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India gets joint Special Forces operations division

Battle-ready --- perhaps
But not nearly as battle-hardened as the SSG/N/W
"Sub kuchh luta kay hosh main aaye tau kaya kiya"
(A song by Talat Mahmood)
Battle-ready --- perhaps
But not nearly as battle-hardened as the SSG/N/W

So what do you suggest ??? India should also allow violent radicals and armed elements manifest out of control so that our special forces can also gain the much needed battle hardness, huh ??? :azn:
So what do you suggest ??? India should also allow violent radicals and armed elements manifest out of control so that our special forces can also gain the much needed battle hardness, huh ??? :azn:
Why are u even engaging the folks who think that SF of one of the oldest military force in Subcontinent isnt battle hardened. Its laughable...
Is this something related to this?

India to raise its own SEALs


So what do you suggest ??? India should also allow violent radicals and armed elements manifest out of control so that our special forces can also gain the much needed battle hardness, huh ??? :azn:
Our SF has taken out tons of terrorists in Kashmir and NE. If they feel SSG is invincible, let them because we our regular infantry caught em pants down in 1965 and will continue to do so
Our SF has taken out tons of terrorists in Kashmir and NE. If they feel SSG is invincible, let them because we our regular infantry caught em pants down in 1965 and will continue to do so
no they did not ........... SSG conducted a daring raid albeit without any prior training and poor operational wisdom ........ As for experience Pakistan has a joint special forces command from literally the beginning .... SSG was from the start a dedicated special operation command ......... SSG/N/W are just namesakes .... they do have different operations vis-a-vis their field but are inter-operational
no they did not ........... SSG conducted a daring raid albeit without any prior training and poor operational wisdom ........ As for experience Pakistan has a joint special forces command from literally the beginning .... SSG was from the start a dedicated special operation command ......... SSG/N/W are just namesakes .... they do have different operations vis-a-vis their field but are inter-operational
Every operation is considered to be daring given the risk involved, even operations conducted state police and paramilitary forces in deep jungles which are naxal strongholds are as risky as any other cross-border operations because these naxals know the forests in and out and they're completely mined and ready to ambush the forces. But the forces did a successful job by eliminating them, now that the naxals are in insignificant numbers

Regarding joint SF teams, our forces wanted to form their own SF teams specializing in their area of expertise and terrain but now MoD wants to form something on the lines of US Navy SEALS where SF operatives from existing commands can apply, but I'm not sure if NSG is allowed since they're under Home Ministry
Again the same old dumbassery by the Pakistanis who came here not to discuss defense but show off. I’m all for patriotism but the biasery on this forum is pretty bad. I know it’s “Pakistan defense” but why have an Indian section if it’s all showing off and no discussion? Or at least accept that you are biased then.
Pakistanis are responsible for it in Indian threads more than Indians are in Pakistani ones at this point. Why is this an opportunity to show off…

On topic: The SSG and these Indian SEALs are different things, both are special forces, but with different goals and bases…you can’t make a comparison based on what they did like 40 years ago. Everyone knows this is not 65 or 71. Grow up please. It’ll be very different in modern combat and were yet to see who comes out on top there, until then there should be discussion and not useless “this is better than that because I said so” shit.
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If not for the IMF, that's what your entire population would've been in a couple of months

why india is talking so much about imf? some of your members explained things like india is great.india can do this blah blah blah but they also said that due to imf,pakistan is weak economically.are you really trying to become stronger in front of us just because of our weak pint imf? i mean this type of mentality can't win you battles.it's pathetic.
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