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India Got it's First Medal at Rio!!!!! Second on the way.........

The day Indians stop playing cricket in every empty dust field or street 'galli', is the day when we can have some hope in other sports stars. When millions of youngsters have only CRICKET as a mad passion, you can hardly have any hope for other sports. I would be happy even if VOLLEYBALL takes center stage in mud grounds or beach fronts. But all you see is cricket, cricket, cricket, cricket and focking cricket everywhere to the point of ad nauseam.

Sorry, not Levina didi. She is sane.. Maaf karo benjee.
Trust me bro...all these 'rona dhona' about bad infra and corruption is a fraud in itself....have you seen Africans winning many golds and silvers despite lack of infra and corruption in their countries too....We are just not interested in other sports other than Cricket. Truth be told.

Africans participating mostly in Running events... in which they have advantage.. but for sports like Gymnastics, wrestling- we need infra and proper training..

Trust me bro...all these 'rona dhona' about bad infra and corruption is a fraud in itself....have you seen Africans winning many golds and silvers despite lack of infra and corruption in their countries too....We are just not interested in other sports other than Cricket. Truth be told.

Africans participating mostly in Running events... in which they have advantage.. but for sports like Gymnastics, wrestling- we need infra and proper training..

He offered 1 lac to every athlete participating in olympics. ..
Not bad, but wish such gestures are shown during preparatory years leading to olympics, that gives a chance to the struggling athletes in overcoming hardships.
just read today, that for UK each medal costs several million pounds spent on grassroot levels.
Here in India, the only time we hear about our sports associations are during dirty elections.
But people like P Gopi chand and his academy gives a lot of hope. It is efforts like these that will fetch us glory in future.

Sehwag really never offered a politically correct defensive stroke.
De would know this now :p:
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