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India ends eight-year ban, supplies military gear to Nepal

Unfortunately, NO MORE, NO MORE of a Hindu nation, it's a secular nation now, thanks to RAW.

What has RAW got to do with that ??

The change was brought by the Nepali maoists .

The Nepali maoists are not creation of RAW . You can look north for that .
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Our Nepali brother has got his facts seriously wrong. The Maoists are the creation of RAW??!! I guess Mao himself was also the creation of RAW then. India itself is facing it's worst internal security threat in the form of Maoists. Relations with Nepal were much better before Prachanda took over Nepal.

Regarding this claim that India has usurped Nepali territory, well, it was the machinations of the British. It's similar to Afghanistan saying that Pakistan is holding it's Pashtun territories. Both Nations inherited their borders from the British in 1947 and that's how it will stay. It would be prudent of our Nepalese brother to remember that Nepal isn't an oasis of peace and comfort into which the former Nepalese territories (Uttarakhand today) are eager to join!
i didnt mention your name i just said false flager...

You referred to me in the 1st page, and then you wrote it again, what was i supposed to assume?

stop fooling people. I am from border region and I know the truth.

REALLY? So then it means - you are an Eye-witness to increase in Indian territory, an eye witness of the Land encroachment we have been suffering from, or maybe you are biased enough to deny it. I'm also sure you are well aware of what India's SSB is doing with Nepal, and the Nepalese Border Pillars (which are AutoMAGICally disappearing). Allocating Budget for SSB was worth it for India.

Your Anti-India conspiracy theory is a typical Nepali response.

Because we know what we are suffering from, the disease is called RAW (which unbeknownst to Indians) has been destroying my Nation. The disbelief of Indians (who are fooled into believing something else by it's State sponsored Media) does NOT matter, their disbelief won't stop RAW from what it is doing, nor will it change the truth.


To some degree, everyone here knows what is happening being done with Nepal.

But it was more of an Anti-North India feeling as the person who wanted to insult me called me a 'Bhaiya'.

I don't know what your Guide told you but if i met any Indian, i would refer to them as Bhaiya (because i don't know their name), no offense there. It means "Brother", you know that too. If he referred to you as "Dhoti", then it could be considered offensive.
Many Indians take the word "Dhoti" as racist word, but it's origin actually is NOT, the people who started using the word "Dhoti" were referring to the Indians after the dress they wore, which is called "dhoti" -- person wearing Dhoti. But even that's balanced, if you ask me, cause your Bollywood Movies ALWAYS show the Gurkhas or just Nepalese as some stupid Security Guards (who carries Khukuri, wears Daura Surwal and Dhaka topi).
It's utter insult to get to see those scenes here - because Nepalese who work as Security Guards in India are almost always, illiterate people from Villages, they don't actually represent the majority of what Nepalese are.

he immediately apologized and started blaming RAW and Bihari criminals for everything. That of course was more funny.

Because you don't know how deceptive and poisonous the RAW is. And NO, we don't hate North Indians. We hate SSB, RAW and India's imperialist policies against us.
(when I said North Indians above, I was referring to the people who are from Darjeeling, Sikkim, Shimla, etc).

Nepal is very important to you, not to India

Indian politicians and RAW don't think that way. If they believed and did so, i would not be writing these things here today.

Naturally RAW will be active in keeping an eye on Pro-chinese activities and Anti-India activities. That is their Job.

Their job is NOT to manipulate, corrupt other Nations, their job is NOT to hire contract killers to kill foreign locals, and getting hands dirty in others' internal affairs is NOT supposed to be part of their job. These are the things that actually trigger more Anti-India activities.

You can find Nepalese working,studying in almost all Indian cities,towns.

I know you won't believe it too, BUT Indians DO come and study here too, the funny thing is: they also have frequent quarrels with each other and insult each other by using the word "Madey" (tease-word for "Marwadi").

And they use 100s of chinese trucks along with some Indian trucks so dont fool people here.

Actually, it's the other way, the Nepal Army uses the vehicles given by "merciful" India, after all, the future part of Akhand Bharat (atleast so in the New Map of RAW). What China gives us are Non-Military Aids: Promise to build Roads, other infrastructures which will help Nepal develop, China also gives food for rural areas of Nepal.
You can believe everything good about your Intelligence Agency, the truth is - we have been seeking our OWN Independence since India's Independence, it's India's imperialism because of which small countries like Nepal have to face hardship.

What is "Pro-Chinese" for an Indian?

I don't have any idea about that, India is trying to save it's influence in Nepal which is decreasing with increasing Chinese support for Nepal, in this process "Pro-Chinese" is the most used term - to describe acceptance of Chinese support.
Nepal used to have war with Tibet in the past (around the re-unification period), back then China saved it from being part of Nepal, and later it had already become part of China.
China does NOT cause any political problem for us, India does. For me, China is ONE, Tibet = Part of China, now if some Tibetans and some Indians regard me as "Pro-Chinese", then so be it. Tibetans frequently cause trouble for us.

About the land disputes, why don't you tell us about the land disputes you have with China

China has NEVER seized our Land, they have NEVER killed our Locals (yes, there was a beating reported several years ago, but it's 1 of China VS innumerable from India -- Never such beating after that from China), we have NEVER experienced anything negative from China since the last treaty.

Are you aware that China forced Nepal into sharing Mt. Everest with them ? Before that Mr. Everest belonged to Nepal.

I will be frank, NO, what i did know was Tibet had part of Mt. Everest, the peak is on Nepalese side, when Tibet became part of China, part of Mt. Everest became part of China. And contrary to what you believe, we (Nationalists) DON'T support both Chinese and Indian control over Nepal, we can neither afford to become the Next state of the so-called "Akhand Bharat", NOR can we afford to become the Next Tibet.

absouletly wrong that Nepal army use all Indian weapons. Infact they are replacing older weapons with new american M-16s as a standard army rifle and M4 smg

I never said Nepal uses Indian weapon altogether, what i said was - India wants Nepal to use Indian weapons altogether, the Indian Ambassadors (yes, they visit politicians and arrange for some political coalitions and all that - based on what India wants in Nepal) frequently run their mouth in these things, India shows her disappointment when Nepal tries for foreign weapons. What Indians don't know, (and what's nothing new to us) is the fact that India gets upset when US shows more interest in Nepal, such as when giving/even selling weapons, such as M16.
As i said already, Late King Birendra wanted Modernization of Nepal Army, thus he went for the German deal, and the Royal Massacre, and the "almighty" INSAS in our Army.

Believe me, your former Ambassador to Nepal - "Rakesh Sood" - was the most itchy, the most unwanted Ambassador ever in the History of Nepal, Anti-India sentiment increased in multiples - during his "service".

India even gets upset when Nepalese politicians or Ministers visit China instead of India (this happened with Prachanda, India was quite angry when he visited China after being PM in Nepal, Sounds stupid to you, i know, but this is another truth, upsetting India is very easy when it comes to Nepal).
India is a Bully.
Why is it what EVERY small Neighbor of India has Anti-India element?

It might seem jealousy to you but it's because of your RAW, for it always interferes in the political affairs of it's small neighbors including Nepal.
Our Nepali brother has got his facts seriously wrong. The Maoists are the creation of RAW

It means you absolutely don't know what is happening in Nepal, please don't reply back with such thoughts, it's happening in my country.
Regarding this claim that India has usurped Nepali territory, well, it was the machinations of the British. It's similar to Afghanistan saying that Pakistan is holding it's Pashtun territories.

The "claim" is DIFFERENT from a TREATY and a TREATY becoming VOID. What Pakistan and Afghanistan settled down with does NOT matter to us.
Another thing is, India has destroyed more than 600 Border pillars, and the Indian Guard SSB has setup Checkpost deep INSIDE our territory. It's NOT my claim, it's a fact, you can study about the Nepalese Border and personally investigate yourself.

In Dang, they even have this Indian Military Camp inside OUR territory.

The locals (now Indians) say - "thulo maccha le sano maccha khancha bhanchan, dukha lagcha, k garnu" -- "They say: Big Fish eats Small Fish, it's very upsetting, but what can we [locals] do?" - if you ask them about their Nepali origin.

This is NOT your "Arm-Chair" claim, it's a direct attack to our sovereignty, a direct violation of the International Laws.

It would be prudent of our Nepalese brother to remember that Nepal isn't an oasis of peace and comfort into which the former Nepalese territories (Uttarakhand today) are eager to join!

This is the reason why RAW is creating political instability in Nepal, a Self-dependent Nepal (which India can NOT influence) WILL take those matters to an International level, it's because of RAW that Indians get to say this.

You keep a Govt impotent, you keep a Nation handicapped, and Impotent. But of course, why and HOW would an Indian understand a Nepalese pain?
And BTW, I'm NOT a Nepali Muslim, i follow Sanatana Dharma, i do NOT like any Monotheistic religion.

Calling or just thinking of me as some "false flagger" and disregarding the issue won't solve the it, believe me, i see a regional conflict in the far horizon because of India's imperialism (which all her small neighbors are facing).
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What you are suffering from is stupidity, poverty and lack of opportunity. Not RAW :rolleyes:

The solution to ease that suffering is nutritive food, education, handwork and good relations with your neighbors. It does not get any more easier than that.

I am unaware of what RAW does there, but I am in full support of them killing ISI agents. RAW would not be so busy if Nepal had taken steps to address Indian concerns. If Nepal were to address our concerns, RAW will not waste it time in Nepal. It's as simple as that.

About the attempt at insult, it was no 'what he said', it was 'how he said it'.

China does not provide open border to Nepal like India does. LOL. Once they do, you will stop singing the china song. The day India shuts its border to Nepal, is the day the price of everything in Nepal goes up by 3 to 4 times and poverty figures start rising by 100 to 200%. If you were a little smarter you would have figured that out on your own.

Nepal and India shares a very special relationship because you are a Hindu Majority nation. Now RAW is not a very nice agency to have in your backyard. Neither is ISI or CIA or any such shadow organization. It never ends well for anyone when such agencies are involved.

Best is to keep you nose clean so that these agencies do not see the need to visit your home. Sri Lanka learned that lesson the hard way. Nepal is smarter than that, but are your smart enough ?
@Stream you are nothing but a false flagger troll who doesn't represent Nepali people. And there are enough BS in your posts which clearly shows that you know nothing about real scenario rather trying to create your own version of history like saying 'Maoists are RAW puppet' and that too when Nepali maosist support insurgency in India through Indian maoists and we are suffering from this maoist insurgency more than Kashmiri islami militants. Every one know in the world that whom maoists represents.
Why does India support this country? Don't do favors for such nations which don't consider you as a friend.

Do it for Bhutan, because it a pro-Indian country. China have no aims for Nepal either, this nation is just getting sandwiched between India and China
Why does India support this country? Don't do favors for such nations which don't consider you as a friend.

Do it for Bhutan, because it a pro-Indian country. China have no aims for Nepal either, this nation is just getting sandwiched between India and China

Because Nepal is a brother nation to us . We will support them no matter what .

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