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India gets short end in NATO bargain

Sir, even Indian Hindus here talk about Baniya mentality or ideology. And they themselves have admitted that it is a cultural slang even now used in India.

As I understand, Baniyas were the ones who would loan people money on exorbitant interests and were ruthless in getting their money back along with the interest, biyaj is probably the word used in Hindi - if I am not mistaken.

You are completely wrong.
It was a rich state and had defied the Dilli Sarkar for years by refusing to pay the yearly taxes. When the forces of Dilli Sarkar reached the gates of his capital, the economically strong raja could not fight the might and paid lot more than what he owed, including his own daughter as alms to the King in Dilli.

What is source of this wrong history. :lol::lol:
We should trade with the Chinese, the Americans, the West, the Russians, the Arabs, the Turks and the devil himself, as long as it brings money in this country.

We also have to protect our interests and do not have to sell ourselves cheap.

Makes sense to me. I don't know why people are arguing.
I read the whole post. What I mean is, that money is what you should be concentrating on. I mean China wouldn't be able to spend 150 billion USD on their army and command respect in the region, if they didnt have a 7 trillion USD economy. Economy comes first. Once you are economically stronger, political and military credibility will automatically follow. But your theory seems to put economy second to other necessities.

And FaujHistorian's reply was to comments like this:

These so called Indian Hindu people who are money minded - they have been successful havent they? They have earned money, increased military strength and gained political credibility. So learn from them or if you dont like Hindus, learn from the Buddhists who are just as money minded, infact even more so.

I have a different take on this aspect and I have given my viewpoint on many different occasions here.

Despite the fact that India may become a rich country, it would not become become a strong geopolitical power. National power potential is not solely dependent on having more money - yes it indeed helps but this is not the only thing which is needed to make a country great. This is my take on it.

You are completely wrong.

Sorry - I disagree with you.
Can you mention the page number please about the daughter part

Please open your mouth and stuff your foot in it. Do read the book and other literature and you will enjoy the fascinating description of events of the time.
Despite the fact that India may become a rich country, it would not become become a strong geopolitical power. National power potential is not solely dependent on having more money - yes it indeed helps but this is not the only thing which is needed to make a country great. This is my take on it.

It would. But for that India should be willing to make the necessary political changes. Meaning at that time India would start abandoning its non aligned stance OR become large enough to influence nations on its own. Even now it does influence certain small countries like Nepal, Bhutan and BD etc at its borders. But, it isnt time for India to start acting like a big power, it is still a country in its developing stages. So it is not a foregone conclusion that India cannot or will not become a geopolitical power. Its just that India CHOOSES not to be at this moment, as there are other more important and more pressing issues at hand that need to be addressed.

And if this is the case with India, it is definitely not time for Pakistan as well.
We're not the ones being breached of our sovereignty with drone strikes and what not.
Plus China is the last country to preach about disputes with their neighbors. Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Russia have/had a dispute with you some time or another in the last 60 decades of the creation of your country.

ahh...u forgot indonesia mate...
Sir, even Indian Hindus here talk about Baniya mentality or ideology. And they themselves have admitted that it is a cultural slang even now used in India.

Sir, and it was a Pakistani Muslim who made that Jihad post to which you replied with your banya racist crap. You are full of it.
Not my ritual :lol:

I repeat: "Can you mention the page number, about the daughter part" :lol:

I don't have the time to get the book from my library and find the page number for you. I will just quote from the text that I have from my computer and will paste it here.

I honestly don't want any disrespect to anyone by posting this fact, as written in the book. I am posting it only because the gentleman insists. Please forgive me if I unintentionally tend to aggrieve any one - this is not the intent. It is quoted as an intellectual dispensation.


He halted here for four months, holding the Raya a prisoner in his own capital, while bodies of troops harassed and wasted the country south of Vijayanagar, and attacked the fortress of Bankapur. The "convenient plain" was probably in the open and rich valley near the town of Hospett, south of the city; for the Sultan could not have ravaged the country to the south unless he had been master of the whole of this valley for many miles. Bankapur was taken, and the detached forces returned bringing with them 60,000 Hindu prisoners; on which the Sultan left Khan-e-khanan to hold Vijayanagar, while he himself attempted to reduce the fortress of Adoni, "the strongest in possession of the enemy."

Deva Raya then began to treat for peace, and was compelled to submit to conditions to the last degree humiliating. He agreed to give the Sultan his daughter in marriage, to indemnify him with an immense treasure, and to cede for ever the fort of Bankapur.[96]
Sir, and it was a Pakistani Muslim who made that Jihad post to which you replied with your banya racist crap. You are full of it.

I agree and I just tried to explain to this Pakistani poster the importance and his using a racist slant. It indeed was a reply to this Pakistani gentleman.

Your quoted reference however, was in reply to an Indian poster.
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