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India expels American diplomat

I take things on a case-by-case basis.

Forget about all cases...

just let us talk about Raymond Davis case ...to keep it simple .

Do you agree on the facts of the matter that US claimed Diplomatic immunity for Raymond Davis 2 days after he was charged with murder ???

( To make sure that you don't side step main issues ...I am going to keep it restricted to simple and single question !)
Yes I know that, my point was she was arrested and searched because the justice system in America is independent so they do not need to call the executive branch in their affairs which is what the person I quoted kept talking about, "why did they arrest and search her". The state department never knew of the arrest until after the fact and have granted her immunity now to make things go away.

Both DOJ and DOS are part of the Executive branch.
It was a conflict of interest between those two departments and DOS threw Bharara under the bus.
You are entitled to your opinions ....But I am amused to see majority Americans here living under this grand delusion that what their country does is correct and smart ...always !!! and they have no qualms and shame to justify actions of its government !!!

I have not seen single American here who has guts to speak truth ....

You don't have to be in church or temple to speak truth !!!

Don't try to side track issues by your useless barbs ...
I pity these americans bro...They are in a police state and fed well by their propagandist media...
They even went to war with IRAQ by believing their media...
What can we expect from them...
Whatever is fed by Rothschilds to them, they eat it and shit on others...
No, sir. It was India that did that. It was the Indians who made the decision not to waive Khobragade's immunity - as it was India's duty to do under the 1946 Convention and thus the U.S. had every legal right to expect.

Yes, technically, it was India which refused to waive immunity, but State knew it all along that India wouldn't waive it. The whole sequence was set up to remove this headache for DOS and India.

As I predicted, the only guy left fuming is Bharara.
majority of americans don't sit on PDF and majority of them here have been quiet. you have our state department that has said they regret the " changing of the uniforms" as being excessive. You have US permitting this gal to leave ... that is the majority of american view.

while you are giving absolute statements.
Its not excessive...Its not even required at the first place
They are just foolish and silly...

This case proved the exact opposite.

The State department gave her immunity knowing full well that India would not subsequently waive it and that she would fly off.

The State department explicitly subverted justice by letting a criminal off the hook. (The threats of issuing an arrest warrant and apprehending her if she returns to the US in a non-immune status are just hot air.)

she is not a criminal until proved in court. let's be careful in assessing a status to her. she is being charged with a crime. her alleged crime being of very low level. it is not like she committed murder

countries do this all the time with diplomats depending on the country and the influence and of course severity of the crimes. That's how the world runs...
No, sir. It was India that did that. It was the Indians who made the decision not to waive Khobragade's immunity - as it was India's duty to do under the 1946 Convention and thus the U.S. had every legal right to expect.

Let us say for a second that Indeed India subverted justice ...why the heck US state department gave in to India ....

IF US state department had not granted Diplomatic immunity to Devyani ...she could not have escaped from US justice ...

Don't you think that US state department has been party to this ...???

That's what I have maintained all along ...

all the bull shit about upholding law ...and upholding justice is mere charade for US ....when it deems convenient ...it can kill any law ...any principle ...any justice !!!

Big bunch of hypocrites they are , nothing else ....
she is not a criminal until proved in court. let's be careful in assessing a status to her. she is being charged with a crime. her alleged crime being of very low level. it is not like she committed murder

countries do this all the time with diplomats depending on the country and the influence and of course severity of the crimes. That's how the world runs...
Then why you pervets cavity searched her without proving anything...
Why you guys took maid and her family? to prove what?
she is not a criminal until proved in court. let's be careful in assessing a status to her. she is being charged with a crime. her alleged crime being of very low level. it is not like she committed murder

countries do this all the time with diplomats depending on the country and the influence and of course severity of the crimes. That's how the world runs...

Yes, and the normal course of justice around the world, including the US, is that when prosecutors and judges deem the evidence sufficient for apprehension and indictment, the accused must face trial.

State subverted that process in the greater interest (in their view) of long term national interests.
Yes, technically, it was India which refused to waive immunity, but State knew it all along that India wouldn't waive it. The whole sequence was set up to remove this headache for DOS and India.
I hope that's how it works.

As I predicted, the only guy left fuming is Bharara.
Bharara succeeded in getting the indictment which Khobragade attempted to delay. He's set to continue prosecuting her if she re-enters the U.S. without diplomatic immunity.
I hope that's how it works.

Bharara succeeded in getting the indictment which Khobragade attempted to delay. He's set to continue prosecuting her if she re-enters the U.S. without diplomatic immunity.
LOL...what kind of funny laws are these...
majority of americans don't sit on PDF and majority of them here have been quiet. you have our state department that has said they regret the " changing of the uniforms" as being excessive. You have US permitting this gal to leave ... that is the majority of american view.

while you are giving absolute statements.

...Majority americans participating in this thread ....continue to overlook the facts .

the facts that US has double standards always ...
the fact that in one hand it justified whisking away Raymond davis from Pakistani judiciary and in other hand it has different set of rules in case of Devyani ...and yet americans like soloman2 and you go on justifying these US double standards ...in several ways .

Do any one of you have guts to face and accept the truth that US action to apply different standards to Raymond Davis case and Devyani Khobrgade is totally evident of its hypocrisy ???
Let us say for a second that Indeed India subverted justice ...why the heck US state department gave in to India ....

IF US state department had not granted Diplomatic immunity to Devyani ...she could not have escaped from US justice ...

Don't you think that US state department has been party to this ...???

That's what I have maintained all along ...

all the bull shit about upholding law ...and upholding justice is mere charade for US ....when it deems convenient ...it can kill any law ...any principle ...any justice !!!

Big bunch of hypocrites they are , nothing else ....
i second that bro... US always behaves as if its a saviour of justice and human rights...infact it is one biggest abusers...
Yes, and the normal course of justice around the world, including the US, is that when prosecutors and judges deem the evidence sufficient for apprehension and indictment, the accused must face trial.

State subverted that process in the greater interest (in their view) of long term national interests.

state did but it in not unique to India. The irony is , had she not been forced to change into jail uniform... she would have been indicted and prosecuted, sure a peal bargain/ settlement would be the outcome. Like it is has been in the multiple occasions previously and across the board.
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