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India fears for Afghanistan after NATO pullout

This Afghanistan issue should not be viewed from myopic view ,it concerns many regional players and it is more like geopolitical issue.Though it's drain on western economy US of A is not gona give up advantages it has gained after investing one trillion $. Sad part is that India doesn't share common border with Afghanistan.If only Iran were to align itself with India on Afghanistan issue whole situation after 2014 pullout could be looked from different perspective ,why India is drawing ire of USA on trade with Iran isn't obvious ??If India can pledge 8000 to UN peace keeping forces than why not she can pledge say like 15000 foot soldiers to assist and train Afghanistan forces??In between what was there in India-Afghanistan security pact??
And I think by2014 -we will have BJP in Power.Did it suggest something ??
The russians fear this more then India does, the best thing to do is to keep arming the ANA and have strong ties with the Tajiks, Hazaras, shia's ubzeks. russia isn't going to let it happen.
As long as the Taliban remain in power... Pakistan will never boom and prosper...

There will always be conflicts in the region
It does not matter. "Strategic depth" is more important than small time things like growth, stability & Peace...

As long as the Taliban remain in power... Pakistan will never boom and prosper...

There will always be conflicts in the region
But yet the question remains...
They still kill ur soldiers... So for the sake of peace, u suggesting them to let them scot free?

Different Taliban the one who kill Pakistani soldiers are Pakistani Taliban, Afghan Taliban have declared many times they do not fight Pakistan

Don't worry bro afghan forces are enough for that task now stop derailing the thread by bringing india into this and stick to the topic

Afghan forces are nothing but mercenaries when the money stops they will drop.
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