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India ends eight-year ban, supplies military gear to Nepal

I Know, No ONE believes me, and I am accused of being a "troll", but your belief does NOT make much difference, I just wrote what my country has been suffering from, and you guys don't know how miserable our lives have become.
Do you have enough money to make weapons and roads ?
Actually we DO, Late King Birendra also wanted to assemble Weapons in Nepal and export the same to whole of South Asian countries, he had arranged a deal with a German (German I believe) Weapons Company but India was pretty unhappy, India wanted Nepal to depend on India for Millitary, they want us to have INSAS. The Royal Massacre revolves around this fact, I'm not accusing India for Royal Massacre but it has quite a lot to do with RAW.
It was around 1988/89 that Nepal first tried to buy Anti-Aircraft Missiles, Indian PM prevented Nepal from purchasing the Missiles, and also led to a 2 YEARS Economic Ban, and it was in 2006, for the second time that Nepal tried to purchase Missiles, this time India found out because the plane landed on India (as per the route) and India officials asked about the carriage, then they found out, the plane was carrying Missiles for Nepal.
Search for "India foils Nepal's bid to get Missiles", the News was published in many places and was also published in GlobalSecurity.
besides India has it's own Gurkha population of around 10 millions living within the Indian territories.
That's the territory that LEGALLY stills belongs to US, all the previous treaties ceased but India did NOT return it to us, India has been using it with it's own State Govt but the territory is a part of Greater Nepal. And NO, it's NOT a nascent concept, the territory was formed after RE-unification of Nepal that got broken in 53 pieces after the Lichhavi dynasty and Prithivi Narayan Shah reunited Nepal, the land is illegally with India, and this is part of WHY India wants a politically fractured Nepal. A self-dependent Nepal WILL demand for the reunification, India know this. And talking about legality, if we raise the issue (internationally), the land is also illegal according to international laws.
India wants to disintegrate Nepal ... ha ha...
After the Fall of Monarchy, the Madhesi party has been demanding "Ek Madhes Ek Pradesh", in simple words - INDEPENDENCE of Terai from Nepal. The Maoists (which is actually a RAW puppet) has been demanding for "sanghiyata" -- state wise, culture wise division, they have all these states already set. You won't understand it, you're not from Nepal, you don't know what we are going through.
The Maoists were funded (arms and other resources like money) by India, they were trained in India, the King back then fully trusted India, and later, the Nepalese Intelligence found out that Maoists are actually being trained inside Indian camps in India, the trust was broken.
The reason India supported the Maoists was because they thought that they would just use Maoists (and likewise, the Maoists were planning to just use the Indian Intelligence). Before the Election after the fall of Monarchy, the Indian Intelligence had estimated that the Maoists would ONLY win in the far rural areas, and that the Madhesi and other coalition would form.
But the result was, that after a decade long war, the Nepalese believed that the Moaists would do the most good for Nepal and now as everyone has realized, they are of NO good.
While the Maoists are kind of Anti-India (at the lower level), the top level (Prachanda, Babu Ram) are NOT, it is also said babu Ram Bhattarai (who studied in India) is actually more favored by India than Prachanda, that is why the Babu Ram Govt could exist in Nepal.
And also, I don't have the link to the page right now, but an Indian politician has also said "Now that Nepal is a failed state, India and China should share and merge Nepal".
I know how stupid it sounds to you, but it's the truth your SSB and your RAW are raping my country, adding to our pain is the fact that most Indians don't know about these things. I don't blame you guys, your state sponsored media makes you think otherwise - with false News such as "Nepal grabbing Bihar's Land".
The true reality is - Pakistanis actually protested in Pakistan some years ago (around 2008 - 2010) when India's SSB seized Nepalese Land, Yes, they did it because they are Anti-India, but at least they protested, Nepalese Media could NOT even publish Pakistani protest because they feared India's wrath.
The reasons Anti-India sentiment in Nepal is because of poverty and misgovernment
If you were a Nepalese, or had been residing here for some years, you wouldn't have written that one. The whole accusation against India is NOT for nothing, it has everything to do with RAW.
The truth is: EU, USA, and India, ALL have their own agendas for Nepal, US wants to stop Chinese influence in Nepal (and increase it's own), India wants to disintegrate Nepal and EU wants a Christian Nation out of Nepal.
And did I tell you? There's Indian terrorist who frequently terrorizes Nepalese by planting Bombs, his name is Bhagat Singh, this terrorist is backed by some estimated 600 other Indians, and they seek to "control Nepal" LOL. I just hope (and PRAY) when this terrorist dies, he dies after being sprayed with bullets by the NA or Nepalese Para-Millitary. that would be awesome.
you really should read about what kind of weapons Nepal is using..Hell,they even use Chinese Trucks and Aircrafts.
NAH, we do NOT have Air force, there are Helicopters, but what are you going to do with them (just in case anything happens -- even rifles can bring Helicopters down)? China does NOT give anything to us related to Military, it gives us NON-Military aids, because they KNOW we will be economically in problem because India still controls us. In 1988, China gave some Anti-Aircraft Guns to Nepal, India was pretty unhappy, the Weapons thing is what caused 2 years of Indian economic ban on Nepal back then.
They're buying M-16,M-4,H&K PSG-1,CAR-15,MP-5,Galil,G-36,UZI and many others
In what numbers actually? the last time America gave us M16 is when there was Maoist conflict, at most, it was around 5000 - all in all, India wanted Nepal to carry it's INSAS, they made it pretty clear to us. King Birendra wanted Modernization of Nepalese Military, the deal was made with a (if I remember correctly, German) company, India WAS unsatisfied with the deal, and then the Royal Massacre.
I'm NOT saying all this is because of your Intelligence Agency, but it DOES have pretty big role in the whole Massacre. A book was also published in the years that followed that also talked about the presence of a RAW official (with suspicious manners).
I mean,what kind of article is this???
That was NOT an Article, I wrote it just to tell some Indians why Nepalese hate Indians, I have read PDF threads in the past, so I wrote it down for them. In these matters we hate India and Indian policies against our Land, but other than these issues (which need to be resolved), we have NO hostility, that is what I wanted to say to them.
It is good if RAW is eliminating ISI agents (usually Nepali Muslims) in Nepal. You should be thanking us. I am sure your govt. is glad we are doing it.
They are JUST ACCUSED of being ISI agents, (this happens JUST BEFORE they get shot down on Nepalese roads), I follow Sanatana Dharma, BUT the Muslims are also Nepalese, we don't want this to happen to them. The puppet Govt can't even speak when SSB seizes our Land, they can't speak when Nepalese get killed, raped or beaten by Indians or SSB, WHY would such a puppet Govt speak when the Muslims get killed?
And BTW, they can't speak out because they want their Govt to last, if they open their mouth, they won't be in Govt at all. RAW is NOT foolish, they are NOT some James Bond youths, they are old, experienced professionals, every Govt that forms in Nepal is formed through Coalition, if any party speaks against Indian brutality, the Coalition BREAKS OUT AutoMAGICALLY.
Nepal is like a brother to us!we share similar culture and have been co-existing peacefully for thousands of years. India doesn't control Nepal
Unfortunately, the Indian ruling class does NOT share the same belief as you do, whether you accept it or not, Nepal is controlled by India, this is why we are finding this "brotherhood" and this similarity too painful, this is in fact THE reason of Anti-India sentiment.
The above is NOT even a fraction of how serious the matter currently has become, and how miserable our lives are becoming because of RAW. And PLEASE, don't reply saying it's a 2008 page, the page is old, but the matter is more serious now than what an average Indian can ever imagine.
PS: Before you guys start judging me, understand this: my forefathers were from India, they migrated to Nepal after conflict in Ujjain (most of the Brahmins and Chhetris[Kshatriyas] of Nepal are Indians - if you talk about origin), I love India, but I also love my Land, and I am against India's brutal offensive policies against my Birth place.

Hail Lord Shiva
Hail Nepal
But why does Nepal need permission for building roads? The truth is: after 1962 Indo-China war, India started fearing that Chinese tanks might just come rolling down inside India through Nepalese roads. India does NOT want roads to be built in Nepal, so this permission stems up from this fear.

I know it sounds quite Anti-India to you, and you might also have felt offended, while that's NOT my intention, but that's the truth regarding some of India's seriously stupid policies against Nepal.
If I'm not mistaken Nepal is only one of the two Hindu nations in the world and India had imposed military sanctions on it for 8-years?

Great going Manmohan Singh and Bikram Singh.
If I'm not mistaken Nepal is only one of the two Hindu nations in the world and India had imposed military sanctions on it for 8-years?

Great going Manmohan Singh and Bikram Singh.

Unfortunately, NO MORE, NO MORE of a Hindu nation, it's a secular nation now, thanks to RAW.
How many Indian soldiers are stationed in Nepal at this moment, uninvited?

Seriously, our Army is just 100,000 in number, when the National Election itself gets heavily manipulated through illegal and biased voting (by Indian citizens), WHY would we keep Indians in NA (When We KNOW we would ONLY end up having our National Army politically biased ) ?

Also, when you have established a Political party itself in Nepal which can lead to formation/deformation of the ruling Govt, do you even need Army infiltration? The real answer is NO.

As for the Nepalese in Indian Army, they are all in the lower levels, NOT higher levels, this is carefully thought of, they have made everything to ensure Nepalese remain in the lower level, but we CAN NOT afford to do the same with our tiny Nation, we KNOW we won't be able to control political infiltration in such cases.

This is the reason why Nepal Army also denied to recruit the Maoists in the Army.
The ONLY HOPE we have with us is the decreasing poverty, our Poverty is decreasing at the rate of 4.1% p.a. At this rate, Nepal will be free from Poverty in the next 20 years.
This is a big hope for a politically fractured Nation like Nepal - which has NO sea access, and is sandwiched between giant and politically ambitious Nations.

In spite of having our Nation politically fractured by a foreign Intelligence Agency, we are struggling for the re-unification of Nepal, and our movement is gaining momentum, with the re-unified Nepal, we will be able to directly trade with Bangladesh without India's "mercy", our GDP will also increase, our potential will increase, and so will our Nation's power.
omg!! people here say RAW is shit nd all that...but on same time blame RAW for some big big stuff...and still the world comunity is not saying anything.....
pdf is the only place where people acuse RAW for everything in south asia but still say RAW cant do anything...ehh double standards....
i hav only seen pdf napalese(as the fake flag says) saying that india bullying and all that but in reality out of this pdf the world is different(or rather world is real)

just a question to false flaggers...y u hide behind a different flag? arent u ashamed of ur self nd country? y spreading hatered b/w two brotherly countries? r u that much weak that u hav this shitty way left? or is it ur embarasement? are u jealous or something cuz no one gives shit to ur contry??
but still say RAW cant do anything...ehh double standards....

When did I say RAW can't do anything? I instead said they are doing the worst, the most poisonous, the benefits of RAW to India bring with them more hostility for India.
Nepal and China traditional friendly neighbor, China should also give more support
When did I say RAW can't do anything? I instead said they are doing the worst, the most poisonous, the benefits of RAW to India bring with them more hostility for India.
i didnt mention your name i just said false flager...is it ur guilt that u r replying me o_O;) hahaha busted
btw my first two lines of my post were to other pdf posters on 1st page
and other for FALSE FLAGERS

I do think you are a Nepali, possibly a Nepali muslim ?

Your Anti-India conspiracy theory is a typical Nepali response. You love us and you hate us. This is a dichotomy that is eating you up.

I spent my honeymoon in Nepal so I am aware of the Anti-India feelings in Nepal since I got to experience it first hand. But it was more of an Anti-North India feeling as the person who wanted to insult me called me a 'Bhaiya'. LOL. especially since I am a south India. However the other Nepali person I was with was so embarrassed by the insulting behavior of his fellow countrymen that he immediately apologized and started blaming RAW and Bihari criminals for everything. That of course was more funny.

Your lives have become miserable due to your own choices. Above e.g. is a good indicator. Why would I have a positive feelings for a nation where I was insulted for being an Indian ? (that too on my Honeymoon !) Still I do not hate Nepal as i know they are just frustrated and Jealous.

About Nepali defense purchase, I am sure they too are influenced by Lobbies. German Lobby being one, Indian lobby being another. India would naturally try to protect her interests. That is what our govt. is elected for. To protect Indian interests, not Nepali interests.

About the land disputes, why don't you tell us about the land disputes you have with China ? Are you aware that China forced Nepal into sharing Mt. Everest with them ? Before that Mr. Everest belonged to Nepal.

Looks at the whole thing from Indian perspective. Nepal is only relevant because they are our first line of defense with China as they border China and acts like a shield. Naturally RAW will be active in keeping an eye on Pro-chinese activities and Anti-India activities. That is their Job.

Nepal is very important to you, not to India. We have 1.2 billion other worries. To really think India conspires to destroy Nepal is far fetched. To be honest we don't care much either way.

Maybe that is the problem ? You want us to care but we Do not really care ?
@Stream stop fooling people. I am from border region and I know the truth. There people hate Biharis but not Indians actually millions of nepalese are working In India. You can find Nepalese working,studying in almost all Indian cities,towns.
Secondly you are absouletly wrong that Nepal army use all Indian weapons. Infact they are replacing older weapons with new american M-16s as a standard army rifle and M4 smg. And they use 100s of chinese trucks along with some Indian trucks so dont fool people here.
Every now and then a pdf nepali pop up and all the time they found to be nothing but falseflagger at last. Lols
If I'm not mistaken Nepal is only one of the two Hindu nations in the world and India had imposed military sanctions on it for 8-years?

Great going Manmohan Singh and Bikram Singh.[/quote

I know that Nepal is a Hindu Nation but which is the second one?
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