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India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again

no, i don't see how it is.

to hell with maths !!

how can you so callously forget all those people who died so unnecessarily, either by suicide or by hunger or by economic/social murders??

in late 2014, while modi the feku was touring the nato world trying to bring in more armaments and useless capitalist industry, the workers of the tea estates of darjeeling were dying of hunger and many were so weakened by hunger that they couldn't stand.

did any temple idol in india go hungry?? every day tons on milk, curds and prepared food items are wasted by using them to bathe and "feed" these religious, non-living idols made of stone, plaster and metal.

on average, 500,000 indian children under the age of five die every year because of malnutrition !!

there are 70+ million homeless people in india !!

250,000 people in india suicided in 2012, contributing to the 'world health organization' declaring in 2014 that india is 'suicide capital of the world' !!

300,000 farmers have suicided between 1995 and 2015, and this is only and only because of the extreme capitalism of the economic system and the senseless nature of the social system.

no pakistani, no chinese, no russian has caused india's miseries... it is india's ridiculous, unscientific and anti-human political/social/economic that has caused this.

india doesn't need any more armaments... in fact, the indian military must be decreased by 50 percent and the resources be sold, melted and redeployed to provide every citizen with high-quality free houses, low-costing food, free medical system, free education system, free water, free electricity etc.

get out your military mindset... both india and china are wallowing in capitalism and don't have anything of substance to show to the world... i was only day-before-yesterday saying to our chinese sanghi member, chinese dragon ( "cd" to his indian saffroni admirers ), that ever since china turned to vulgar capitalism, capitalism has created so many inequalities and unnecessarily problems within china.

the op article is actually pointing to the absolute anti-human attitude of the indian establishment/government where instead of spending money on bringing a welfare/socialist system to its citizens and turning the guns on the indians who through capitalism and reactionaryism have caused misery within india for 68 years, the money is being used to buying armaments that can kill pakistanis, chinese, syrians, iraqis, north koreas etc.

why don't you see the utter injustice and callous-ness of it all??

It's not your logic but your intension that is suspect.
It's not your logic but your intension that is suspect.

my intention is propagating humanism and socialism... one of first posts on pdf, in mid-2014, called for a future humanity where the older religions have been abolished and for communism to govern humanity.

suspicious?? :)

can anyone find one of mine where i was writing in manner of a tableegh jamaati ( like luffy 500 )??
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my intention is propagating of humanism and socialism... one of first posts on pdf, in mid-2014, called for a future humanity where the older religions have been abolished and for communism to govern humanity.

suspicious?? :)

can anyone find one of mine where i was writing in manner of a tableegh jamaati ( like luffy 500 )??
Is 1400 years enough to call a religion old ?
Btw answer my questions in Whatever thread plz :)
Is 1400 years enough to call a religion old ?

it is.

shouldn't that be obviously clear to you who has been lurking on pdf for two years ( generally the same duration as my membership )?? :)

Btw answer my questions in Whatever thread plz :)

i will.

please note that i have answered those questions many a time, but i will do so again. :)
my intention is propagating humanism and socialism... one of first posts on pdf, in mid-2014, called for a future humanity where the older religions have been abolished and for communism to govern humanity.

suspicious?? :)

can anyone find one of mine where i was writing in manner of a tableegh jamaati ( like luffy 500 )??

Why only older religions and not all religions?
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