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India Got it's First Medal at Rio!!!!! Second on the way.........

I told you he/it is arya desa. It thinks that by putting picture of an Iranian girl as its dp, it can confuse people into thinking that it is a female. :rofl:

@waz please verify if @Śakra is an alterego of banned bigot @Arya Desa

It, is a pretty funny thing really.


You gotta let this, it, go.
I told you he/it is arya desa. It thinks that by putting picture of an Iranian girl as its dp, it can confuse people into thinking that it is a female. :rofl:

@waz please verify if @Śakra is an alterego of the banned bigot @Arya Desa

@waz This group bullying behavior should not be allowed in the forum. Those who disagree with her views can simply choose not to respond to her posts.

Please warn this guy and his coterie of trolls.
Whats to be so proud of one bronze medal .. even North Korean is ahead of us .
c'mon bro , it's been a very disappointing olympic for all of us . It is not easy to win an olympic medal of any kind . It could have been worse for us , coming back empty handed . Let's be grateful to Sakshi Malik.
@waz This group bullying behavior should not be allowed in the forum. Those who disagree with her views can simply choose not to respond to her posts.

Please warn this guys and his coterie of trolls.

I have a pack of trolls after me calling me Arya dashi, Razpak, or a host of other supposed "trolls". There is a vicious gang of Indians here, no wonder Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Chinese, Iranis, Amreekis, and basically anyone else who visits this site comes to hate Indians.
This guy keeps on calling me it. Can you please report him?
Tsk tsk
@Nilgiri bro, stop being a naughty boy. Pls don't stalk "it".
@Śakra hon, you know what? I think "it" is very gender neutral, personally I would have preferred being called an IT.


Btw good going Sakshi Malik. :tup: :tup: :tup:
Hats off to her guide Ishwar Dahiya who despite protests from the villagers took her under his wing and trained her. :tup:

On a side note, @Star Wars Sakshi Malik is 5'4", 58kgs....exactly like me.Why do I have a feeling that I could have also been a wrestler? :ashamed:
lmao, then she is an Iranian residing in Sweden! Full name Gita Hadizadeh.

So she is not an Indian :lol:

Nop, she's a halfling.
She never denied anything. Stop bullying else it's time you get a deserving vacation. @waz
You have deleted your posts, other members have proved it please don't lie. Even if you by some miracle didn't, him calling you it does not warrant a report. If he stalks you, prove it.

Who are you talking to bhai?
@waz Can we ban this person permanently? Trolling like a loser racist that it is....and most likely a false flagger trying to divide our country up.

Has not even checked to see where PV Sindhu hails from....or is deblierately ignorant of it.

EDIT: nvm the post seems to have vanished.
i second to you..

@waz take action on Sakra.. she is a racist..
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