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India "Explodes" as its "Time of Reckoning" Arrives

Not so in case of KSE. Unlike major markets, the relationship between GDP of Pakistan and the KSE performance is very weak. KSE is too volatile and inflated.

Based on P/E ratios, it's the Indian shares which are highly inflated. Avg PE ratio for Indian shares is 15 while Pakistan's shares trade at about 8 times earnings.

That's the reason why KSE has been consistently outperforming BSE and other BRIC indices for over 10 years.

Here's a Bloomberg report on shrinking of industrial output in India:

India’s industrial production shrank in October for the first time in more than two years, adding pressure on the central bank to pause this week after a record run of interest-rate increases.

Output at factories, utilities and mines fell 5.1 percent from a year earlier after a revised 2 percent gain in September, the Central Statistical Office said in a statement in New Delhi today. That’s the first decline since 2009 and compares with the median estimate for a 0.7 percent drop in a Bloomberg News survey of 24 economists.

Manufacturing has moderated in nations from China to Brazil as Europe’s debt crisis saps global growth, prompting officials to hold or lower borrowing costs. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s efforts to bolster the Indian economy have been hampered by corruption scandals, inflation and the decision last week to stall the easing of investment rules for foreign retailers.

“The only policy authority that we are going to see responding to boost growth will be the central bank,” Robert Prior-Wandesforde, a Singapore-based economist at Credit Suisse Group AG, said before the report. “Once the RBI is content with inflation and is sufficiently worried about growth, we will see it cut interest rates.”

Prior-Wandesforde expects the Reserve Bank to keep the repurchase rate at 8.5 percent in the Dec. 16 policy meeting.

India’s inflation rate has exceeded 9 percent every month this year as the rupee’s 14 percent slump against the U.S. dollar during the period, Asia’s worst performance, adds to the cost of imported goods. The BSE India Sensitive Index has lost a fifth of its value in 2011.

Slowing Inflation

India’s benchmark wholesale-price inflation probably eased to 9.04 percent in November from 9.73 percent in October, according to the median of 24 estimates in another Bloomberg News survey. That would still be higher than the levels in Brazil, Russia and China, which including India make up the so- called BRIC nations. India’s commerce ministry will unveil the data on Dec. 14.

Consumer prices rose 6.6 percent in Brazil, 6.8 percent in Russia and 4.2 percent in China last month.

Reserve Bank Governor Duvvuri Subbarao has raised the repurchase rate by 375 basis points since the start of 2010. That’s the fastest round of increases since the central bank was established in 1935, Bloomberg data show.

Consumer demand has begun to wane as a result of higher borrowing costs.

The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers may cut its annual domestic passenger-car sales target as costlier loans and fuel prices sap demand for Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. and Honda Motor Co. vehicles, Sugato Sen, a senior director for the group, said last week.
Singh, halfway through his second term, is under pressure to revive a legislative agenda derailed by graft allegations in the award of telephone licenses and street protests against inflation. His government faces at least five regional elections next year, including one in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state.

The government on Dec. 7 was forced to suspend a decision to allow overseas retailers including Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to open supermarkets amid protests by the opposition and its allies that forced repeated adjournments of parliament for two weeks.

“This confirms the perception of policy paralysis and that hits investor sentiment which will ultimately hit growth,” said Leif Eskesen, a Singapore-based economist at HSBC Holdings Plc. “It can have implications for medium term growth outlook.”

India Factory Output Falls for First Time in More Than Two Years - Businessweek
The Economist at Goldman Sachs who came up with the concept of "BRIC" in the first place (Jim O'Neill)... now he says that India is the "most dissapointing" out of all the BRIC economies.

vs . where he expected it to be, not because it is going down. Little does he know the fudged numbers from china is going to have the C stand for cheaters. BTW- US on the other hand is slowly showing signs of picking up...it is very disappointing that China has given up looking up wards at the US- but now looks at India, a GDP 3 x smaller to make it's small boast.

things have gone worse for china and it's really a shame how a 16yr old part time student working at McDonald's makes more in one day that your factory workers in 2 weeks...

BTW you will not find much support of Mr Haq even among Pakistanis here. Haq's musings... its calls for a suspension of belief in reality... a reality they live everyday.
vs . where he expected it to be, not because it is going down. Little does he know the fudged numbers from china is going to have the C stand for cheaters. BTW- US on the other hand is slowly showing signs of picking up...it is very disappointing that China has given up looking up wards at the US- but now looks at India, a GDP 3 x smaller to make it's small boast.

things have gone worse for china and it's really a shame how a 16yr old part time student working at McDonald's makes more in one day that your factory workers in 2 weeks...

BTW you will not find much support of Mr Haq even among Pakistanis here. Haq's musings... its calls for a suspension of belief in reality... a reality they live everyday.

A 16 year old McDonalds part time worker in the US makes 9 dollars an hour in California, for 4 hours per day. 9 dollars is actually an overestimate, as the minimum wage in California is 8 dollars.

1/3 of that is taken away in federal and state income taxes.

So he actually makes around 12 dollars per day, that's to say, 70 RMB. But this part time McDonalds worker must pay for his own food and housing; assuming he is 16, he lives with his parents, so housing can be assumed to be free, but food cannot. The average meal able to feed one person in California costs 3 dollars to cook. So disposable income is actually 9 dollars, or 60 RMB.

A factory worker in China makes 2500 RMB per month, as by rmcj's statements. he is a factory owner in Wenzhou so I will take him at his word, but I can testify to the fact that the actual salary in bigger cities is higher, usually at 3000 RMB per month along with free food and housing.

This factory worker pays zero income tax because the income tax starts at 3500 RMB per month. They also get free food and housing from the factory owner.

Assuming at 25 day workmonth, that's 100 RMB per day into the pocket, plus free food and housing. Already we can see that the 16 year old McDonalds worker is already at a severe disadvantage. We're not going to even get into the relative purchasing powers.
india is collapsing,I am so sad.

If this is what is collapse is..then I guess both India and China are collapsing ..economies in both countries have slowed down by apoximately same percentage.
A 16 year old McDonalds part time worker in the US makes 9 dollars an hour in California, for 4 hours per day. 9 dollars is actually an overestimate, as the minimum wage in California is 8 dollars.

1/3 of that is taken away in federal and state income taxes.

So he actually makes around 12 dollars per day, that's to say, 70 RMB. But this part time McDonalds worker must pay for his own food and housing; assuming he is 16, he lives with his parents, so housing can be assumed to be free, but food cannot. The average meal able to feed one person in California costs 3 dollars to cook. So disposable income is actually 9 dollars, or 60 RMB.

A factory worker in China makes 2500 RMB per month, as by rmcj's statements. he is a factory owner in Wenzhou so I will take him at his word, but I can testify to the fact that the actual salary in bigger cities is higher, usually at 3000 RMB per month along with free food and housing.

This factory worker pays zero income tax because the income tax starts at 3500 RMB per month. They also get free food and housing from the factory owner.

Assuming at 25 day workmonth, that's 100 RMB per day into the pocket, plus free food and housing. Already we can see that the 16 year old McDonalds worker is already at a severe disadvantage. We're not going to even get into the relative purchasing powers.

the situation is harder for us when time goes, We planned to open one more factory but due to the fact lots of immigrant workers are leaving to their hometown and we couldnt afford the price they suggest so plan canclled.

you know even those fresh graduates with no experience just by sitting in my office we have to pay them 1500 RMB plus accommodation and meals`

the 2500 is the everage, in western part of China the income is less around 1500, but coastline cities are much higher.
the senior workers with 5 years plus experiences are getting no less than 4500 from here, and they can make more if they wanted because most of the workers are on commission, they get like everage 50RBM per items. and designers get 8000 plus per month, and we are very everaged size factory here
Goldman always likes to say something absorbing about another country's economy to pave the way for their next action.

Goldman's all opinions on affairs are merely auxiliary to its profitable purpose!
The (free) fall of the Indian rupee is one of the most worrisome indicator of the Indian economy. It adds to the anxiety of foreign investor. People are going to get rid of their rupees faster and faster, devaluing it further.

The recession is going to hit everyone. India and China had just been fighting off the inevitable till now. India will be hit first, but China won't be safe either.

Its now only a question of how well these two manage through the recession.
India's industrial output contracted by 5.1% in October, and contracted by 3.3% in the month before that.

Industry shrinks, but don’t blame euro. Govt screwed up | Firstpost

A 5.1 percent drop in industrial growth is not a slowdown, but a serious contraction. Nor can it be explained as being the result of a base effect: that this October looks bad because last October we saw a high 11.3 percent growth.

It’s nothing of the kind. Even if you compare this October with the previous month, there is a serious 3.3 percent sequential contraction.

The numbers show growth being decimated across-the-board.

In October 2011, mining fell 7.2 percent (not surprising, given the scams), manufacturing by 6 percent. Only electricity rose – and one wonders why.

During the month, every broad economic segment declined: capital goods by a whopping 25.5 percent, intermediate goods by 4.7 percent, and consumer goods (both durables and non-durables) by around 1 percent.
In 2011 every country is experiencing low growth.India,China & Pakistan are no exceptions.
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