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India Gearing Up To Deploy Its Much-Awaited S-400 Missiles By Early Next Year To Neutralize PLAAF’s Stealth Advantage?

HQ-22 medium range anti-aircraft missile system possibly deployed in SAM site in Tibet. Designed to engage 4th gen aircraft, it's capable of launching 12 missiles to engage up to 6 targets at altitudes ranging from 50m to 27,000m simultaneously, with an estimated range of 150-170km.
S-400 is extremely vulnerable to stand off strikes from strategic bombers. H-6N can strike thousands of km with cruise missiles. S-400 is sitting duck. Azerbaijan had its way with Armenian S-300 and that was with cheap drones.
S-400 is extremely vulnerable to stand off strikes from strategic bombers. H-6N can strike thousands of km with cruise missiles. S-400 is sitting duck. Azerbaijan had its way with Armenian S-300 and that was with cheap drones.

how.can a fully mobile system be vulnerable it's not static.
if it was so vulnerable why did India China and turkey three of the worlds most powerful militarys pay billions for them.

s400 is the top.rated air defense system on the planet by all global players including usa .

China may have bombed but those missles,will.be destroyed by mach 15 missles on the s400 system.

destroying incoming missles is why the s400 was conceived
China may have bombed but those missles,will.be destroyed by mach 15 missles on the s400 system.
Maybe update yourself a little about what's about to come, unlike you, I am not interested of making a list.
S400 is a potent weapon but still not a magical wand which will give India an edge over China. While this gives a good cover to critical military installations, it loss will be painful ($600 million a pop) as well. Bottom line, China will have to develop new tactics to ensure they don't end up losing to India.
how.can a fully mobile system be vulnerable it's not static.
if it was so vulnerable why did India China and turkey three of the worlds most powerful militarys pay billions for them.

s400 is the top.rated air defense system on the planet by all global players including usa .

China may have bombed but those missles,will.be destroyed by mach 15 missles on the s400 system.

destroying incoming missles is why the s400 was conceived
S400 best missile can only achieve a max of mach 6.5-7. Not mach 15 you idiot
S400 is a potent weapon but still not a magical wand which will give India an edge over China. While this gives a good cover to critical military installations, it loss will be painful ($600 million a pop) as well. Bottom line, China will have to develop new tactics to ensure they don't end up losing to India.
Indian here always downplay the real game changer which is stealth aircraft for an obvious reason, because they have none.
China before inducting J20 has a bunch of so called plans and tactics against F22 only later found out most of them were useless, stealth/anti stealth need a bunch of dollars and most importantly, you need an actual stealth aircraft.

In one of the official reports, despite under 100 flying hours in their J20, two pilots managed to "shoot" down multiple J16/J10C 4.5 gen aircraft.
Indian here always downplay the real game changer which is stealth aircraft for an obvious reason, because they have none.
China before inducting J20 has a bunch of so called plans and tactics against F22 only later found out most of them were useless, stealth/anti stealth need a bunch of dollars and most importantly, you need an actual stealth aircraft.

In one of the official reports, despite under 100 flying hours in their J20, two pilots managed to "shoot" down multiple J16/J10C 4.5 gen aircraft.
Another aspect they miss is presence of Chinese UCAV fleet and number of 4th and 4.5 gen aircrafts China has.
S400 is a potent weapon but still not a magical wand which will give India an edge over China. While this gives a good cover to critical military installations, it loss will be painful ($600 million a pop) as well. Bottom line, China will have to develop new tactics to ensure they don't end up losing to India.

China has 400km MLRS systems which coupled with MALE/Stealth jets/aerial EW platforms, can render the S400 dead fairly quickly - Chinese platforms and assets are highly integrated and they have had more time to study its flaws as well. India's assets are not as well integrated and their ability to take out a Chinese S400 system will be much more difficult, let alone other integrated chinese assets like HQ-9s.

Pakistan has most of the ingredients in place to tackle the S400 with the exception of 400km range MLRS systems. PAF maybe looking to use UAVs/UVACs/Suicide Drones as the "sharp end" to take out an S400 site while China has the option of "both unmanned aerial platforms and MLRS sytems available to it".

The S400s purpose is to dampen India's own fears as they place so much faith in single platforms like the "Raptor of the east" until proven otherwise, then actual real military capability(i think that approach comes from their idol worshipping habits - but more of that some other time). The destruction of multiple S300s systems in the recent Armenia/Azerbijan conflict tells you how vulnerable such systems can be if not deployed correctly with the associated systems to protect the S400 itself.

Additionally, given Russia is moving so much closer to China than India these days, you do have to wonder if the Russians have sold monkey versions of the S400 to India, knowing that they can be used against China ? I dont think Russia would want to see India succeed against China, in any way, given India's moves towards the QUAD and the USA.
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before you open big mouth get your facts right about speed
see proof of speed

looking foolish.now right
whomever wrote that report is definitely not any better than you, kid...what kind of alien fuel to power an anti air missile to the speed of 14mach, lol...
14mach S400 for Indian only, that must be a SUPER DUPER missile.
before you open big mouth get your facts right about speed
see proof of speed

looking foolish.now right
You cringe Lord

'By some accounts the 40N6 has an estimated speed of around 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) per second [Mach 14]. Other sources report an average flight speed of 1190 m / s [Mach 3.5].'

The official advert for the missile puts it at mach 3.5 as well

I was wrong to say its mach 6.5 to 7 max. Mach 14 is just dumb reporting
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