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India ends eight-year ban, supplies military gear to Nepal

@kaykay, people call these sorts of things "Proxy War" for some very special reason/s. Everyone thinks of me as a false flagger and what i've written down as bs (i can understand, it does not match with their experience and knowledge, but it was meant to be that way and it exists), RAW is NO righteous or saint.
Anyway, I'm happy regarding the Brotherhood, while it does not exist in the India's ruling class, at least it exists on the public mass, and this sort of Brotherhood and "we" feeling in the citizens certainly helps for peace.

Why does India support this country? Don't do favors for such nations which don't consider you as a friend.

Every neighboring country of India has Anti-India element, and for certain reasons, we don't ask for/seek confrontations with India either.
Will you not protest if someone forcefully takes over your home?? If you really do shut up, then well we should learn some Anti-Nationalism chapters from you. If you do protest then you have the right to shut up, more so, if you're not an Indian.

Do it for Bhutan, because it a pro-Indian country.

Are you from Bhutan? Maybe NOT because you would have known - Bhutan is NOT a Pro-Indian country. Nepal WAS Pro-Indian country instead before Land Encroachment.

China have no aims for Nepal either

So you are from China? Oh let me guess - a high official from China.

this nation is just getting sandwiched between India and China

This Nation is NOT getting sandwiched, it's already Sandwiched.

King Prithivi Narayan Shah (who re-unified Nepal) stated the following just before his death:

"The Giant Neighbor on the South is a Clever one, the Northern Neighbor is a calm one, this Nation lies between two stones, keep the Nation safe and sovereign."

And by protesting the Land Encroachment of our Country, we are doing just that.

What you are suffering from is stupidity, poverty and lack of opportunity. Not RAW :rolleyes:

I'm suffering form India's Imperialism.

china does not provide open border to Nepal like India does. LOL. Once they do, you will stop singing the china song.

I do not sing "China song" (whatever that means), nor do i want ANY open border with either of my neighboring countries, if there was NO Open-Border, there would have been NO Encroachment of Nepal's land. There would not as much criminal activities as there are today either, and that would be best for all the parties.

Seriously, what does India (or even Nepal) gain from the Open-Border?

When you already know terrorists are using it against your own country why would you keep it open? There was no such treaty for open-border either, AFAIK, India would close it, it knows the risks are just too high. But again, if you proceed to close the "Open-Border", the Encroached Land of Nepal will to trouble you back again, as the issue will rise again. This is the reason why the Border is still open.

Return our Land (Encroached by SSB) - of the Southern Parts of Nepal, we will be quite happy to have the Border closed, more happy than the Indians.

The Open-Border does NOT benefit Nepal, and it does not benefit India (apart from the Encroached Land), we have been requesting India to close the Border, but they don't close it. We didn't ask for it.

if Nepal had taken steps to address Indian concerns.

Nepal is currently NOT even stable enough to control it's own criminal activities, the Madhesis blast bomb frequently, we are currently utterly resource limited (because of high corruption -- because of Anti-National political parties).

India does Not close the Borders, as we request them to, now tell me, what can we do?

Our Police ACTIVELY helps your Police when it comes to arresting Terrorists provided they are given enough details.

If you read the News, recently it was written in Times of India "after we notify the Nepal Police", catching terrorists is LIKE CUTTING A CAKE.

Many terrorists caught recently were caught EXCLUSIVELY with the help of Nepal Police, what more can we do for India?

If you look at the Pros, a Self-dependent Nepal will be far far more beneficial and capable than what a puppet Govt is today (but again, you're not a Nepalese, you won't be able to understand the seriousness of my words).

Sri Lanka learned that lesson the hard way. Nepal is smarter than that, but are your smart enough ?

I don't know much about Sri Lanka, what do you mean by that? We are already suffering enough from RAW.

And FYI, we do NOT want any foreign Intelligence Organization in our Land (No country does of course,) but we neither want ISI, nor do we want CIA, nor KGB, nor RAW, nor Mossad, nor MI6, and NOT even Chinese Intelligence (whatever that's called).

Hail Lord Shiva
Hail Nepal
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@kaykay, people call these sorts of things "Proxy War" for some very special reason/s. Everyone thinks of me as a false flagger and what i've written down as bs (i can understand, it does not match with their experience and knowledge, but it was meant to be that way and it exists), RAW is NO righteous or saint.
Anyway, I'm happy regarding the Brotherhood, while it does not exist in the India's ruling class, at least it exists on the public mass, and this sort of Brotherhood and "we" feeling in the citizens certainly helps for peace.

Every neighboring country of India has Anti-India element, and for certain reasons, we don't ask for/seek confrontations with India either.
Will you not protest if someone forcefully takes over your home?? If you really do shut up, then well we should learn some Anti-Nationalism chapters from you. If you do protest then you have the right to shut up, more so, if you're not an Indian.

Are you from Bhutan? Maybe NOT because you would have known - Bhutan is NOT a Pro-Indian country. Nepal WAS Pro-Indian country instead before Land Encroachment.

So you are from China? Oh let me guess - a high official from China.

This Nation is NOT getting sandwiched, it's already Sandwiched.

King Prithivi Narayan Shah (who re-unified Nepal) stated the following just before his death:

"The Giant Neighbor on the South is a Clever one, the Northern Neighbor is a calm one, this Nation lies between two stones, keep the Nation safe and sovereign."

And by protesting the Land Encroachment of our Country, we are doing just that.

I'm suffering form India's Imperialism.

I do not sing "China song" (whatever that means), nor do i want ANY open border with either of my neighboring countries, if there was NO Open-Border, there would have been NO Encroachment of Nepal's land. There would not as much criminal activities as there are today either, and that would be best for all the parties.

Seriously, what does India (or even Nepal) gain from the Open-Border?

When you already know terrorists are using it against your own country why would you keep it open? There was no such treaty for open-border either, AFAIK, India would close it, it knows the risks are just too high. But again, if you proceed to close the "Open-Border", the Encroached Land of Nepal will to trouble you back again, as the issue will rise again. This is the reason why the Border is still open.

Return our Land (Encroached by SSB) - of the Southern Parts of Nepal, we will be quite happy to have the Border closed, more happy than the Indians.

The Open-Border does NOT benefit Nepal, and it does not benefit India (apart from the Encroached Land), we have been requesting India to close the Border, but they don't close it. We didn't ask for it.

Nepal is currently NOT even stable enough to control it's own criminal activities, the Madhesis blast bomb frequently, we are currently utterly resource limited (because of high corruption -- because of Anti-National political parties).

India does Not close the Borders, as we request them to, now tell me, what can we do?

Our Police ACTIVELY helps your Police when it comes to arresting Terrorists provided they are given enough details.

If you read the News, recently it was written in Times of India "after we notify the Nepal Police", catching terrorists is LIKE CUTTING A CAKE.

Many terrorists caught recently were caught EXCLUSIVELY with the help of Nepal Police, what more can we do for India?

If you look at the Pros, a Self-dependent Nepal will be far far more beneficial and capable than what a puppet Govt is today (but again, you're not a Nepalese, you won't be able to understand the seriousness of my words).

I don't know much about Sri Lanka, what do you mean by that? We are already suffering enough from RAW.

And FYI, we do NOT want any foreign Intelligence Organization in our Land (No country does of course,) but we neither want ISI, nor do we want CIA, nor KGB, nor RAW, nor Mossad, nor MI6, and NOT even Chinese Intelligence (whatever that's called).

Hail Lord Shiva
Hail Nepal
Bro, why would RAW want Nepal to not be a Hindu state?
Why does India support this country? Don't do favors for such nations which don't consider you as a friend.

Do it for Bhutan, because it a pro-country. China have no aims for Nepal either, this nation is just getting sandwiched between India and China

That is pointless. As India grows stronger its smaller neighbors will start resenting us. That is the natural order of things.

The solution is to become so strong that they will then fear us and then respect us.

In any case, the relationship with Nepal is a win win situation. The Indian govt. and the Nepali govt. knows that. But the Nepali's need someone to blame to take their minds out of their misery. It has to be either India or China.

India is not a Empire, its a democracy so the word 'imperialism' is misplaced.

There is such a thing as believing your own propaganda. You have started doing that, and like jealousy, there is no cure for it.

Read the 1950 Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship if you want to know why India has open borders with Nepal.

Article 5
The Government of Nepal shall be free to import, from or through the territory of India, arms, ammunition or warlike material and equipment necessary for the security of Nepal. The procedure for giving effect to this arrangement shall be worked out by the two Governments acting in consultation.

Article 6
Each Government undertakes, in token of the neighbourly friendship between India and Nepal, to give to the nationals of the other, in its territory, national treatment with regard to participation in industrial and economic development of such territory and to the grant of concessions and contracts, relating to such development.

Article 7
The Governments of India and Nepal agree to grant, on a reciprocal basis, to the nationals of one country in the territories of the other the same privileges in the matter of residence, ownership of property, participation in trade and commerce, movement and other privileges of a similar nature.

This treaty is the life line if Nepal and the reason for special relationship between our two countries.

India is not a Empire, its a democracy so the word 'imperialism' is misplaced.

There is such a thing as believing your own propaganda. You have started doing that, and like jealousy, there is no cure for it.

Read the 1950 Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship if you want to know why India has open borders with Nepal.

This treaty is the life line if Nepal and the reason for special relationship between our two countries.

if I'm not wrong,this treaty came right after 1947,when India got independence and we forged a strong relation with Nepal in the face of threat of overthrowing the govt by Communist Party of Nepal backed by China.the threat proved real when 1952 of the Communist Party of Nepal attempted to seize power with Chinese backing.after that incident,India and Nepal stepped up military and intelligence cooperation under treaty provisions, and India sent a military mission to Nepal.


Nepal is free to scrap this treaty and go for new one.but looks like even when Maoists are in power,they don't want to pursue it.so,please don't blame us for that.and as far as I know,Nepal freely purchase weapons,even from China,apart from USA,UK,Italy,Israel and many others.
I know i have been writing things, and i know no one believes me, okay this is long, but let me put this down in a more clear manner:

That is pointless. As India grows stronger its smaller neighbors will start resenting us. That is the natural order of things.

I hate to write it again and again, but India does bully it's smaller neighbors incl. Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. Bhutan would not have monarchy without India, that's what everyone knows (idk about Indians). They all have this Anti-India element because they feel the active interference in their internal affairs by India. I'm not blaming blindly, ask any Bangladeshi or Nepali what he does NOT like about India, two things are bound to pop up: (1) Land Encroachment, (2) Political interference.

Now China entered 10 miles inside your territory, did you like it?
NO, of course, then why would Nepalese like it when India's SSB encroaches our Land (and unlike what China did to India,) does not retreat or return, our Land. It's the same everywhere, Nationalism matters, sovereignty matters.

We have threat from both China and India, one is the threat of being Next Tibet and the other being the "Next State" of India. Now many Indians do take us as Brothers, like you guys here, BUT there are many more who feel they need to take control the smaller neighbors of India (which is what your ruling class suffers from). The threat is very real.

India took over Sikkim by deception (you can read it's real history, it was fully done with India's deception coupled with covert operations of it's RAW), with out RAW, Sikkim would not have been a part of India, as it's today.

During an argument regarding Encroachment of Nepal's Land by India - with the then King, Indira Gandhi had threatened: "If you do not keep quiet, we will do with Nepal what we did with Sikkim".

And with our Land in the south encroached, we can feel the threat, and there's a word for it "Sikkim-ikaran" (Sikkimization). And this threat is very real because there's Madhesi party (which publicly works under direct command of India) doing just what Lhendup Dorjee was doing with Sikkim

How can foreigners know what our Internal problems really are? This is same for you, you don't actually know how serious this issue is for us.

This treaty is the life line if Nepal and the reason for special relationship between our two countries.

Anything but not that "lifeline", please, it's bullshit. Yes, we do have financial aid from India. Yes, we do import some Edible Goods from India. And Yes, India is the main trade partner of Nepal.
But we CAN survive without India's aids, this again goes back to political interference as the main hurdle to our stability. India has done economic blockade in the past, but we survived back then too.

Those who need India's aids are Indians themselves. A research from in 2011 showed that 70% of the population in India was living even below the standard poverty rate (many surviving under Rs. 2 per day and for some, even less), it's somewhere around 60% to 50% or let's be optimistic, 40% for India today.

Yes, we do have a very poor population living the rural areas of Nepal, but that's nothing compared to India. An average Nepali standard today is much greater than that of India. Our Country is poor because of decade long conflict, political instability and interferences, difficult geographical location and the limitation in resources which rise from those factors.
Thus, we have not been able to develop our country as we should and could have.

And whether you like it or not, the Cons of being India's "Brother" are far more than the Pros. When are we getting our Encroached land back? When are we going to be politically FREE? These are just two of countless other questions we have, and no one has answer for this, maybe there's no answer to it.

The main theme many have today is: "Raja aau, desh bachau" -- "O King come back, save our Nation" - these are the same people who supported the puppets in the name of demo dumbocracy (not referring to you), dumbocracy is Anti-Nationalist, it's NOT for Nepal.

Be it a King or a Dictator, what we need today is a Nationalist Totalitarian regime, which will execute all the puppets, so that there is no political interference. If you ask me, we need someone like Hitler, seriously.


Nepal is free to scrap this treaty and go for new one

It does not happen that way for Nepal, because of political instability (which is heavily influenced by foreign powers - mostly India), we depend financially with India. The truth is, it might be surprising to you, but all our political matters are decided about in New Delhi by India. Things get setup here through the puppet Anti-National political parties.
What really makes difference in who is more obedient than whom, without it, we would fully have Anti-Nationalist Govt forever.

Maoists (there are two Maoists) kind of protest the Political interference and Land encroachment, other political parties are literally, nonexistent. And NO, people here do believe Maoists are also RAW funded. Why you say? The reasons are:

(1) SD Muni (the Anti-Nepal chatterbox) had arranged for meeting between Maoists and New Delhi (during the People's War), and had asked Maoist leaders to write a Letter to PM of India, they did. This is a well known fact - which was accepted by Prachanda (who publicly said: "We thought we were playing with India, but India is also playing with us").

(2) The Maoists were trained INSIDE Indian Army Camps, this is also a publicly KNOWN fact (it was also published in Nepalese News, and by Nepalese Media at the time).


Also note the last line of the page above:
'India was not at all pleased with his plans to buy automated HK-38 rifles from Germany and set up assembly plants in Nepal. India was insisting upon Nepal for buying the sub-standard, made in India, Insas rifles', the formal general writes. 'The politics of weapons is somehow or the other linked to King Birendra's assassination.'

You can research in this on your own, if you want to, but Politics in our Country is very dark, none of my accusations are false, these are facts which ran well in the Media and were publicly accepted by many.

Now there are Moaists in India, everyone knows this but the truth for Nepal is: India had never planned on making the Maoists the top party in Nepal (when they secretly supported them), and this is where their plans went wrong, after a decade long conflict, the Nepalese believed that Maoists would do something good, which they did not, or maybe could not, but Maoists are already the strongest, maybe something will change after this Election (maybe much worse). They stopped their support for the King (because they had planned for his downfall).

(3) If India really wanted a Hindu Nation out of Nepal, it would have supported the King, but NO, it supported it's puppets - the Coalition (who were working for RAW). It gave NO Aid to the (now) former King, and instead supported it's puppets (after all the puppets were working for them).

Seriously, i have no pleasure in accusing your Intelligence Agency, I'm just writing what we all already know.

Nepal freely purchase weapons,even from China,apart from USA,UK,Italy,Israel and many others.

The weapons thing is more serious than what i can ever describe in words, we did purchase some weapons with Israel, and USA (some M16, that's it), our primary source is India, because whether you believe it or not, it's an agreement, and this "agreement" ONLY benefits India (politically), NOT Nepal. As for many others, maybe Not.
And everyone knows INSAS is of low quality compared to M16. We are bullied when it comes to Arms, Encroached Land and our Politics.
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Nepal's "lifeline" is the Southern Nepal -- the Terai region, and that's why it's called the "food basket of Nepal". THIS is exactly where your country and it's "righteous" Intelligence agency is attacking it's Brother country. If Terai goes to India, Nepal won't survive. This is one of the key points of India's plan for Nepal's disintegration. The threat is VERY real and very active.

This is where the Nepalese citizenship for immigrating Indians comes into play. With our National citizenship, and the rights of participation in Politics that come with it, they are already a big headache for us, sooner or later, they will unleash poison in our throat, as they continue to raise India sponsored "Ek Madhes Ek Pradesh" slogan.

When one has a plan for expanding his National boundary, the Articles of past treaties do NOT matter.

The only real thing for our "lifeline" that India gives us is the Salt. Now I'm NOT singing the "China song", but even China can give that to us, that's Not a big problem. And considering the ever increasing interferences, and the most painful of all - the Land encroachment of Southern Nepal, the help of salt is nothing.

This is the core of Anti-India sentiment of Nepal. Why would anyone like people who take shelter in others' home and instead start burning their home?
India must be sovereign, and developed. And so must be Nepal.
@Stream ... who are these madhesi people and how do u differentiate them from other Nepalese ?? Care to share Nepali demographics here in PDF. Aren`t the madhesi people original inhabitant of terai???
I think you are subconsciously racist towards people of Bihar and U.P and your rants have nothing to do with development and progress of Nepali nation.
Your country is poor and will be forever dependent on India and you know it very well . You have no natural resources and your economy is solely dependent on tourism and subsistence agriculture .Your population is not so resourceful either and those who are useful migrate to India:rolleyes:. I don`t even understand what are you even trying to prove here ?? India annexing Nepal (despite our poverty and billion other problems):rolleyes:??? that would be the glorious day for likes of you (hardcore Nepali eh!!:p) ..
Ha, that's the nature I'm talking about, your country forces into us into submission by politically corrupting us from within and you go talking about our dependency on your country and how our survival depends on you.
That was what i was trying to explain with all these posts when i read about India's "merciful" support for Nepal, ordinary brainwashed Indians don't know what their country is doing with us, so they keep running their mouth of "our dependency", their "friendship" and "brotherhood", and their "never-ending" support for our Country.

The Madhesi people WERE the inhabitants of Terai, BUT now they are exclusively Indian, who work for India, you can differentiate a Terai Nepali from an Indian, call me a racist if you want. It's the truth, these days, the "Madhesis" are Indians, and when we say "Madhesi", we are talking about Indians.

Your population is not so resourceful either and those who are useful migrate to India

Yes, i admit it, people migrate to India and the Gulf countries, but they migrate TO WORK, NOT to BEG. Becasue they are from the rural areas, they are illiterate, some work as Security Guards, and most get involved in hard labor-intensive works, under the worst of circumstances, but at least they don't visit the neighboring Countries and BEG like Indians do in Nepal.

India annexing Nepal (despite our poverty and billion other problems

Typical ignorant Indian comment, learn more about what your Country does with other Neighboring Countries. Every neighboring countries of India have Anti-India element, when each and every neighbor is against you, there IS something terribly wrong with you and what you do, blindly accusing others of being jealous of India won't help India.

that would be the glorious day for likes of you

NOBODY wants to join the Rape Capital of the World, NOT just Rape Capital, it's fully Crime Capital, there is NOT a single day without murder, and other crimes including sexually abusive crimes.

You have no natural resources and your economy is solely dependent on tourism and subsistence agriculture

And that is Changing.

Your country is poor and will be forever dependent on India and you know it very well .

I can go on a long page describing HOW POOR Indians really are, and WHAT they actually do in Nepal, but just for the sake of keeping this page short, I'm skipping it, when you get an idea of what the truth is, you won't talk about our poverty the second time, trust me, the economic situation of Indians (who migrate to Nepal) is far more worse than those Nepalese (who migrate to India), there's this BIG GAP, you can never fill.

And NO, we have a different expectation and feeling regarding the future of Nepal, and it's nowhere near being dependent on India, let alone the word "forever".

I don`t even understand what are you even trying to prove here ??

India is of NO GOOD to us (hell, not just us, but all the neighbors of India), that's the reality, this is what most Indians DON'T know about. Considering what your Country does with mine (and even other neighboring countries), your country is just a pain, a big headache to us.

And completely unaware about the reality, Indians post these stupid topics like India is giving Nepal some INSAS (seriously, NOBODY appreciates that), and there are always these talks of "India's Brotherhood", and when we tell them what the reality is, they see it as some "Anti-India" plot. If India really cares about Brotherhood then, Let us be on our OWN. Close the damn border too.

NEPAL and INDIA are Brothers? YES
NEPALESE are NOT actually "Anti-India"? YES

BUT, when it comes to our sovereignty, we don't appreciate what your Country does, and for an average Indian, we are then "Anti-India".

I wonder when Indians will realize the real cause of "Anti-India" neighbors is their own bully Leadership.

Hail Lord Shiva
Hail Nepal

Your ranting is pointless and repetitive. I have made my point and you have repeated yours multiple times. Time to say good bye unless you have anything new to say.
@Stream ok so you are trying to disown madhesi people because you think they are colluding with us and you cant make up your mind whether you like or dislike us:rolleyes: .. and (you) other Nepalese are too weak and clueless to do anything:eek:?? Deal with it , you have no choice :D:D:p
Your ranting is pointless and repetitive. I have made my point and you have repeated yours multiple times. Time to say good bye unless you have anything new to say.

It's no different than what you say about China and Pakistan. I know it's pointless, I know nothing is going to happen by writing it here, but people needed to know what is happening in here.

you cant make up your mind whether you like or dislike us

Oh yes Buddy, How can the impossible ever happen? Indians can never be wrong, :D the whole whole world is wrong instead.

and (you) other Nepalese are too weak and clueless to do anything ?? Deal with it , you have no choice

And Yes indeed, the whole world is clueless, Indians are the most righteous.
It's no different than what you say about China and Pakistan. I know it's pointless, I know nothing is going to happen by writing it here, but people needed to know what is happening in here.

NO its not. Others post facts backed by links.

You post conspiracy theories and allegation. The difference is apparent.
Oh yes Buddy, How can the impossible ever happen? Indians can never be wrong, :D the whole whole world is wrong instead
And Yes indeed, the whole world is clueless, Indians are the most righteous.

I m not your buddy ,not in thousand years . You are racist and clueless , and have no knowledge of your own nation. Nepal is democratic nation now and you can't simply accept the fact that there are people who have opinion which differs from yours and went as far as terming them non-nepali ,when you already accepted that, they are original people of terai, the economic hot-zone ..
India is always righteous for any matter that concerns it, we are awesome:cool: and very-very evil and we will stand our ground unlike the foolish bunch of you.. Enjoy the taste of Indian domination :cool:;)
Nepal's "lifeline" is the Southern Nepal -- the Terai region, and that's why it's called the "food basket of Nepal". THIS is exactly where your country and it's "righteous" Intelligence agency is attacking it's Brother country. If Terai goes to India, Nepal won't survive. This is one of the key points of India's plan for Nepal's disintegration. The threat is VERY real and very active.

This is where the Nepalese citizenship for immigrating Indians comes into play. With our National citizenship, and the rights of participation in Politics that come with it, they are already a big headache for us, sooner or later, they will unleash poison in our throat, as they continue to raise India sponsored "Ek Madhes Ek Pradesh" slogan.

When one has a plan for expanding his National boundary, the Articles of past treaties do NOT matter.

The only real thing for our "lifeline" that India gives us is the Salt. Now I'm NOT singing the "China song", but even China can give that to us, that's Not a big problem. And considering the ever increasing interferences, and the most painful of all - the Land encroachment of Southern Nepal, the help of salt is nothing.

This is the core of Anti-India sentiment of Nepal. Why would anyone like people who take shelter in others' home and instead start burning their home?
India must be sovereign, and developed. And so must be Nepal.

You know the difference between 'desh' and 'Pradesh', they are asking for federal structure of Nepal. Just one protest by Madhesi brought the Nepalese leaders to line with the Madhesis demands.
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