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India has appetite for Israeli smart city systems


Oct 25, 2013
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10 Israeli companies are making presentations at a New Delhi exhibition.

10 Israeli companies are making presentations at an exhibition that opened today at the New Delhi exhibition grounds. The companies' technologies are in water improvement, smart city management, and environmentally friendly construction.

Barak Granot, head of the Economic and Trade Department of the Israeli embassy in India, said, "India has a huge appetite for Israeli smart city technologies. Many companies from all over the world that are active in this sector are eager to do business in the Indian market, but the Indian authorities prefer Israeli innovation in this market."


Motorola Solutions Israel developing disaster handling system

Granot told "Globes" that the authorities in India are preparing to invest tens of billions of dollars annually in smart cities in preparation for the expected migration of 300 million people from rural areas to cities over the coming decade. He says, "The Indian government is leading a plan for 107 smart cities all over the country, and we hope that Israeli companies will have many opportunities in this sphere. Over the past two years, we have seen a positive change for Israeli companies operating in India, and a warming of relations between the two countries is evident." In an additional expression of the good these good relations, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Israel this summer.

Six weeks ago, Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) (TASE: www.globes-online.com - on May 11, 2017

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Doubt it.

Indian Pvt Cos are already ahead in IoT and smart hub areas. Lots of projects already running. Recently, an Indian company just bagged a huge deal in Israel itself.
India has appetite for Israeli smart city systems

India has appetite for everything good.
But where is the money?


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