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India gearing up for a two-front war against China & Pakistan.

What is wrong in preparing for a possible threat??
What is the army for?

This preparation would have been wrong if nobody was intruding in our territory, nobody was infiltrating terrorists in our country.

But since this is happening, I think we are completely fine.
INDIA should STOP making these DUMB statements. Next week it will be India gearing up to fight a three front War with China , Pakistan and Bangladesh. The week after India will gear up to fight CHINA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, SRI LANKA, BURMA, NEPAL, SIKKIM and BHUTAN. Give me a COTTON PICKIN BREAK.....:omghaha:

it is written by chinese... are you DUMB? are we should go with baluchistan, drone etc.....
India never asked anybody to give such statements.. We are taking precautions because it had once happened with us.. The two front war situtation with china and Pakistan.. We R not expecting such an attack at that time.. But we are smart enough and preparing for it and its good.. And I know and everybody knows that you didn't like it. But it hardly matters for us that anybody likes it or not or whatever anybody thinks.
Jai Hind...
keep daydreaming mate..Its not too far the day your **** army going to be pounded by mighty Indian army..pounded will be from both side..lol ,,If you understand what i meant..what victories you are talking about apart from 1962..Did not you seen your ***** army left the Indian land without even fired singal bullet...this what u call Victory..This is just start...

Indians were running away when we came inside India and you expect them to fight us? Riiiiiight. :lol:
India knows its got a death wish messing with the PLA after the thumpings it received in 1962, 1967 and 1987. That's why they didn't touch us. Our soldiers could have invaded New Delhi and Indian military would have done nothing. Indian generals and soldiers told the Indian regime that they prefer diplomacy because they want to live. That's why the Indian soldiers were running away like cowards. That's why we got strategic victory when we got concessions out of India that India had to retreat from their territory. We came, we saw, we conquered. We like messing with India......it's fun abusing a country we know is utterly powerless to do anything about it. That's why we always look down on India and treat them like dirt, because India is a defeated country in our eyes. I'm just being brutally honest about it.[/QUOTE]
keep daydreaming mate..Its not too far the day your **** army going to be pounded by mighty Indian army..pounded will be from both side..lol ,,If you understand what i meant..what victories you are talking about apart from 1962..Did not you seen your ***** army left the Indian land without even fired singal bullet...this what u call Victory..This is just start...

Indians were running away when we came inside India and you expect them to fight us? Riiiiiight. :lol:
India knows its got a death wish messing with the PLA after the thumpings it received in 1962, 1967 and 1987. That's why they didn't touch us. Our soldiers could have invaded New Delhi and Indian military would have done nothing. Indian generals and soldiers told the Indian regime that they prefer diplomacy because they want to live. That's why the Indian soldiers were running away like cowards. That's why we got strategic victory when we got concessions out of India that India had to retreat from their territory. We came, we saw, we conquered. We like messing with India......it's fun abusing a country we know is utterly powerless to do anything about it. That's why we always look down on India and treat them like dirt, because India is a defeated country in our eyes. I'm just being brutally honest about it.

We came into your country just a few weeks ago and you were utterly powerless to do anything. We always treat you Indians like dirt. It's fun making a mockery of India to see Indians running around like headless chicken.
After reading your meaningless reply i felt you are such a daft person from china whose brain is also small like his height..lol..you need to right something new in your post because you are talking same thing again and again which are totally nonsense..:lol:

We came into your country just a few weeks ago and you were utterly powerless to do anything. We always treat you Indians like dirt. It's fun making a mockery of India to see Indians running around like headless chicken.[/QUOTE]
Atleast try to read the article before making such dumb comments....

Its about Chinese Blue book written by Chinese people...:wave:


There is already a thread running on Chinese Blue Book about India. Plz merge this thread with that...:)

I think he indicated these.

And I think the Chinese think tank also referred them. It is not originally said by foreigners except Indian.

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Pakistan should detonate a nuke on New Delhi to test how fast Indian Armed Forces would react.

Typical Pakistani fanboy threatening nuke attack.No wonder everyone doubts that it's nukes may fell in the wrong hands.

Your forces know that Pakistan would be wiped off the map if they tried nuke adventure. :lol:

india must improve ties with its neighbors, then I think can break china's string of pearls, and should also maybe consider more security ties with taiwan
Atleast try to read the article before making such dumb comments....

Its about Chinese Blue book written by Chinese people...:wave:


There is already a thread running on Chinese Blue Book about India. Plz merge this thread with that...:)

I am talking about the dumb comment made by General Deepak Kapoor you Fool:

India Prepares To Wage War against China and Pakistan - English pravda.ru

India Prepares To Wage War against China and Pakistan

India prepares for war against China and Pakistan, the nation’s army chief, General Deepak Kapoor said. India will try to create a counterbalance to both Pakistan and China, the top official added. The two directions – the south-western and the north-eastern – will be considered equally important for India.

Pakistani officials slammed the Indian army chief for his remarks immediately. They particularly said that the Indian administration was following the supremacist and chauvinistic way of thinking. Pakistan urged the international community not to stay indifferent to such threatening remarks and urged the USA to concentrate their troops along the border between Pakistan and India.

Now is not the time when the US administration supports Pakistan in its conflict with India. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a historic visit to India last year and signed multi-billion-dollar contracts in the field of energy and defense cooperation.

China ’s reaction to India’s remarks was much less emotional - Chinese officials only set out heir concerns and that was it.

India ’s aggressive attitude to Pakistan did not surprise anyone in the world. The conflict between the two nations started at the moment when they appeared on the map of the world. Armed clashes occurred five times during those years.

India ’s threats to China became a surprise for many, especially against the background of defense cooperation between these two countries.

“Yes, it may seem at first sight that the relations worsened suddenly. However, one should bear in mind the fact that there is a number of territorial disputes between India and China,” Tatiana Shaumyan, a scientist with the Institute for Oriental Countries of the Russian Academy of Sciences said in an interview with Pravda.Ru.

“It’s also possible, though, that the statement released by the chief of the Indian Army was a PR trick. The army needs to justify its expensive existence after all, taking into consideration the fact that the state of affairs in Himalayas is no longer a big issue,” she added.

Sergey Luzyanin, deputy director of the Institute of Far East, told Pravda.Ru that the current relations between India and China could be described as contradictory.

“On the one hand, Beijing and Delhi develop their relations very actively. China and India today are two giants the economies of which develop and grow very fast. This finds it reflection in politics,” the professor said.

Both China and India want to take important positions in the world. They cooperate with Russia to build the new multipolar world as a counterbalance to the USA.

“That is why the issues of strategic ties for India and China are much more important for them than their conflicts,” the specialist said.

It looks like the Indian general simply wanted to attract world’s attention with his remarks. If India ventures to declare war against China or Pakistan, it will be very hard for India to come out as the winner. China and Pakistan are allies, which means that if India stands up against one of the countries, it will have two enemies automatically.

Sergey Balmasov
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it is written by chinese... are you DUMB? are we should go with baluchistan, drone etc.....

No you Idiot, I am talking about a similar comment made by your idiotic General Kapoor.

Read post above (#28)

Before making this dumb reply,You did not even bother to check the source out,didn't you?

Again you moron read the comment made by General Kapoor in Post #28
1.Another motivated report to justify major arms purchases - which mean more graft. But consider how the Hindu mind works. Consider the history of modern India's wars. India will only pounce upon a weakened enemy much smaller and far weaker than her. She will never ever dare to cross swords with either China or Pakistan.

2. However, the political establishment and the mily hierarchy need to justify this massive mily build up while the people remain the poorest in the world. Therefore, India will manufacture a quarrel with a small neighbor like BD, Nepal or SL.
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