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"India has become slave of US, begging for protection from China" says Congress leader Manishankar Aiyar at Indo-Russian event

That is what outsiders think but the reality is India is being ruled by political parties which are on the US payroll. India will make a deal with China only if US gives the green light.
China signed agreement with Russia although Chinese think the land acquired by Russia during Qing Dynasty was forced. But Chinese know it is very important for China to move on and make good relationship with Russia. Otherwise economic development will be in question if China has to spend so much in defense. Also the other deals with other countries, China mostly agree half half or even lost more. Some Chinese called then president Jiang zeming treason but most understand it.
That is what outsiders think but the reality is India is being ruled by political parties which are on the US payroll. India will make a deal with China only if US gives the green light.

We are well aware that it was the fanatical populism of Indians that led to the birth of the people's party. It was not the birth of the people's party that led to Indian fanatical populism. India's hostility to China comes from Indians, not just their govt.
As I said before, India is not a homogenization country, there are too many conflicts of interest and internal contradictions in India. Indians need external threats to unite, it is a survival instinct for Indians to choose to be hostile to China.
We are well aware that it was the fanatical populism of Indians that led to the birth of the people's party. It was not the birth of the people's party that led to Indian fanatical populism. India's hostility to China comes from Indians, not just their govt.
As I said before, India is not a homogenization country, there are too many conflicts of interest and internal contradictions in India. Indians need external threats to unite, it is a survival instinct for Indians to choose to be hostile to China.

You are incorrectly reading India. Indians are not at all averse to China or Chinese. In fact there is no conflict at people's level. The issue has always been with the Government. Congress government always wanted to settle the issue with China but until 2000 Indian economy was weak and we were dependent on the US for food grains. Starting 2000 Congress lost power to BJP which is on the payroll of the US.
China signed agreement with Russia although Chinese think the land acquired by Russia during Qing Dynasty was forced. But Chinese know it is very important for China to move on and make good relationship with Russia. Otherwise economic development will be in question if China has to spend so much in defense. Also the other deals with other countries, China mostly agree half half or even lost more. Some Chinese called then president Jiang zeming treason but most understand it.

What China needs to do is pump in lot of money to Congress and Communist parties to defeat US parties like BJP. Once Congress comes to power, all issues between China and India will be settled in a matter of days.
You are incorrectly reading India. Indians are not at all averse to China or Chinese. In fact there is no conflict at people's level. The issue has always been with the Government. Congress government always wanted to settle the issue with China but until 2000 Indian economy was weak and we were dependent on the US for food grains. Starting 2000 Congress lost power to BJP which is on the payroll of the US.

Why can't you understand?
India's hostility to China comes from their own needs. If this hostility is to be eliminated, India must solve its internal problems. The National Congress simply does not have enough capacity to solve India's internal problems. On the contrary, the BJP and modi are more likely to solve India's internal problems.
Do you know why modi incites Hindus? Because modi wants to strengthen all Indians' recognition of India through Hinduism and achieve India's homogenization.
I don't know if modi can succeed, but the people's party is much better than the National Congress. We would rather communicate with ambitious smart people than with the bureaucrats of the National Congress.
What China needs to do is pump in lot of money to Congress and Communist parties to defeat US parties like BJP. Once Congress comes to power, all issues between China and India will be settled in a matter of days.
It's ridiculous. The Congress party can't solve this problem. As for the Communist Party of India. I'm sorry, we are also the Communist Party, the Communist party knows the Communist Party better. We will not allow the world to have a second communist power country. If the Communist Party of India comes to power, China and India may really have an all-out war.
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What China needs to do is pump in lot of money to Congress and Communist parties to defeat US parties like BJP. Once Congress comes to power, all issues between China and India will be settled in a matter of days.
China won't do it. They focus more internally. India should realize if China wants to support specialists in India, India will have much bigger problems.
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Why can't you understand?
India's hostility to China comes from their own needs. If this hostility is to be eliminated, India must solve its internal problems. The National Congress simply does not have enough capacity to solve India's internal problems. On the contrary, the BJP and modi are more likely to solve India's internal problems.
Do you know why modi incites Hindus? Because modi wants to strengthen all Indians' recognition of India through Hinduism and achieve India's homogenization.
I don't know if modi can succeed, but the people's party is much better than the National Congress. We would rather communicate with ambitious smart people than with the bureaucrats of the National Congress.

It's ridiculous. The Congress party can't solve this problem. As for the Communist Party of India. I'm sorry, we are also the Communist Party, the Communist party knows the Communist Party better. We will not allow the world to have a second communist power country. If the Communist Party of India comes to power, China and India may really have an all-out war.

China is making a mistake here by not funding and supporting friends of China like Congress and Communist parties of India.
I arrived at this conclusion, about 5 years ago, after extensive reading of available literature on 1962 War and it's background, from a variety of sources.
The conclusions that you have come to stems from the bias that China is a force for the larger good. You can be excused to think this because of the bonhomie between China and Pakistan. Approval from random Chinese right wing nationalists on the web will only serve to feed this confirmation bias.

It is more plausible that China is just another country that would like to maximize its territory and strong arm its geopolitical interests. Why would China do so? Just because it can get away with it! :dirol:
You have a too pessimistic view of your country's leadership. On the contrary, India gains a lot in the largely mutually beneficial relationship with America. But India could have gained those benefits while NOT so overtly antagonizing China. For decades, China was not as supportive of Pakistan as now. The Chinese would always say something like 'Why can't we all get along?' when India-Pakistan had problems. Things have changed drastically in last few years and I wouldn't be surprised IF/When America promises to look the other way the Chinese would grab more land from India and neutralize whatever threat India may pose against CPEC. Who knows what Biden-Xi have spoken in their recent 3 hour talk?? Big powers have historically made secret agreements where smaller powers are used as pawns even if they are supposed allies.
Some people on the internet just troll for no reason or play the gallery for attention. :laugh:
Why can't you understand?
India's hostility to China comes from their own needs. If this hostility is to be eliminated, India must solve its internal problems. The National Congress simply does not have enough capacity to solve India's internal problems. On the contrary, the BJP and modi are more likely to solve India's internal problems.
Do you know why modi incites Hindus? Because modi wants to strengthen all Indians' recognition of India through Hinduism and achieve India's homogenization.
I don't know if modi can succeed, but the people's party is much better than the National Congress. We would rather communicate with ambitious smart people than with the bureaucrats of the National Congress.

It's ridiculous. The Congress party can't solve this problem. As for the Communist Party of India. I'm sorry, we are also the Communist Party, the Communist party knows the Communist Party better. We will not allow the world to have a second communist power country. If the Communist Party of India comes to power, China and India may really have an all-out war.

Good thoughts but some caveats. india's BJP is hamstrung by RSS - a reactionary brahmin(who form around 2% of india's population) pressure group which wields enormous influence on BJP. RSS also enjoy good relations with congress brahmins. They need enemies like China and Pakistan and Muslims(in India) to consolidate their grip on india - they are perennially insecure because they know they live on exploitation and they don't have demographic advantage - so they rely on manipulation and diversion by making these enemies.

They wont really succeed. But they will keep throwing spade after spade to delay the inevitable - causing great suffering to a lot of people.
Yes because the forward policy was run by CIA and Dalailama was a CIA agent. India had to acquiesce to the US policy on China as we needed food aid from the US.

The real problem is the former “house slave" thought he was entiled to all his former ”master's" stolen properties, after the master had gone.
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The real problem is the former “house slave" thought he was entiled to all his former ”master's" stolen properties, after the master had gone.

Yes. Nehru and India, in shear arrogance and without any logic, struck to the McMohan Line in NEFA and the Johnson Line in Kashmir/Ladakh, which were drawn on maps, unilaterally, by British imperialists, without the consent of China. Now, India cannot get out of its self created mess and quagmire.
The conclusions that you have come to stems from the bias that China is a force for the larger good. You can be excused to think this because of the bonhomie between China and Pakistan. Approval from random Chinese right wing nationalists on the web will only serve to feed this confirmation bias.

It is more plausible that China is just another country that would like to maximize its territory and strong arm its geopolitical interests. Why would China do so? Just because it can get away with it! :dirol:

You are mistaken. My analysis and conclusions have nothing to do with the nature of relations between China and Pakistan. I arrived at them after reading, particularly, Dalvi's "Himalayan Blunder", Kaul's "Untold Story", Maxwell's "India's China War", leaked Henderson-Bhagat Report and a number of articles, written by Indian and Western historians.
The conclusions that you have come to stems from the bias that China is a force for the larger good. You can be excused to think this because of the bonhomie between China and Pakistan. Approval from random Chinese right wing nationalists on the web will only serve to feed this confirmation bias.

It is more plausible that China is just another country that would like to maximize its territory and strong arm its geopolitical interests. Why would China do so? Just because it can get away with it! :dirol:

If somehow you are interested in the history of 1962 War; there is one very good and extensive article, written by some Sandeep Mukherjee, recently. This is available on internet.
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Yes. Nehru and India, in shear arrogance and without any logic, struck to the McMohan Line in NEFA and the Johnson Line in Kashmir/Ladakh, which were drawn on maps, unilaterally, by British imperialists, without the consent of China. Now, India cannot get out of its self created mess and quagmire.

Nehru is a scapegoat for the failure of the entire nation of India. At one point of time, Nehru might have considered a more reasonable border solution, hence his famours statement "there is no a single blade of grass in Aksai Chin".

Indian parliament and by extension Indian ultra nationalistic public should share the equal blame if not more. In fact, it is Indian's ingrained petty-gain mentality that led to Nehru's "Forward Policy" and the desastrous outcome in 1962. This people never learn their lessions, and have been demanding the land they have never owned historically, through out 74 years of India's existence. Indians today are not any better, they triumph each petty gain and meltdown at each setback. They seem to be repeating what had dragged India into this abyss in the first place.

Facing ever stronger and increasingly capable neighbours, would Indians wish now that Nehru had taken China's proposal of 1959 and moved forward to building their own country? Or would they wish to continue to fight this losing battle and keep their heartland shxthole as is for the next century? Need people with an IQ higher than 76 to think through.
"India has become slave of US, begging for protection from China" says Congress leader Manishankar Aiyar at Indo-Russian event

File photo of Congress leader Manishankar Aiyar.(HT Photo)
Published on Nov 24, 2021 07:57 AM IST

Congress leader Manishankar Aiyar attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led central government by saying that India has become a slave of the United States of America since 2014. He was speaking during an Indo-Russia friendship society on Tuesday.

"In the last seven years, we've seen that there is no talk of non-alignment and peace. We behave like we are slaves of Americans, begging for protection from China," said Aiyar.

"Our relation with Russia suffered a massive blow after 2014," he added. Aiyar further said the Congress is not in favour of whatever policy decisions the current dispensation is taking.

The Congress leader made an appeal to the government to mend ties with Russia.

"Russia (erstwhile USSR) was India's closest ally when Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister. In fact, Indira became a Russia name. Many girls have been named after her, especially in Uzbekistan," said Aiyar.

He carried forward the attacks lodged by the Congress party, especially its former president Rahul Gandhi, by accusing the Centre of ceding Indian territory to China during the ongoing standoff in Ladakh. The Centre has denied these allegations and many leaders of the ruling BJP have launched counter-attacks, saying that "India knows how to give befitting reply to China, Pakistan or anti-national elements”.

Aiyar's comments come weeks before Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in India. He shares a very close relationship with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and is making an exception during the Covid-19 time to visit a foreign country. Ahead of Putin's visit on December 6, the defence ministry has cleared over ₹5,000 crore deal with Russia to manufacture 7.5 lakh AK-203 assault rifles in Uttar Pradesh's Amethi.

India has also received Russia-made two S-400 air defence system, which will be deployed on north and east borders of India beginning 2022 to balance the tactical disadvantage faced by the military after Chinese military's surprise May 2020 transgressions on 1,597-km Ladakh Line of Control (LAC).

India has been engaged in a border standoff with China in Ladakh since last year. The armies of both the countries engaged in a skirmish in June 2020 in which India lost 20 soldiers and the PLA too suffered an unknown number of casualties.

A number of talks between the two countries have taken place to end the standoff, but tension still continues in some areas along the LAC.

Indeed; below picture says it all

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