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India fifth most powerful nation: National Security Index

where are the sources from? at that time PLAAF only had less than 200 Mig-15s let alone 1000 loses? dont make urself stupid ok? PRC's survival had very little to do with Soviet help but with well excuted strategies and state of art tactics which is unheard for indians sorru abt that`! :P
Russian Aces of the Korean War - MiG-15 Pilots versus USAF F-86s

After the war, and to the present day, the USAF reports an F-86 Sabre kill ratio in excess of 10:1, with 792 MiG-15s and 108 other aircraft shot down by Sabres, and 78 Sabres lost to enemy fire; .[136] An uncited alternative source claims only 379 Sabre kills.[citation needed] The Soviet Air Force reported some 1,100 air-to-air victories and 335 MiG combat losses, while China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) reported 231 combat losses, mostly MiG-15s, and 168 other aircraft lost. The KPAF reported no data, but the UN Command estimates some 200 KPAF aircraft lost

For many years, the participation of Soviet aircrews in the Korean War was widely suspected by the United Nations forces, but consistently denied by the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War, however, Soviet pilots who participated in the conflict have begun to reveal their role.[1]

Soviet aircraft were adorned with North Korean or Chinese markings and pilots wore either North Korean uniforms or civilian clothes, to disguise their origins. For radio communication, they were given cards with common Korean words for various flying terms spelled out phonetically in Cyrillic characters.[1] These subterfuges did not long survive the fury of air-to-air combat, however, and pilots were soon routinely communicating in Russian.

Soviet MiG-15 regiments were based on Chinese fields in Manchuria, where, according to existing U.S. rules of engagement, they could not be attacked by U.S. forces. Many Soviet regiments underwent preliminary training at Soviet bases in the neighboring Soviet Maritime Military District. Soviet air defense troops also began to arrive along the Yalu, setting up radar installations, ground control centers, searchlights and large numbers of anti-aircraft guns to deter any attacks on the Chinese airfields.

While U.S. pilots chafed at the restrictions imposed on attacking the MiG's Chinese airfields, it wasn't known until many years later that the MiG pilots themselves operated under tight restrictions. To preserve the fiction that Soviet pilots were not fighting in Korea, they were prohibited from flying over non-Communist-controlled territory or within 30 to 50 miles of the Allied front lines. (One Soviet pilot who was shot down in UN-controlled territory shot himself with his pistol rather than be taken captive. Another pilot who bailed out into the Yellow Sea was strafed to prevent him from being captured.) Nor could they pursue U.S. aircraft over the U.S.-controlled Yellow Sea.[2]

In spite of the restrictions, many U.S. pilots took advantage of a "hot pursuit" exception to flying over China to pursue MiGs across the Yalu River. Later, "hot pursuit" became active MiG hunting over Manchuria, with U.S. pilots maintaining a "code of silence" about the patrols. Flight leaders chose wingmen who would keep quiet, and many rolls of incriminating gun camera footage "mysteriously" disappeared

MiG Alley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When did China have a free media where people can express their thought?

:coffee: You do not understand the China.
1# Chinese media are free to criticize the Government. The Chinese government only restrictions on foreign media freedom.
2# A large number of foreign journalists in China. Western journalists have been paying attention to China. If the provision of death query appears omission-phenomenon, Will be no news?
3# Do you have the ability to statistics of China's war injuries? Who advocate who prove, Tell me, What is USA. statistics tool? Does USA government conducted a survey in China?
When did China have a free media where people can express their thought?

lol gullible free media believer, did the 'free' india media tell people the horrendous human rights issues happend in india? nope obviously!

chinese people can speak against those corrupted politicians lead them to court, can indians do so?? do the indian citizen even hv the gut to question the trillion dollars in swis banks?? i seriously dbout`
lol gullible free media believer, did the 'free' india media tell people the horrendous human rights issues happend in india? nope obviously!
You can tell us some, if you know.

chinese people can speak against those corrupted politicians lead them to court, can indians do so?? do the indian citizen even hv the gut to question the trillion dollars in swis banks?? i seriously dbout`

You have no idea mate!
lol gullible free media believer, did the 'free' india media tell people the horrendous human rights issues happend in india? nope obviously!

chinese people can speak against those corrupted politicians lead them to court, can indians do so?? do the indian citizen even hv the gut to question the trillion dollars in swis i seriously dbout`

Where does India come into this?I was telling what they taught you in your history classes was just Propaganda.
According to the data from the US Department of Defense, the United States had suffered 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths during the Korean War and 8,176 missing in action.[125] Western sources estimate the PVA had suffered between 100,000 to 1,500,000 deaths (most estimate some 400,000 killed), while the KPA had suffered between 214,000 to 520,000 deaths (most estimate some 500,000). Between some 245,000 to 415,000 South Korean civilian deaths were also suggested, and the entire civilian casualty during the war were estimated from 1,500,000 to 3,000,000 (most sources estimate some 2,000,000 killed)

(U.S. estimate)
400,000+ dead
486,000 wounded
21,000 POW

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

USA estimates? Does USA credibility good?
Americans have been a fire destroyed the Korean War information, Leaving only a Korean War Monument.

China's war dead statistics and surveys with two decades. China did not "estimate" the number of deaths in the USA, Because U.S. Census Bureau does not belong to China jurisdiction.
Which is the honest and rigorous institutions?
Russian Aces of the Korean War - MiG-15 Pilots versus USAF F-86s

After the war, and to the present day, the USAF reports an F-86 Sabre kill ratio in excess of 10:1, with 792 MiG-15s and 108 other aircraft shot down by Sabres, and 78 Sabres lost to enemy fire; .[136] An uncited alternative source claims only 379 Sabre kills.[citation needed] The Soviet Air Force reported some 1,100 air-to-air victories and 335 MiG combat losses, while China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) reported 231 combat losses, mostly MiG-15s, and 168 other aircraft lost. The KPAF reported no data, but the UN Command estimates some 200 KPAF aircraft lost

For many years, the participation of Soviet aircrews in the Korean War was widely suspected by the United Nations forces, but consistently denied by the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War, however, Soviet pilots who participated in the conflict have begun to reveal their role.[1]

Soviet aircraft were adorned with North Korean or Chinese markings and pilots wore either North Korean uniforms or civilian clothes, to disguise their origins. For radio communication, they were given cards with common Korean words for various flying terms spelled out phonetically in Cyrillic characters.[1] These subterfuges did not long survive the fury of air-to-air combat, however, and pilots were soon routinely communicating in Russian.

Soviet MiG-15 regiments were based on Chinese fields in Manchuria, where, according to existing U.S. rules of engagement, they could not be attacked by U.S. forces. Many Soviet regiments underwent preliminary training at Soviet bases in the neighboring Soviet Maritime Military District. Soviet air defense troops also began to arrive along the Yalu, setting up radar installations, ground control centers, searchlights and large numbers of anti-aircraft guns to deter any attacks on the Chinese airfields.

While U.S. pilots chafed at the restrictions imposed on attacking the MiG's Chinese airfields, it wasn't known until many years later that the MiG pilots themselves operated under tight restrictions. To preserve the fiction that Soviet pilots were not fighting in Korea, they were prohibited from flying over non-Communist-controlled territory or within 30 to 50 miles of the Allied front lines. (One Soviet pilot who was shot down in UN-controlled territory shot himself with his pistol rather than be taken captive. Another pilot who bailed out into the Yellow Sea was strafed to prevent him from being captured.) Nor could they pursue U.S. aircraft over the U.S.-controlled Yellow Sea.[2]

In spite of the restrictions, many U.S. pilots took advantage of a "hot pursuit" exception to flying over China to pursue MiGs across the Yalu River. Later, "hot pursuit" became active MiG hunting over Manchuria, with U.S. pilots maintaining a "code of silence" about the patrols. Flight leaders chose wingmen who would keep quiet, and many rolls of incriminating gun camera footage "mysteriously" disappeared

MiG Alley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sign` another wiki, who takes wiki seriously when it comes to serious discussions? u r allowed to put conspiracies and unbacked claims on wiki``but stereotyped people like u would take anything that suits ur own ill-informed believes from it
Where does India come into this?I was telling what they taught you in your history classes was just Propaganda.

lol an indian claims he knows better than the chinese``lol did u read all chinese text books? thats how people been called ignorant, understand?
Where does India come into this?I was telling what they taught you in your history classes was just Propaganda.

of course it has nothing to do with india, i just to help u that u r gullible`thats all:P
Where does India come into this?I was telling what they taught you in your history classes was just Propaganda.

I said that you lack of logic and ability to judge.
A calm man, Should learn to question everything. Whether it is China's history book, or American history book.
Who is lying? We should judge by our own.

No country will always tell the truth, USA and China is no exception.
No country will always tell lies, USA and China is no exception.
Any country is only true to its national interests, USA and China is no exception.
I said that you lack of logic and ability to judge.
A calm man, Should learn to question everything. Whether it is China's history book, or American history book.
Who is lying? We should judge by our own.

History is nothing but the art of telling the own version of the story mixed with little facts.

So lets stop fighting among ourselves based on historical data.
History is nothing but the art of telling the own version of the story mixed with little facts.

So lets stop fighting among ourselves based on historical data.

History is a projection of ancient civilization. It is the most sacred areas.
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