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India Got it's First Medal at Rio!!!!! Second on the way.........


Apr 4, 2012
Reaction score
SAKSHI MALIK...............................



Only a bronze tho so it's not really anything to be proud of.
It's rather amazing some of these athletics from India can go so far, considering what they have to go through. I've seen the, "facility", one of the previous wrestler worked out of, looked like absolute shit. Like my high school's gym was way better.
Such big country only one bronze shame even small country can hv gold see medals tally you will know

Everyone please join the main discussion and celebration here:


It's rather amazing some of these athletics from India can go so far, considering what they have to go through. I've seen the, "facility", one of the previous wrestler worked out of, looked like absolute shit. Like my high school's gym was way better.

Yup....triumph of the will over everything else.

I have had a long discussion about this on the india rio thread earlier.
When I saw south "Indian" names during the olympics I knew they were going to lose.

@waz Can we ban this person permanently? Trolling like a loser racist that it is....and most likely a false flagger trying to divide our country up.

Has not even checked to see where PV Sindhu hails from....or is deblierately ignorant of it.

EDIT: nvm the post seems to have vanished.
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@waz Can we ban this person permanently? Trolling like a loser racist that it is....and most likely a false flagger trying to divide our country up.

Has not even checked to see where PV Sindhu hails from....or is deblierately ignorant of it.

What's racist about it? That pv sindhu hasn't won any medal nor is she likely to win one. I didn't say North Indians are any better. Stop being so insecure.
That pv sindhu hasn't won any medal nor is she likely to win one.

@ranjeet @TejasMk3 @Abba_Dabba_Jabba @arp2041

Since you are a fan of deleting your own posts like the false flagging coward you are:


I couldn't get the one it said earlier where it said that south indians do not win medals (didnt know the whole quote disappears when original post is deleted).

The exact quote went something like : I saw the list of athletes and when I saw so many south indian names in the list, I knew we would win nothing.

@Rajaraja Chola @Roybot @Levina @Rain Man @nair @Joe Shearer

When "darkies" like Leander Paes and Malleswari have been the single medal winners for India so many times....this troll must be so butthurt

I will screenshot anything else racist/ethnically demeaning you say from now like the dumb twat you are


@AndrewJin @Dungeness :

This is the kind of thing we were talking about in the other thread....some of the "elite" never change unfortunately. They need to have the reality shoved right up their dumb behinds.
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Since you are a fan of deleting your own posts like the false flagging coward you are:
There used to be a member called Arya desa , he had the same attitude, false flagging guy, and massively stupid posts against South, Bengalis And Bangladeshis. Saw his posting pattern and realized it was the same guy. Will probably get banned sometime soon again.

If you notice, there is a 'designated irritant' for each region,I guess he is meant to be the manlion of north :enjoy:.
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