :tup:
Wishful thinking.

India is a country notoriously unfriendly to foreign investment.

Weren't you guys seconds ago touting being minimal impacted by the financial crisis due to your closeness?

And you try to compare yourself with German? LOL, what’s your literacy, and what is their literacy?

Yes you have the potential, but not sure when the potential will be real. Be realistic.

you have to compare the population of Germany with India before comparing literacy rates.
Do you know there is a huge talent pool of engineers,doctors,scientists in India compared to germany. Even with out much of FDI india is achieving good economic growth rates. :tup:
alright, a chinese researcher just like that of a particular country can speak anything to get draw attention from the public. since it is not government statement or policy, no need for setting fire here.
But it is a quote from Hu Shisheng, a researcher at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, NOT Official word from China or any Chinese official so i think nothing disgracful as many Indians use even abusive words for China.

Just about who are you kidding here Jana? Has any one ever heard of contrarian views being publically aired in China? To think that someone in China may have a world view not entirely in sync with the official line of thought is quite possible, but when that someone gets to air his views on officially accredited mass media channels, one cannot but guess the true intentions behind this publication.

Jana, in Pakistan you may get away with criticising your leaders. Indian leaders are cursed a million times a day. Things are not the same in China. So lets be clear on that.

This is just a manner of airing a very official view without taking responsibility for it. No accountability.
It is China who provoked India.
1) China objected indo-Us nuclear deal.
2) China voted against ADB loan.
3) Provoked Indian army by intrusions
4) China opposes India for permanent security seat.
5) It is building a dam on Brahmaputra river which will drain india's north east and bangladesh.
6) It is arming pakistan to check mate India.

it seems china don't want an emerging India in asia.

India just allowed Dalai lama to visit tawang why is the chinese authorities and media(state controlled media) in china is so insecure. It seems chinese worse nightmare is a revolt in tibet for freedom, which will spread to other provinces.
India haven't taken any provocative steps until now.
And i want to remind you that it is not 1962 and war between china and India will be disaster for both emerging economies. :tup:

1. China never objected it. It was pure fabrication.
2. That's because we consider this our terroritory. India took it from us in the late 40s. We want it back.
3. Again your media fabrication. They have admitted it.
4. China never opposed India's being on it. It was the U.S who vetoed every time. Get your fact straight.
5. Again fabrication. Besides, what we do in our terroritory is not your business anyway.
6. Pakistan is our friend, deal with it. Maybe India should try get some friend, too.
1. China never objected it. It was pure fabrication.
2. That's because we consider this our terroritory. India took it from us in the late 40s. We want it back.
3. Again your media fabrication. They have admitted it.
4. China never opposed India's being on it. It was the U.S who vetoed every time. Get your fact straight.
5. Again fabrication. Besides, what we do in our terroritory is not your business anyway.
6. Pakistan is our friend, deal with it. Maybe India should try get some friend, too.

China never objected it. It was pure fabrication.

Sorry your facts are wrong China did object.

Risking the hard-won forward movement in India-China relations, Chinese official media on Thursday attacked the Indo-US nuclear energy cooperation agreement insisting that the bilateral deal will inflict a 'hard blow' to global non-proliferation regime and trigger a domino effect.

China attacks Indo-US nuclear deal

That's because we consider this our terroritory. India took it from us in the late 40s. We want it back

Read this thread and u can decide by yourself :what:and even this time ur facts are wrong.


Pakistan is our friend, deal with it. Maybe India should try get some friend, too
Yup talking of friends we do have a big daddy right above u :big_boss:stop advising and get ur facts rite.

India-China face-off worsens over ADB loan for Arunachal, Bank doesn't help
India-China face-off worsens over ADB loan for Arunachal, Bank doesn't help

China objects to ADB funds for Arunachal: Krishna

China objects to ADB funds for Arunachal: Krishna : In.com : Read - India Today
i hope it's true,IA now has lots of awesome weapons,su-30,brahmos ,AGNI-3,their AC can even block china's oil line,i bet this time will be different result,there is great chance they will take Aksai Chin and tibet
i hope it's true,IA now has lots of awesome weapons,su-30,brahmos ,AGNI-3,their AC can even block china's oil line,i bet this time will be different result,there is great chance they will take Aksai Chin and tibet

Wishful thinking, but India is not as stupid as you would want it to be. Guys, 1962 is a long way off. International politics have changed. Nobody (especially the west) want China to flex its muscles before time, and finally the Indian military has evolved much ever since 1962. Its been only a few years since we have shifted our focus from Pakistan to you. A decade is all India needs to put a solid deterrent in place. We dont need nor want to dictate to China but just keep our position and keep you in your place. Honestly China has awakened to a serious threat to itself in Asia and that is India. I dont think China is threatened by India militarily but economically, as somebody said in earlier post we have a solid foundation and that is internal. Even the recent crisis did not have a heavy impact on India because our main business / market is internal a heavily growing middle class. As stated earlier Chinas success is from foreign investment and not its own. So the chest thumping , I would suggest modesty, things could change within a matter of time.
Get your fact right before posting

1. China never objected it. It was pure fabrication.
totally wrong here is the link

2. That's because we consider this our terroritory. India took it from us in the late 40s. We want it back.

Arunachal pradesh is an integral part of India. If you want it, try grabbing it just like Tibet :azn:.

3. Again your media fabrication. They have admitted it.

Utterly wrong, its is your fabrication.
4. China never opposed India's being on it. It was the U.S who vetoed every time. Get your fact straight.
wrong again, here is the link
UN Security Council Seat: China Outsmarts India

5. Again fabrication. Besides, what we do in our terroritory is not your business anyway.
Then how come the visit of Dalai lama to Tawang becomes Chinese matter. It is internal to India non of your business.

6. Pakistan is our friend, deal with it. Maybe India should try get some friend, too.

Buddy don't worry India can deal with you people :cheers:
Last edited:
Get your fact right before posting

totally wrong here is the link
single - The Jamestown Foundation[tt_news]=3939&tx_ttnews[backPid]=196&no_cache=1
China state paper lashes India-U.S. nuclear deal | Top News | Reuters

Arunachal pradesh is an integral part of India. If you want it, try grabbing it just like Tibet :azn:.

Utterly wrong, its is your fabrication.

wrong again, here is the link
UN Security Council Seat: China Outsmarts India

Then how come the visit of Dalai lama to Tawang becomes Chinese matter. It is internal to India non of your business.

Buddy don't worry India can deal with you people :cheers:

Please do save yourself some basic dignity, learn the meaning of


When your Indians A@S got kicked so badly in 1962, and you still got

the nerve,shamelessly challenging China ?

India’s China War by Neville Maxwell

First, you need a successful revenge inorder to regain your long lost

dignity and than talk. What a joke !!

P.S. too much indigenous soft drink will be harmfull to your mental

health. :smitten::pakistan::china:
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