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India Got it's First Medal at Rio!!!!! Second on the way.........

Finally an Indian with a better cranial capacity. :)

Think about it..

North Korea --- population 20 million
India --- population 1.5 billion

Hmmm, time to introspect and see if it's worth participating in the Olympics. Maybe save the associated costs and make better use of the funds within India?
That's rich coming from a B'deshi! Your tally even in Asian & Commonwealth games is abysmal.:rofl: You dare talk here!
You do know that Gita is a Persian name as well, and has nothing to do with the Indian Geeta right? One bigot coming to the help of another, why am I not surprised!

She confessed she's a halfling. Nothing to do with her name. She could be named abdul for all I care, and still be a halfling.
Stop obsessing with her and get a life.
Whats to be so proud of one bronze medal .. even North Korean is ahead of us .
It's happiness, if you follow the main olympic discussion thread you will see there have been many close misses,4th place finishes (missing out by 0.1 pts!!) etc, and hence a lot of disappointment, many people were even thinking this would be the worst olympics for us in recent years, not to mention, even trolling by some p3 personalities like shobha de...so winning this medal was a big relief and happiness, besides nothing wrong in celebrating your winners, winning even one is not easy.
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@waz Can we ban this person permanently? Trolling like a loser racist that it is....and most likely a false flagger trying to divide our country up.

Has not even checked to see where PV Sindhu hails from....or is deblierately ignorant of it.

EDIT: nvm the post seems to have vanished.
i second to you..

@waz take action on Sakra.. she is a racist..
Haha yet you were offended when people were commenting about your dp? Your jig is up mate, might as well start working on your new alterego.

Yea b/c creeping on people is wrong. Are you a virg, how do you not know that's wrong. BTW don't quote me ever again.
Those wrestlers are both girls. :tongue:

Btw why are PDF ppl ready to split each other on this thread?
Looks like a lot of ppl here don't know how to use google images.
whatever happened to Sakshi Malik's medal. :tsk:

could not find a male vs female wresling image, can't imagine how it would turn out in the end :D
& I hereby declare that Let the gate for fame & fortune be now open to this girl. :big_boss:
I heard the Haryana govt is gonna shower whopping 2 crores on her.

But why cant our govt invest the same amount in training such sportsperson?

could not find a male vs female wresling image, can't imagine how it would turn out in the end :D
ur imagination!

Just FYI- Sakshi Malik used to actually wrestle and train with boys. :)
Not like she had a choice, considering the talent in India is among Male Wrestlers. YOu have to learn from the best..
She had no other choice. Have you seen ankharas with females in them?
She had to not just wrestle against her opponents but also battle against social biases and sexism to learn wrestling.
Such girls earn my respect because what they do is extremely dangerous.
She had no other choice. Have you seen ankharas with females in them?
She had to not just wrestle against her opponents but also battle against social biases and sexism to learn wrestling.
Such girls earn my respect because what they do is extremely dangerous.

Someone has to break the taboo first, rest will follow automatically... Hopefully she can be a beacon for other budding female wrestlers
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