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India Has Been Seen Weak With China and Now the Taliban: BJP Dr Swamy


Sep 26, 2018
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Since the fall of Kabul, Indian hue and cry is reaching the sky in all walks of life, and there is no stopping to it. The last twelve months have just brought strings of miseries and defeats to the Indian defence establishment. They seem to be losing confidence at a rapid pace. Below are a couple of tweets from Dr Subramanian Swamy, that tell a sorry state of affairs.

Meanwhile, many Muslim scholars in the Region(India and BD) Welcomed the Taliban takeover. The moderate Congress party had to speak out on it.

Since the fall of Kabul, Indian hue and cry is reaching the sky in all walks of life, and there is no stopping to it. The last twelve months have just brought a string of miseries and defeats to the Indian defence establishment. They seem to be losing confidence at a rapid pace. Below are a couple of tweets from Dr Subramanian Swamy, that tell a sorry state of affairs.

Meanwhile, many Muslim scholars in the Region(India and BD) Welcomed the Taliban takeover. The moderate Congress party had to speak out on it.

Keep crying Indians keep crying
Our RSS warriers will fight taliban
Tell them not to wear shorts , if they want to fight the Talibs.
This subhuman slimy or whatever his name is a clown.
India is weak because it needs to fix it's mardana kamzoori to become strong.
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After so many beatings and defeats that India has received this century, maybe Hindu extremist run India should learn to mind it's own business and not interfere in the affairs of other nations.
What "image" this chutiya is talking about? India ke ga** phate pari hai aur issay Image ke fikar hai. Image kay chakar main apni m** c******i.
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