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India has cleared first list of 13 countries for Hydroxychloroquine

Only we know India is a Baniya country. Other people do not know how selfish India can be.When other countries are helping each other with whatever way they can, it is only India that can stop exporting of medicines. It received a good kick from Uncle Trump.

We are so selfish, but that means we have developed something no one else can do?

If we are so dumb+weak, then please develop these production sectors yourself. It must be so easy :)

Which is it? Both cannot stand at same time. But you are too "typically Bangal" to understand any of that. Faridpur stronk! :lol:

So just go cry about what "Uncle Trump" said afterwards...and what India got in return long term for it on top.

After all you shameless inconsequential weaklings are everyday busy explaining to (real people that matter...noticing a trend?) that your country is not a city in India :rofl::


Work on fixing that before trying to squawk over your lowly station in life.
I wouldn't even post it if my country was giving 5 lac tablets. You know that is peanuts.
But nevermind. I guess that is all your capacity.
500000 tablets, 250 mg each is 125kg. Was the delivery sent via special flight?? Or DHL ?
We are so selfish, but that means we have developed something no one else can do?
No, Sir, you have not developed anything special so far. Hydroxychloroquine is just one of medicines that developed countries are working on trial basis only. However, miser India needed a slap by America to lift its ban on export.
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Great job India great job.... You are a true savior of mankind....
Great job India great job.... You are a true savior of mankind....
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Hydroxychloroquine maker faces ingredient crunch
Drug maker Amneal says firm is running low on materials for anti-malarial drug seen as possible coroanvirus treatment.

an hour ago

Amneal has committed to producing about 20 million hydroxychloroquine tablets by mid-April, but will face challenges making any more after that because of difficulties acquiring active pharmaceutical ingredients from its supplier in Finland, coCEOs Chirag and Chintu Patel said in an interview with Reuters News Agency [File: Craig Lassig/Reuters]

Amneal Pharmaceuticals could soon run out of the raw ingredients to make more of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine that has been touted as a potential treatment for COVID-19 because Finland is keeping the drug for domestic use, according to the generic drugmaker's chief executives.

Amneal has committed to producing about 20 million hydroxychloroquine tablets by mid-April, but will face challenges making any more after that because of difficulties acquiring active pharmaceutical ingredients from its supplier in Finland, coCEOs Chirag and Chintu Patel said in an interview.

"As the demand has increased all across the globe ... the Finnish government has put out an emergency order to prioritize their domestic use for local needs," coCEO Chintu Patel said in the interview on Tuesday.

Hydroxychloroquine is a decades-old drug promoted by many, including United States President Donald Trump, as a potential weapon against COVID-19. It has become a standard of care in areas of the US hit hard by the pandemic, even though doctors prescribing it have no idea whether it works.

Demand for the drug has soared worldwide and some countries, like India, have placed restrictions on its export. Amneal currently manufactures hydroxychloroquine in India and the brothers said the company was working with India to provide an exception to ship its finished product to the US.

Finland has not yet issued any bans or restrictions on drug exports, according to the Finnish medicines agency Fimea.

But even under normal circumstances, Finnish law requires pharmaceutical companies to commit themselves to fulfil national needs first. Because the demand for hydroxychloroquine and its active agents has surged in Finland, Finnish makers have less to export, Fimea said.

"The increased national need may impact the schedules of export deliveries, even if no export restrictions have been issued by the government," Fimea Director Johanna Nystedt said in an email. "Surely every country hopes to obtain more hydroxychloroquine at the moment and therefore its makers' order books are certainly full."

The Finnish government, on the basis of the state of emergency it has issued, is preparing an amendment which if adopted would allow restricting exports of certain medicines.

Orion Corp and its subsidiary Fermion are the two Finnish companies that make hydroxychloroquine and its raw materials. Fermion is Amneal's supplier, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Orion said in a statement that securing its own raw materials from abroad is challenging and it would be pleased if it could deliver more.

"Finnish authorities have far-reaching rights to intervene in the operations of the actors in our field of business. In the exceptional situation Finland's needs have priority," Orion said. "Demand for the agent in question (API) is heavy around the world at the moment but unfortunately we cannot respond to the demand commensurately."

Amneal said it is working to source the raw materials elsewhere and is trying to get its Brookhaven, NY, manufacturing site FDA-approved to make more products, including hydroxychloroquine. Amneal has said it is donating more than 6.5 million of the tablets to New York, Texas, Louisiana and hospitals across the country.

Chintu Patel said he believes the supply issues will ease up in two or three months.

"There are multiple suppliers, but worldwide demand, so people are allocating their inventory and we are in the process of qualifying more than one supplier so we can do what we can to help in this crisis situation," he said.


India will have to import more API from China.
It is USA based company owned by NRI. India makes its own api and even exported it. It is written in a few tweets in this thread itself. India will not import API from China

China give 70% API for "Indian" medicines. I schooled you on another thread about this.

Quick question for Hindustan. Is Iran on your Xmas list?
Again, song, India exports API to offer cities. India imports 70% of the total API imports from China. This means that if India imports 3.5 billion dollars worth api, 2.2 billion dollars is from China. But total api manufactured by India is in 15-20 billion dollars. So, India imports just 10-15% of its API requirement. 70%of this 15% is from China. So, India imports about 10% of its API requirement from China.

India produces hydroxychloroquine because it has domestic demand for it for various conditions.


Better to secure domestic needs surely rather than join the Trump-servitude bandwagon. The article suggests some Indians cannot get what they need.
India is not having severe outbreak as in US and hence can afford to export. Also, India has ramped up production and hence has enough stocks.
My research has found that in order for India to produce Hydroxychloroquine API it must import some key raw materials and intermediates from China, or South Korea, or Italy or Finland. It can not manufacture on its own.
India is a major producer of HCQ from basic raw materials to final product. No imports at all.

Listen, I'm simply looking for clarification on whether Iran has been included in India's bucket list. If I were Iranian, I'd be mighty mighty peeved at all those years touting the Indian mantra against Pakistan, developing Chabahar and generally putting Iranian balls on the line in India's favour against Pakistan, if India had no intention of bailing Iranians out while gleefully signing stocks over to israel and USA. I get India's desire to make a buck, really I get that...but to leave Iran out to dry when it's suffered more than most countries from Covid would shock even me.
Iran has turned away from India and has consistently acted as a rogue state making comments against India. Iran refused to give us gas field to India when sanctions were lifted by Obama as they thought the could get better buyer. This is despite the fact that India discovered the field and Iran anyways had 100 times more gas and could have given the farzad field to india.
My research has found that in order for India to produce Hydroxychloroquine API it must import some key raw materials and intermediates from China, or South Korea, or Italy or Finland. It can not manufacture on its own.
Your research is unfounded.

Only we know India is a Baniya country. Other people do not know how selfish India can be.When other countries are helping each other with whatever way they can, it is only India that can stop exporting of medicines. It received a good kick from Uncle Trump.
That's why a non entity like Bangladesh begged India for
Hydroxychloroquine and is getting 20 Lakhs pills from greedy Baniyas in the Ist list itself.
Your research is unfounded.

That's why a non entity like Bangladesh begged India for
Hydroxychloroquine and is getting 20 Lakhs pills from greedy Baniyas in the Ist list itself.
Produced and produced in sufficient quantities are two different things. India produces crude oil as well but must import to sufficiently meet its needs.
Produced and produced in sufficient quantities are two different things. India produces crude oil as well but must import to sufficiently meet its needs.
2 key starting materials needed for HCQ production are produced in India only. We neither import starting materials nor the drug from abroad
This is a circular argument. There is plenty of information that says other wise.
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