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India has forced a stalemate in Ladakh. That’s a defeat for China

Reminds me of the famous stalemate inflicted by maratha empire upon the advancing afghans at Panipat.
Hindus have never actually been defeated by Muslims or by the Chinese or even by the British. Subcontinental history is full of stalemates.
900-1526 A.D. : Sequential rule over Delhi and surrounding territories by the Ghaznavids, Ghurids, and later the Delhi Sultanate. Recorded by Hindu chronicles as "the first great stalemate inflicted by Hindus upon Muslims".

1510: Portuguese Catholics suffer stalemate in Goa.

1565: Muslims stalemated at Vijayanagara.

1569: Ranthambur stalemate of Akbar by Rajputs recorded by Indian chroniclers as a "great stalemate inflicted upon the Mughals, one for the ages".

1589: Mughal emperor Akbar forced into ruling half of subcontinent against his will due to ongoing stalemates.

1761: Ahmed Shah Durrani stalemated by numerically inferior Maratha army and 100,000 unarmed civilians. A heroic stalemate, unique in that it occurred due to weaponless tactics, from which modern IA Bihari regiment under command of Santhosh Babu drew inspiration for their own epic hand-to-hand stalemate inflicted on PLA forces at Galwan, June 2020.

1799: Tipu defeated by British and Maratha combined forces. This wasn't a stalemate because we know for sure some Muslims lost and some Hindus won (with Christian help but it counts).

1803: second Anglo-Maratha war results in stalemate and unintentional capture of Delhi by Christians from the ruling marathas. Christians duly apologise for accidentally taking Delhi and return it to Hindus in view of Maratha stalemate declared following DRS umpire decision.

1947: British finally withdraw from the subcontinent, as British citizens become increasingly weary of overseas territories being held in constant state of stalemate.

The Secular Republic marches on.

2019 - "Stalemate Chakra" medal awarded to downed pilot in IAF-PAF skirmish for forcing captors to serve him tea and treat his accidental facial injuries.

What will the future hold? Will we see further stalemates for a new generation of heroes in new theatres of conflict? Only time will tell.

@rott sir, a brief timeline of subcontinent history for your kind perusal.
This is what a stalemate to India looks like

I bet in their history books they conquered Britain and not the other way around:lol:
Acrually it was dozens of jets, choppers and tens of thousands of soldiers. Kind of the point. The guy who occupies the heights has an assymetric advantage so large that you will pay a very heavy price in getting them off. In 1999 India decided it will accpet the price and lose all the people and resources it needs to dislodge the intruders. As of 2020 India has a massive assymetric advantage by occupying the heights in Ladak. And all China is doing is complaining and squatting.

This is a completely idiotic military adventure. If you didn't want to commit to winning, why did you move in? Kind of like how pakitsan placed all those soldiers on the mountain top without proper supply chains to support them. If adversary decides to pay the price you have all your people killed without achieving any objectives at all.

Feel good logic. India is running around like a headless chicken and is bleeding resources left right and center. All that bravado and chest thumping is gone. India is $hitting bricks about a joint China Pakistan action the North. India’s own big mouth strategy of the so called surgical strikes will be used against it. Opportunities will be created where India will try another surgical strike and than wait and see what happens. India is happy as a castrated eunuch in lala land.
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The way I see it: India can't support it's troops though winter and is looking for bullshit logic to claim victory and disengage. On the Chinese side, it's soldiers are living comfortably in climate controlled barracks and has very little incentive to make a agreement with the India.

My advice to India, accept the 1959 border and cut your losses. It's time to move on.
If one goes by the logic of the title of this thread, India lost in Siachin.
China won't mind giving such victories to India regularly, well they have been on it for the last few years.

win win for both countries, China wants land and India wants fake victories
I wonder how many victories to India before they lose last inch.
Indian clowns are FUNNY. China moved the LAC line and the Indian clowns claim victory.
As long Indian troops doesn't create bunkers on top and China doesn't bring artillery near mountains.

Both are just looking a way out of this .
Gen. Panag was a sweetheart boy of the Pakistanis and the Chinese here when he was extremely critical about India's lethargic mindset and defensive posture, both military and civilian. But somehow PDF missed the news of LAC over the last couple of months (deliberately perhaps) and now Panag gets ha ha reaction all over. You fellas are funny. No job no time to read. Just posting crap all over and taking the quality down below.
Feel good logic. India is running around like a headless chicken and is bleeding resources left right and center. All that bravado and chest thumping is gone. India is $hitting bricks about a joint China Pakistan action the North. India’s own big mouth strategy of the so called surgical strikes will be used against it. Opportunities will be created where India will try another surgical strike and than wait and see what happens. India is happy as a castrated eunuch in lala land.

alll that you're spewing is nonsense and feel good BS. India has always been, will always be more professional and well considered in its actions than Pakistan. I see pakistanis here advising Inida, Europe, USA etc. as if you know better than us. You're the one with the big mouth. A long history of failed military strategies, tattered polity and economy, all your proclamations are BS.
we knew you were getting bored sitting on the mountain tops,so we arranged a long-distance running for you. LOL

Video of Chinese forces capturing a hill top and Indian soldiers running away

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Chinese troops assaulting the hill with melee weapons and riot shields.

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Indian troops abandoning the hill top.

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Indian soldiers fleeing downhill.

Then you have nothing to worry about. India has already been vacated and we can all settle in status quo.
This is what a stalemate to India looks like
View attachment 699634
I bet in their history books they conquered Britain and not the other way around:lol:

I sometimes think Indians are too polite
we're getting bored sitting on the mountain tops. Do something already.

Hang in there tight since no one is coming! Meanwhile, to fight with boredness, enjoy your time by watching 'your occupied land' from those heights which your troops are never going to patrol again :P
Only if strong lexicon could win you a geo strategic win, east Indians would have been running circles around the universe
Hang in there tight since no one is coming! Meanwhile, to fight with boredness, enjoy your time by watching 'your occupied land' from those heights which your troops are never going to patrol again :P
we keep telling that to the chinese. I don't know why they're livid and shouting and raging around. We have to accpe with great difficulty that china has won. But chinese are not accepting!
Only if strong lexicon could win you a geo strategic win, east Indians would have been running circles around the universe

And one more talking about India, military strategy etc/ Why don't you finish this by also telling Americans ho they should do their foreign policy.
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