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India ends eight-year ban, supplies military gear to Nepal

It's no different than what you say about China and Pakistan. I know it's pointless, I know nothing is going to happen by writing it here, but people needed to know what is happening in here.

Oh yes Buddy, How can the impossible ever happen? Indians can never be wrong, :D the whole whole world is wrong instead.

And Yes indeed, the whole world is clueless, Indians are the most righteous.

It's obvious that you feel so strongly about Indian interference in Nepali domestic affairs that you have expended so much effort fighting a lone battle against indian members at PDF. To no avail, I might add. Surprising? Of course not. The late Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi had a famous saying about India, "Open society but closed mind" .

A college classmate of mine worked at Chinese embassy in Kathmandu for three years. He talked about his experience in Nepal. One of his interesting observations is that Indian diplomats are something to behold. They have a habit of charging into Nepali foreign ministry, pounding on the desk and making demands.

Nepal is in a bind. Most of its supplies have to come through Indian railway, and India does not hesitate to halt shipments to exert pressure. That's precisely why Nepal has been keen on another rail link through China. It won't end Nepali reliance on Indian rail but it will greatly improve Napal's bargaining position vis-a-vis India.
You know the difference between 'desh' and 'Pradesh', they are asking for federal structure of Nepal.

One step at a time, listening to their demands will lead to a full breakup of my Country, you live in India - where you have those State Governments, so our National issues sound pretty illogical to you, i know, but the fact is Nepal is smaller than many of your Indian States.

We have been living under a single Leadership, and for a country as small as Nepal, there is NO need of division into states. I see Indians were offended when i wrote the things about their intelligence agency, but that's the truth, there are other foreign parties too, but their intelligence agency has major role.

Just one protest by Madhesi brought the Nepalese leaders to line with the Madhesis demands.

Actually NO, their past was just as violent as that of Maoists, they have blasted bombs in the past, and the whole "Madhesi" Political party does NOT actually benefit any local of Terai, it's just their politics, I'm not saying this out for this thread, that's the reality. There were times when the Madhesi and the Maoists killed each other, they were enemy in the past.

As for "one protest" thing, that's not true either, what they do with us is they do the so-called "Terai Bandh" (has been done in the past), the result is NO food for Nepalese (which each and every citizen of Nepal rightfully deserves), their power came out of illegal voting (they wouldn't be in the big 4), their illegal voting was exposed on the TV, the Police even caught them red-handed for the import of Indians from Bihar (for illegal voting), and children as small as 13 years old were misused.

This is a well known fact, everyone knows it, it was published in the News also, for proof, you'd have to dig in Nepalese Newspapers. And trust me, just like in India, the Madhesi Politicians are also highly corrupted (hell all the politicians are -- as i said earlier, what really makes difference is - who is more obedient than whom), and under the control of these parasites are local goons. Also another sad fact is: people in Terai FEEL more closely attached to Indians than us, they agree with each other without second thought.

They publicly take orders from India through Ambassadors in Nepal, this is a WELL known fact. If they can do "Terai Bandh" just for their small political demand, you can guess WHAT they can do if we give these immigrants the portion of OUR land as a separate state. I hope you understand what i mean.

You post conspiracy theories and allegation. The difference is apparent.

I started writing FACTS just to tell Indians that their Govt is bullying us - many KNOW this, other (like you) don't. There are 1.2 billion Indians, it's NO surprise to us when many of them don't know much about their own Govt and Govt policies.

Others post facts backed by links.

I'm not a politician to give you audio/video records. Every Nepali knows - our internal affairs are managed OUTSIDE Nepal, in New Delhi, people here will yawn if you tell them that New Delhi is the boss of Nepalese affairs, because for us, it's nothing new.

Proof? You can find every detail of our Political manipulations in Nepalese Blogs. In Newspapers - they are published on DAILY basis, you can just Google, and there's nothing you can not find.

As for the proof of Land Encroachment (and Locals being charged heavy fines by SSB), there are Videos in YouTube (published by Nepalese TV Channels -- you won't be able to find those which have title in Nepali language), if you can understand our language, please do watch them.

I have argued with Indians on YouTube about Indian bullying, their response clearly tells us - an average Indian is just too brainwashed by their State sponsored News Channels to know much about these matters. All they know about is Cricket, no offence.

Did Chinese News publish it when their Army entered 10 miles inside your territory? NO, similarly, Your News doesn't publish it when India encroaches our Land.

How can i claim that your News are State sponsored? I can speak, and understand Hindi very well, it's just few words different from Nepali, I had watched IndiaTV when SSB encroached our Land. At the time, the Maoists protested at Das gaja (of Nepal), they raised Nepalese flag on the Land (Nepalese Land).

Few days later, your IndiaTV was live - shouting "Nepal grabbed Bihar Land -- Red Virus ka terror Bharat me", they FALSELY showed the Video in which the Maoists raised the Nepal Flag.

We were just p*ssed off, in spite of having our Land encroached, we were instead being falsely accused of encroaching Bihar's Land. Now that is called "Anti-Brother".

This is when the Maoists took this issue to National level, they posted these picture of Indian Boots stepping on Nepal's Map from 3 sides. The issue really went on National level, every individual here was angry at India. The issue was gaining momentum, then few days later, your Army Chief (someone of that level), landed on Tribhuwan International Airport and asked straight "Do you want to fight?".

All the Newspaper in Nepal published this threat with BIG BOLD LETTERS "ladne ho?" -- "Do you want to Fight?"

The situation in Nepal was - Everyone at the time was happy as the decade long conflict had just ended with a optimistic future on the horizon, our infrastructures were all destroyed by a long conflict (we have not yet recovered from that). After the News was published, the issue cooled down because every one here knew - another conflict (of any type) with India would be catastrophic for a Country that is barely survived from total destruction.

Many parts of our Land are still WITH India, the issue is NOT on the Media, but it has NOT cooled down on an Individual level. Every one here has realized just HOW important a more closer relationship with Pakistan and China is, and this is where ignorant Indians attack us as being "Pro-Chinese".

You are free to take these as another "conspiracy theory", it's THE TRUTH, NO ONE here likes India when it comes to the matter of our Country. Apart from the issue of OUR Nation, we admit, we are attached to India, and we love India and support it. This is where our love and hatred for India clash.

I m not your buddy ,not in thousand years . You are racist and clueless

I'm gong to ignore the rest of what you wrote, those are a typical Indian bullshit and fantasy that i have been reading for years.

I don't want to be your "buddy" either. As for being "racist", every time i read that word, i remember Indians and their indescribable obsession for "white" skin, that many of them take the Blacks as inferior. Yeah, i know, it's good for the Cosmetic industry.

I have even found some Indians praising the "whites" and their skin - in Stormfront (a Neo-Nazi site), where i was arguing with the Neo-Nazis that the Indians and Nepalese are dark skinned because of geo-graphical location, climate and the UV rays. They even supported those idiots who called other Indians "racially inferior" for being dark-skinned.

This racism exists to the level where an Indian woman has started a campaign that "Dark is beautiful" (Google it). It's a pretty funny thing that many Indians are ashamed of their own skin colour. As soon as someone has a baby girl, her parents are worried that she might not get married because of her dark skin. And then there are abuses and even murders - when a bride's family can't give dowry.

At least, these are not present in my Country. So much for being racist.

Do you like it when any immigrant (or even any Indian) talks about DIVISION of your Country?

If YES, then well i do have to learn some Anti-Nationalistic ideologies from you.
If NO, then please don't bother to call me a racist.
It's obvious that you feel so strongly about Indian interference in Nepali domestic affairs that you have expended so much effort fighting a lone battle against indian members at PDF. To no avail, I might add. Surprising? Of course not. The late Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi had a famous saying about India, "Open society but closed mind" .

A college classmate of mine worked at Chinese embassy in Kathmandu for three years. He talked about his experience in Nepal. One of his interesting observations is that Indian diplomats are something to behold. They have a habit of charging into Nepali foreign ministry, pounding on the desk and making demands.

Nepal is in a bind. Most of its supplies have to come through Indian railway, and India does not hesitate to halt shipments to exert pressure. That's precisely why Nepal has been keen on another rail link through China. It won't end Nepali reliance on Indian rail but it will greatly improve Napal's bargaining position vis-a-vis India.

HOW can i describe it? It's just too painful and Yes, you nailed it in just one line. Thanks. Loads of Appreciation.

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