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India gets short end in NATO bargain

That is the unfortunate result of being preached the "higher than the mountains ,deeper than the..." line

China looks after China..
we are the only fools that presume to be able to destroy our own interests to "Serve" others in the fools hope that our act of supreme self immolation in somebody's love will land us a guardian angel in the future.

It is not a matter of serving anyone. We present better opportunities to others. After all why would the Chinese be working overtime to re-construct part of the Karakurram Highway. It is in their interest.

Why would Hillary Clinton puts pressure on Pakistan to say yes to the Silk Route strategy, it is in their interest.

We should learn to do the same.

Why do we have to bring in religion all the time. I don't understand.
Geopolitics doesn't have any religion, caste or creed. Just interests. If China's access gets restricted in SSC and ESC, it has only two options. Burma and Pakistan to access IOR. Chinese traders would want access to the sea and if that access is not provided or restricted, where would they go.

From Bab el Mandab and Gulf, the shortest route to Eastern and Central China is through Pakistan. The traders save a hell lot of money if this trading zone is operative. If the oil and gas is transported to Eastern and central China, rather than from SSC or ECS. It is very simple to understand.

Our policies are not made by Islamo-whatever traders. These are made by people who probably go to a mosque only for the two eids in a year.

I don't know where does your illustriously ill-informed predictions emanate from.

Chinese traders will make damn sure that Hong Kong and Guangjo would never get blocked. Where are you living my dear? Have you ever been to that region? See the map and checkout 1000s of miles of Chinese coastline along Pacific first. Blockage my foot!

Islamists and socilists in Pakistan keep on touting "higher than himalya ..... cr@p" (thanks to Oscar in the above post) without ever realizing that our railway is destroyed and our land routes are unreliable. while majority China lives on the farthest side from Pakistan (see the map please).

This is why Chinese trading class has dumped almost ALL the civilian projects in Pakistan.

You may be right that some socialists baboo baboon may visit a mosque on two Eids, that's why I used the term "Islamo-socialist".

Unless our trading class establishes close relations with the West, and stops supporting Moooolllies and Ayatooooollies, we have no money. And thus we do not have anything to offer to Chinese trading class.

It is not a matter of serving anyone. We present better opportunities to others. After all why would the Chinese be working overtime to re-construct part of the Karakurram Highway. It is in their interest.

Why would Hillary Clinton puts pressure on Pakistan to say yes to the Silk Route strategy, it is in their interest.

We should learn to do the same.

Why do we have to bring in religion all the time. I don't understand.

On paper your logic may look good.

In reality, us as Pakistani nation, and our trading class has presented opportunities only to the Gulf Arab Jih@dis and Iranian Auatullies so that we can bring home the Beduin fascism in our beautiful country.

Please note that Chinese work on K-Highway is pittance from Chinese budget is concerned and most likely supported by a tiny minority of their civil-military bureaucrats.

Look at the big picture please. The BIGGGGGG fing picture.

The likes of you are throwing away $trillions of trade with the West, while begging for few million dollars from Chinese civil-military bureaucrats.
Chinese traders will make damn sure that Hong Kong and Guangjo would never get blocked. Where are you living my dear? Have you ever been to that region? See the map and checkout 1000s of miles of Chinese coastline along Pacific first. Blockage my foot!

Islamists and socilists in Pakistan keep on touting "higher than himalya ..... cr@p" (thanks to Oscar in the above post) without ever realizing that our railway is destroyed and our land routes are unreliable. while majority China lives on the farthest side from Pakistan (see the map please).

This is why Chinese trading class has dumped almost ALL the civilian projects in Pakistan.

You may be right that some socialists baboo baboon may visit a mosque on two Eids, that's why I used the term "Islamo-socialist".

Unless our trading class establishes close relations with the West, and stops supporting Moooolllies and Ayatooooollies, we have no money. And thus we do not have anything to offer to Chinese trading class.


ha ha ha .....

I wonder why the Americans are calling SE Asia as the Pivot.

I wonder why the choke points falling in the SLOCS are so important in this world.

I wonder why the world commons are so important to the Americans.

I wonder why India has a Tri-Service Command at Andaman & Nicobar - certainly not for anti-piracy drive.

I wonder why the choke points which bypass Malaka Straits in Indonesia are so important for the Americans and the Chinese and the world at large.

I wonder why are the Americans sitting so heavily in the Gulf and their 5th Fleet is permanently stationed there.

I wonder why the 7th Fleet is stationed in Japan.

And I wonder why do you have your foot in your mouth.
On paper your logic may look good.

In reality, us as Pakistani nation, and our trading class has presented opportunities only to the Gulf Arab Jih@dis and Iranian Auatullies so that we can bring home the Beduin fascism in our beautiful country.

Please note that Chinese work on K-Highway is pittance from Chinese budget is concerned and most likely supported by a tiny minority of their civil-military bureaucrats.

Look at the big picture please. The BIGGGGGG fing picture.

The likes of you are throwing away $trillions of trade with the West, while begging for few million dollars from Chinese civil-military bureaucrats.

oh my goodness .... you are the other side of midnight.

Nobody is throwing the trade away. Everybody want to trade with west, America or Timbuktu for that matter.

Yes there are those who do not want trade with Americans and the west - they can lump it.

We should encourage trade with every nation in this world, except the Indians - I am joking. :)

We should trade with the Chinese, the Americans, the West, the Russians, the Arabs, the Turks and the devil himself, as long as it brings money in this country.

We also have to protect our interests and do not have to sell ourselves cheap.

We have the advantage of our location and we should also use that.

We should facilitate trade through us to different places.

There is also a war going on, in part of our country and in a neighbouring country. We have to get out of this war in an advantageous position which is in our interest.

And I don't know how are you looking at your BIGGGGG picutre - whereas it is very simple to understand the realities on ground and act on aspects which are in our interest.

Now please don't ask me, who decides on our interests and start another charade.
This is utter,utter BS!! The article doesn't seem to understand excalty what NATO is and what it does and gets confused between the US,NATO,WHO and UN!
ha ha ha .....

I wonder why the Americans are calling SE Asia as the Pivot.

I wonder why the choke points falling in the SLOCS are so important in this world.

I wonder why the world commons are so important to the Americans.

I wonder why India has a Tri-Service Command at Andaman & Nicobar - certainly not for anti-piracy drive.

I wonder why the choke points which bypass Malaka Straits in Indonesia are so important for the Americans and the Chinese and the world at large.

I wonder why are the Americans sitting so heavily in the Gulf and their 5th Fleet is permanently stationed there.

I wonder why the 7th Fleet is stationed in Japan.

[personal attacks deleted.........................learn some basic antiquates of discussion. Will ya?.....]

.learn some basic antiquates of discussion. Will ya? Shouting and frothing like a Talib will not help you win votes.

Coming back to the topic.

Your questions are valid, but they belong to a 3rd grade geography book. Were you born recently? and suddenly realized that Americans are everywhere?

Oh Bhai Loag,

American fleets have been in the region since the end of WWII. And no they never attacked China, since then.


American fleets have been in gulf for decades now.

Before Americans, British navy used to control the same places. That's just flow of things. And do not even bring Indian navy in the same paragraph as American navy. Indians may be huge navy from Pakistani POV, but they are puny little girly thing in front of the American navy.

I don't what you all smoke and then go into this la la land where Americans are attacking China.

Pathetic. just pathetic.
.learn some basic antiquates of discussion. Will ya? Shouting and frothing like a Talib will not help you win votes.

Coming back to the topic.

Your questions are valid, but they belong to a 3rd grade geography book. Were you born recently? and suddenly realized that Americans are everywhere?

Oh Bhai Loag,

American fleets have been in the region since the end of WWII. And no they never attacked China, since then.


American fleets have been in gulf for decades now.

Before Americans, British navy used to control the same places. That's just flow of things. And do not even bring Indian navy in the same paragraph as American navy. Indians may be huge navy from Pakistani POV, but they are puny little girly thing in front of the American navy.

I don't what you all smoke and then go into this la la land where Americans are attacking China.

Pathetic. just pathetic.

Antiquity of your thinking encouraged me to talk about the foot in the mouth decease. It was not a personal attack – I was just wondering aloud.

I wonder whoever talked about an American attack on China.

Though the U.S. had been fighting two major wars in the Asian continent since the aftermath of 9/11, official pronouncement of its military’s shift from being predominantly Euro-centric to Asia-centric came much later. U.S. Navy and Marine Corps formalized the shift of its primary focus from Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to Pacific and Indian Oceans in 2007 and 2008 respectively. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in its 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review conducted from February 2009 to January 2010, directed the US Navy, Air Force and Marines to develop a comprehensive concept to counter emerging anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) challenges. During the second half of 2011, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta signed the Air-Sea Battle (ASB) operational concept into effect. On November 9, 2011 the U.S. DoD announced creation of a Air-Sea Battle Office to integrate air and naval combat capabilities in support of emerging US national security requirements. The ASB operational concept was also one of the major pillars on which U.S. DoD proposed January 17, 2012 Joint Operational Access Concept (JOAC) was based upon.

Now please go back to singing your jingles.

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
Even though Islamo-socialists of Pakistan want China as their new god, the problem is that Chinese will kick our @rse and get rid of us. The neo-Chinese nationalists do not want to carry the old and heavy baggage of 200 million good for nothing poors.

Us Pakistanis fail to understand that Chinese and Indians are making policies under pressure from their trading class.

Trading classes of India and China both want close relations, and good relations with the West. This is simply because the West in general and America in particular is a HUGE market for the goods and services exported from both India and China.

Pakistani trading class on the other hand is Islamists in nature so they support anti-American and anti-West forces within the country.

Chinese and Indian bureaucrats do have some leftover hiccups from communist and socialist dominated years from mid -to-late 40s all the way to 80s. So they sometimes make $tupid decisions that are quickly snubbed down by the trading class.

Thus the tussle between India and China, or the love affair between India-West or China-West will be mainly driven by trading classes of the countries. and change in governments will not have long term impact.

for the same reasons Chinese trading class has already dumped Pakistan as it is seen as a liability rather than an asset.

It is time that Pakistani trading classes too see the light of the day and quit supporting Islamo-fascists in favor of their trade with the West.


Good point

Intelligent people follow money trail. ''Tel dekho tel ki dhaar dekho''.

Rest is just blah blah blah
Good point

Intelligent people follow money trail. ''Tel dekho tel ki dhaar dekho''.

Rest is just blah blah blah

Intelligent people get the political power as well as the money.

Stupid people only go for money and remain subservient to powerful people.

Please don't spread baniya ideology here. Everybody here is not a fauji historian here.
Hate to turn this India-NATO thread into Pakistan-China bhai bhai, china-America lara-ee lara-ee.

But unfortunately you continue inapt and inaccurate remarks over and over and over again. Such a pathetic situation here.

Please don't spread baniya ideology here..

Yeap. The only ideology for the likes of you Sir is the "Begger ideology". Beg Arabs, get Jih@di money, beg China, get no money, then go back to America, This is what Islamo-socialists have been doing in Pakistan.

No will to work, just beg and call others who do work a "baniya". Shabash. very very Shabash.

Indian and Chinese have set up the best "shops" for providing products and services to American consumer. These shops are the model of humility, customer service, and quality.

American buyers love to visit both China and India "shops", dream about the visits, and treated by Chinese and Indians with utmost care and service.

Every country in the world is like a shop. What really matters is what they are selling, and how well they treat someone who may walk by.

The likes of you have turned Pakistani shop into a place that has mad-dog-mullies in the front, who bark and bite at everyone who passes by. Inside the Pakistani "shop" we could sell products similar to China and India. But no! the likes of you would rather sells "Islamist-terror, and Mohajir-terror" and kill any gora buyer who makes a mistake to come by.

Obviously you cannot be a "baniya" sir, you would rather be a begger or exporters of the likes of Shehzad-black-faced.

Intelligent people get the political power as well as the money.

Stupid people only go for money and remain subservient to powerful people.

Time and again it has been shown that

masses work, the country leaders get political power

In Pakistan, masses do not work, they do politics based on Islamo-socialist idiot-ology ideology, hence our leaders are beggars.

But you won't know. Islamism cannot let you go beyond the dark Hujra and bait-ul-Khla.

Intelligent people get the political power as well as the money.

Stupid people only go for money and remain subservient to powerful people.

Please don't spread baniya ideology here. Everybody here is not a fauji historian here.

Your comments are racist and your self glory is nauseating.

People know more than you.

Your intelligent people, powerful people subservient blah blah blah doesn't make sense.

Come back again and give me one good example from history of empires you claim to be an expert, where emotional ranting has yielded anything to people other than beating in detail. Heck I allow you to give any example from history of Islam if you can.

Its all about economy first then rest is left on strategies and tactics if there is no salvation other than animosity or war. People who doesn't have economy or resources they don't plan to invade, either they are crushed, if intelligence then they survive as partners or competitors, if idiots then as subservient been bullied at whim.

We know from where you talk and your source of motivation, If all your ideas originate from how India reacts to Pakistan's adventures then either you are underestimating or dangerously mis-reading us and others whom we are dealing with, including China.
China and Pakistan have nothing to do with trade. It's all about banding together to fight against the evil enemies -- USA and india.

Chinese government is not stupid. They know india follows Arthashastra -- indians attack their neighbors and befriend the far. We will never trust them.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, there seems to be a 5th column in that country who loves USA and wants to trade sovereignty and dignity for US $$$. Even in China there is a 5th column thinking the same way but they are not in control of politics or the military.

:pakistan::china: Working together will help us defeat our common enemies, inside and outside.
China and Pakistan have nothing to do with trade. It's all about banding together to fight against the evil enemies -- USA and india.

Chinese government is not stupid. They know india follows Arthashastra -- indians attack their neighbors and befriend the far. We will never trust them.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, there seems to be a 5th column in that country who loves USA and wants to trade sovereignty and dignity for US $$$. Even in China there is a 5th column thinking the same way but they are not in control of politics or the military.

:pakistan::china: Working together will help us defeat our common enemies, inside and outside.

We're not the ones being breached of our sovereignty with drone strikes and what not.
Plus China is the last country to preach about disputes with their neighbors. Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Russia have/had a dispute with you some time or another in the last 60 decades of the creation of your country.
We're not the ones being breached of our sovereignty with drone strikes and what not.
Plus China is the last country to preach about disputes with their neighbors. Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Russia have/had a dispute with you some time or another in the last 60 decades of the creation of your country.
China was created in 300 BC.

Only india was created 1945 because you were subjugated for 1000 years by foreign rulers since about the 10th century AD.
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