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India gets access to strategic Oman port for military use

Aaaa Chabarhar is an Irani asset Indian bank just gave the loan. If Chabahar was Indian asset why would Iran do this. https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iran-seizes-4-trespassing-indian-vessels-in-arvand-waterway.543410/

I think China has kicked India out of Chabahar and Indian are looking for alternate.
Chabahar was never an Indian asset nor base. Only indiot fanboys were masturbating over it. Chabahar is an Indian funded port even then it was only for one berth to bypass Pakistan when transporting goods to Afghanistan. So smart indiots paid a few hundred million so they could send free grain to Afghanistan to prove to Pakistan they are a supa powa. :lol:

Iranians even invited Chinese to join in the port project but since we had Gwadar, we proposed to link them together instead.

The Oman deal is abit vague, we need to wait for more details. Is it a maintenance agreement, where Indian ships pay to get some services and goods, etc.
Why ties with Israel? Ummah is already in bed with Israel and that's what Ummah wants. Israel is paving the way for India in Ummah.
Isnt Ummah the reason why we dont accept Israel otherwise Pakistan has no direct quarrel with them. Even Palestinian leaders are in bed with the Indians, on the other hand they except Pakistan not to recognise Israel and we continue to honour that wish. Heck we even spearheaded the resolution in the UN against US moving its embassy to Jerusalem while Ummah remained quiet.
And just before people jump to my throat for speaking against the Ummah, all i am saying that Pakistan should also keep its interests foremost. Playing by the side of Ummah didnt give Pakistan or Pakistanis any special favour. Heck these gulf states prefer Indians over Pakistanis on any given day.
Isnt Ummah the reason why we dont accept Israel otherwise Pakistan has no direct quarrel with them. Even Palestinian leaders are in bed with the Indians, on the other hand they except Pakistan not to recognise Israel and we continue to honour that wish. Heck we even spearheaded the resolution in the UN against US moving its embassy to Jerusalem while Ummah remained quiet.
And just before people jump to my throat for speaking against the Ummah, all i am saying that Pakistan should also keep its interests foremost. Playing by the side of Ummah didnt give Pakistan or Pakistanis any special favour. Heck these gulf states prefer Indians over Pakistanis on any given day.

Why do we need Ummah for the cause of Palestine? Isn't being Muslims enough cause?
Why do we need Ummah for the cause of Palestine? Isn't being Muslims enough cause?
Pakistan isnt the only muslim country on this planet, they are others and who have more at stake than Pakistan ever will be but they chose to keep their interests at heart than anything else. Why do we need to be the thakadars of every thing?
Pakistan isnt the only muslim country on this planet, they are others and who have more at stake than Pakistan ever will be but they chose to keep their interests at heart than anything else. Why do we need to be the thakadars of every thing?

Okay what should Pakistan do recognize Israel and give Qibla-e-awal to jews? Do you agree?
There is some thing strange about this news. Why do India want to keep an eye on .

I can understand India wants to keep an eye on Gawadar but why India wants to keep Chabahar in sight?

1. To protect it's assets in Chabahar
2. Because it will also be used by China....
Okay what should Pakistan do recognize Israel and give Qibla-e-awal to jews? Do you agree?
Whether Pakistan recognises or not, has not made a difference because its already happening, and so this is a moot point. Besides how does Pakistan not recognising Israel helping anything? Even Turkey who strongly opposed this move also recognises Israel. Why dont we?
1. To protect it's assets in Chabahar
2. Because it will also be used by China....

Please explain the word assets here? There are no Indian assets in Chabahar India just gave the loan through a bank and the loan is of $150 million. India has lost Chabahar this very News verify that fact. If India could dock it's military ships in Chabahar why would it go to Oman.

Whether Pakistan recognises or not, has not made a difference because its already happening, and so this is a moot point. Besides how does Pakistan not recognising Israel helping anything? Even Turkey who strongly opposed this move also recognises Israel. Why dont we?

How will recognizing Israel will help Pakistan first explain this. 90% of Pakistani population is ready to go to war with Israel. Why would Pakistani Govt go against it's population?
If the news is true , then..
Congratulation to India..................... Shame on our foreign office and our elite...............

@El Sidd ,,,,,,, If you remember my question about Isreal in other thread??????????????? What about know ??

Pakistan First(Pakistani interests) ................... At any cost , now its time,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pakistan First (now or never).
How will recognizing Israel will help Pakistan first explain this. 90% of Pakistani population is ready to go to war with Israel. Why would Pakistani Govt go against it's population?

I very much doubt the 90% figure. Only the mullah brigade is willing to go to war for this Ummah, which makes me come back to my original point that Pakistan needs to let go being thakadars of everything in disguise of Ummah and these so called mullahs who bend rules of Islam and Quran for their own objectives. This so called Ummah is in bed with India, a nation led by a the killer of muslims. A country that regularly kills women and children in Kashmir. The so called thakadars of Islam dont see that but somehow are willing to go to war with Israel, this is seriously fucked up if you ask me.
Please explain the word assets here? There are no Indian assets in Chabahar India just gave the loan through a bank and the loan is of $150 million. India has lost Chabahar this very News verify that fact. If India could dock it's military ships in Chabahar why would it go to Oman.

How will recognizing Israel will help Pakistan first explain this. 90% of Pakistani population is ready to go to war with Israel. Why would Pakistani Govt go against it's population?
Population don't know any thing .............. Its state which have to decide....... Our nation is divided in Shia - Sunni and what not...................
So,,, State have to come out of fking stupid pressure of so called population.
Oman is not far either..

Why would Gangadesh need such a maintenance to be done in Oman since it has ample facilities in its country. Any way shame on the vassal state of Oman.
One by one m7slim countries are becoming vassal and slaves of atheists and others.

Why do we need Ummah for the cause of Palestine? Isn't being Muslims enough cause?
So u support sinkiang independence and Isis?

I very much doubt the 90% figure. Only the mullah brigade is willing to go to war for this Ummah, which makes me come back to my original point that Pakistan needs to let go being thakadars of everything in disguise of Ummah and these so called mullahs who bend rules of Islam and Quran for their own objectives. This so called Ummah is in bed with India, a nation led by a the killer of muslims. A country that regularly kills women and children in Kashmir. The so called thakadars of Islam dont see that but somehow are willing to go to war with Israel, this is seriously fucked up if you ask me.
Maybe it's you that has been wrong all along... that realization ....
I very much doubt the 90% figure. Only the mullah brigade is willing to go to war for this Ummah, which makes me come back to my original point that Pakistan needs to let go being thakadars of everything in disguise of Ummah and these so called mullahs who bend rules of Islam and Quran for their own objectives. This so called Ummah is in bed with India, a nation led by a the killer of muslims. A country that regularly kills women and children in Kashmir. The so called thakadars of Islam dont see that but somehow are willing to go to war with Israel, this is seriously fucked up if you ask me.

You never answered my question of benefit of recognizing Israel. Plus how is a port in Oman related to Israel. When ever such issues arrise some trolls start pushing Israeli agenda for the Jewish soft corner forgetting that Israel and India are the biggest allies.

Population don't know any thing .............. Its state which have to decide....... Our nation is divided in Shia - Sunni and what not...................
So,,, State have to come out of fking stupid pressure of so called population.

Pakistani state don't has the power Pakistani people have the power.

So u support drinking independence and Isis?

ISIS is Israel.
You never answered my question of benefit of recognizing Israel. Plus how is a port in Oman related to Israel. When ever such issues arrise some trolls start pushing Israeli agenda for the Jewish soft corner forgetting that Israel and India are the biggest allies.

Pakistani state don't has the power Pakistani people have the power.

ISIS is Israel.
Yea right... They are Muslim that's all.
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