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India falsified border map and occupied 166 acres of Bangladesh territory

Please give us all a break.

The BSF has its personnel drawn from all over India. There are rarely individuals who have an interest in working to falsify maps (why would they do so, anyway? What stops them from moving in and getting Indian farmers to use the land?), enlist the help of farmers, and then in a complicated conspiracy, move those farmers on to the falsely occupied land and start farming those? And why in the first place should they have taken all this trouble over low-lying, presumably water-logged land? If it was impossible for the BDR to post pickets there, how come the BSF and Indian farmers turned up, farming, of all things, in such inhospitable places?

Does it sound reasonable, even to you?

Does it have to sound 'reasonable' as long as you are talking about the big bad 'Bhartis' ?
Holy cow!

Cheats! :sick:
They actually killed the Bangladeshi people in their own land, taken control illegally by BSF!

Shows what they are, not only killing people, but using the fertile land to benefit the Bharti farmers.

Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.
Does it have to sound 'reasonable' as long as you are talking about the big bad 'Bhartis' ?


Some days, it does sound like that kind of monomaniacal pursuit. Of course it is only to be expected that we will get one camp and its opinions on this forum, but it still astounds me to see how much more royalist than the king these types are.
Well bangladesh will get 10,000 acres from india....
And delhi has promised no to shoot any infiltrators,instead use rubber bullets..
So please be happy :cheers: and please stop hating us....
Well bangladesh will get 10,000 acres from india....
And delhi has promised no to shoot any infiltrators,instead use rubber bullets..
So please be happy :cheers: and please stop hating us....

10,000 acres were orginally owned by us to start with and the you stopped the border killing due to the mass media attention your govt got. You guys started moving your giants multinationals, putting our national assets under direct threat. Regardless of doing so much for you guys, you guys don't even help us when we need you, eg 1975 famine.
10,000 acres were orginally owned by us to start with and the you stopped the border killing due to the mass media attention your govt got. You guys started moving your giants multinationals, putting our national assets under direct threat. Regardless of doing so much for you guys, you guys don't even help us when we need you, eg 1975 famine.

The 10,000 acres that you are talking about is the difference between the 17,000 acres of Indian territory that India has handed over and the 7,000 acres of Bangladeshi territory that Bangladesh has handed over.

So how did you get it, O wise one, that 10,000 belonged to you in the first place? Do you know anything about what is being discussed, or are you just filling your quota of daily postings?
10,000 acres were orginally owned by us to start with and the you stopped the border killing due to the mass media attention your govt got. You guys started moving your giants multinationals, putting our national assets under direct threat. Regardless of doing so much for you guys, you guys don't even help us when we need you, eg 1975 famine.

There were two reasons behind BD's famine in 1975, India could control none.

1. The specific configuration of the state rationing system and the market resulted in speculative hoarding by farmers and traders and a consequent rise in prices, ie, Bangladesh famine was not caused by a failure in availability of food but in distribution (or entitlement), where one group gained “market command over food".

2. The US had withheld 2.2 million tonnes of food aid to 'ensure that it abandoned plans to try Pakistani war criminals'.

However India did send relief if I remember correctly.
The 10,000 acres that you are talking about is the difference between the 17,000 acres of Indian territory that India has handed over and the 7,000 acres of Bangladeshi territory that Bangladesh has handed over.

So how did you get it, O wise one, that 10,000 belonged to you in the first place? Do you know anything about what is being discussed, or are you just filling your quota of daily postings?
dont get in to a fight with idune and co, u will be visiting psychotherapists soon or u will find that actually aliens live under trees, age aapki marji i warned u.
dont get in to a fight with idune and co, u will be visiting psychotherapists soon or u will find that actually aliens live under trees, age aapki marji i warned u.

I'm NOT getting into a fight, just pointing out that they're walking around with strategic holes in their gamchhas (ask Ganimi what that means, or Abir, or P Mukherjee). With a bunch that finds fault with problem-resolution, obviously nothing reasonable works. I am aware of that. But thanks anyway. Owe ya.
I'm NOT getting into a fight, just pointing out that they're walking around with strategic holes in their gamchhas (ask Ganimi what that means, or Abir, or P Mukherjee). With a bunch that finds fault with problem-resolution, obviously nothing reasonable works. I am aware of that. But thanks anyway. Owe ya.
Posting from mobile so no emotic or long replies from me, but i was just being funny. Sad thing is the idune and co can really argue with anything against India and it makes us loose sanity. One thing is i love his persistence.
Republic of india which was carved out of british colony of subcontinent by the loonies and cronies of congress always had this habit of falsifying borders, coercing and threatening smaller princely states to join new land mass to form the republic of india.So why surprise.Unless bangladesh brings itself up to the level of pakistan in defence to match up the threats of india till then threats of it being absorbed into india like kashmir,junghad,sikkim, goa,hyderabad and many other princely states of subcontinent into republic of india.
Republic of india which was carved out of british colony of subcontinent by the loonies and cronies of congress always had this habit of falsifying borders, coercing and threatening smaller princely states to join new land mass to form the republic of india.So why surprise.Unless bangladesh brings itself up to the level of pakistan in defence to match up the threats of india till then threats of it being absorbed into india like kashmir,junghad,sikkim, goa,hyderabad and many other princely states of subcontinent into republic of india.

Hmmm........ Here comes Kashmiri twist in Bangladeshi territory.;)
Hmmm........ Here comes Kashmiri twist in Bangladeshi territory.;)

@Contract Killer

Don't ever forget that a dimwit remains dim.

In this case, the dimwit, not knowing what he's babbling about, is banging on about what were two over-ripe landlords' gambling debts. They gained these in gambling sessions; the more respectable story is that both the Cooch Bihar state (a state with salutes) and Rangpur (a zamindari under the Permanent Settlement, and not a state) had acquired these small bits and pieces; when partition came, the Rangpur bits, as British India, should have been adjudicated one way or the other, depending on their position vis-a-vis the border, but they were left out due to anomaly, in favour of Bangladesh, within India. The Cooch Bihar state, of course, had the option of joining wherever, chose to join India, and their bits and pieces were caught up on the other side, within Bangladesh. That's all.

It's nice to hear this little muffin tie himself up in knots. ;-)
Regardless of doing so much for you guys, you guys don't even help us when we need you, eg 1975 famine.

Is it necessary that we become friendly towards India? Is it also ok to weep for not getting DONATIONS from India in 1974? Is not this kind of expression by someone from BD makes Indians feel big and they slap on our face whenever an opportunity arises?

Please remember that $1 billion tied credit from India. How these mean minded Indians try to shame us projecting themselves as the richest country of asia and projecting BD to be at par with Nepal or sub-saharan countries, when, in reality, the fund is to support Indian selling of goods and services to BD.
Is it necessary that we become friendly towards India? Is it also ok to weep for not getting DONATIONS from India in 1974? Is not this kind of expression by someone from BD makes Indians feel big and they slap on our face whenever an opportunity arises?

Please remember that $1 billion tied credit from India. How these mean minded Indians try to shame us projecting themselves as the richest country of asia and projecting BD to be at par with Nepal or sub-saharan countries, when, in reality, the fund is to support Indian selling of goods and services to BD.

If the sentiments you have expressed had not been so sad, they would have been amusing.

This, from you? If educated people, sitting in a first-world country, go through these bouts of self-pity and pretence that they are innocent litle darlings totally unaware of how aid, including aid from the country presently hosting them, is distributed, then what should we expect from the uneducated and the ignorant?

It is not a secret to you that India has got massive amounts of aid from a number of countries. If you know that much, you will also be aware that the bulk of that aid was tied aid; we had to buy that country's products and services, and none other. It was not easy to take, but we took it; the cost of pride and a high-handed attitude of aloof independence would have meant that poor people, those who benefited from such aid, would have suffered. So we gulped hard, and we took it, and we bought services and products - from Britain, the US, France, Germany, Italy, the Scandinavian countries, Japan - everybody who would give us a helping hand - and built our country. We didn't complain, we didn't burst into tears, we didn't sulk, we just got on with what we had got and did what we had to do.

Nobody wants your gratitude, nor does your complaining about it make a difference. Aiding a neighbour who needs the help is a moral concern, and even Pakistan, who has been such a faithless, constantly-conspiring enemy, has received aid when she needed it. That she, or her small-minded administrators, acted high and mighty about it while their own people were dying was their affair, typical of the corrupt ruling classes who dominate their administration and their services. What excuse do you have? All the claptrap and fanfaronade about what we are projecting ourselves to be, and what we think Bangladesh to be can be avoided very easily if you lay off the chingri-maachh and go on a diet. It's all to do with your digestion; get it right and the world will seem to be a brighter, nicer place.

And this comes even while we are a poor country, with a vast number of poor people. It is not that we have a surplus and we are parking it for you. This kind of gift is the gift that hurts, the only worthwhile kind. We are giving you what is precious to us, it is a sacrifice to our higher self, if you like, if you understand at all what that might mean. Sacrifices come in various shapes, sizes and seating classes; those that hurt, our sacrifices in making aid available to you, for instance, are the only ones that count. Think what you will of it, say what you will of it, this is a sacrifice that we make willingly and that we will keep on making. That is our character.

How you choose to receive it is up to your character.
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