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India fears for Afghanistan after NATO pullout

All the talibani supporters plz stop derailing this thread
Indians should eliminate Taliban as they are a rising super power.

Two super powers couldnt eliminate Taliban and you are asking so called Indian supa pawar to eliminate them. Anyway your post cherished them.
Indians should eliminate Taliban as they are a rising super power.
Don't worry bro afghan forces are enough for that task now stop derailing the thread by bringing india into this and stick to the topic
Indians should eliminate Taliban as they are a rising super power.

Why should we? It's the Afghans job, only if you could let them do it.

On a side note, though, it's nice to watch the spread of talibani extremism inside Pakistan.

Serves us just fine. :)

Taliban exremism and American drones. Talk of a double whammy. :lol:
first indians elaborate that do they hate taliban in Afghanistan or TTP? I think they are talking about Afghani Taliban because they are blowing there masters not those TTP whom they actually back along with US..
The Taliban are the most useless human beings on the planet. What contributions have they done to the betterment of humanity? If today all the Taliban were to vanish, the humanity as a collective whole would have been made better for it.

The Taliban belong in the dustbin of history just like the German Nazis, the Italian Fascists and the Japanese Imperialists.
first indians elaborate that do they hate taliban in Afghanistan or TTP? I think they are talking about Afghani Taliban because they are blowing there masters not those TTP whom they actually back along with US..

Masters? You mean your strategic ally that you guys have given bases to to launch attacks on the Afghan Taliban? Are you that delusional that you start fabricating facts to fit your theory?

On topic, let's see how long this game is played - for one, the US/NATO will always maintain a covert presence in the region due to their paranoia of Iran. Besides, if Pakistan continues to openly support the Taliban, they will get isolated in the region as both India and Iran will work against it. And it looks like the Chinese will soon get intolerant of this nonsense as well.
first indians elaborate that do they hate taliban in Afghanistan or TTP?
first i used to hate ttp but after seeing several pakistani members supporting maoists, lashkars etc i
lets say have neutral view of them
first indians elaborate that do they hate taliban in Afghanistan or TTP?

We hate any organization targeting and killing innocents. Period. There is no good or bad Taliban. There is no good or bad terrorist.
It seems this RazPak is an open Taliban supporter. Utterly sickening to hear this guy try and defend their actions just because he thinks Pakistan will somehow be strengthen with their return to power. I've got news for you- the Talkban hate Paksitan as much as, probably more, the US and this goes doubally for the Afghan people. The world isn't stupid, they know the game Pakistan is playing and their is no "solidarity" between the Afghans and Pakistanis- one trys to use the other for their own gains.
It seems this RazPak is an open Taliban supporter. Utterly sickening to hear this guy try and defend their actions just because he thinks Pakistan will somehow be strengthen with their return to power. I've got news for you- the Talkban hate Paksitan as much as, probably more, the US and this goes doubally for the Afghan people. The world isn't stupid, they know the game Pakistan is playing and their is no "solidarity" between the Afghans and Pakistanis- one trys to use the other for their own gains.

Blah Blah Blah.

Why is NATO conducting talks with the Taliban?

Does that make them Taliban supporters?

Don't spread your propaganda here.
well since india is investing billions there and sending 1000s of engineers. afcourse army and intelligence will also be sent for their security. i hope taliban doesnt come back to power. india doesnt wanna fight a war ther to protect its ppl.
the sco countries will start joint military exercise next friday in Tajikstan. Training will focus on fighting terror in mountainous terrain
we must be prepared for the anti terror war
Afghanistan is ruled and controlled on gunpoint by a mutual govt. of Warlords of Northern Alliance, Inda and ISAF, how come anyone else be responsible for dictating law in streets?

India just don't want an end to his ecnomic and stretigic profits, comming from Afghanistan cow.

India will do any thing in its resources to force Americans to stay, but Americans can only fund Indians by Pakistani money and that is only possible, when transit is open.

Actually, if Indians want Americans to stay they need to get rid of transit obstacles,, by hook or crook.
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