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India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again

Kudos to India ... Keep buying which you can not use against anyone :enjoy:
Yes we're importing Screws from Pakistan.... Congrats on being a screw exporter... Pakistan would soon become a number one Exporting
But they can't produce even steel too. India has to implement steel manufacturing plants there.
kid, your primitive India cant even make a simple screw, it is beyond a joke when you put your grandeur delusion of 'Superpwer' and 'Make in India' delusion into the context``:lol:
That is why India's defense exports rose by 6 folds last year. :lol:
Or if we import a portion of defense equipment for our military, then, ghosts give rest of equipment?
No, we make it.
By the way, your country doesn't even make something. So, shut your mouth. :D
Man, your friend China too ranks in both exporters and importers of weapons in top 3, why can't we?
We may be importing but noe are exporting too.

And tell what your country pak does before taunting India otherwise will be humiliated badly.
You and your inferiority complex. :azn:
primitive technological know-how
:eek: ooh, our technological is primitive?
Then, what about your country? Sure, still using tech decades behind India(that even imported from China), you know very well about tech.
lousy industrial capability
Lousy industrial capability, which is roughly 10-12 times healthier than your ones. :D
large army
bad planning``
Ya ya, your army is pretty good planned.
That is why India climb up in top 4 and you dropped below to no.11.
According your defense minister, you can't stand more than 45 days against India.
so not surprising, you lot will be the biggest importer for very very very long time,
Again we will remain light years ahead in percentage. Our military requirements are bigger so both homegrown production and imports will be large in size. :laugh:
We produce as well as import large. And when imports will drop, you guys won't be seen on any thread over the topic.

But a person who thinks Indian Industry who is third largest and fastest expanding is lousy is really a pathetic troll and a mentally affected oxymoron.
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Do u read he is not talking about 1.25 dollar poverty line he is $2 poverty line.. which is more then 60% in India...

But now let us have a look at % of GDP India and Pakistan spend at purchasing weapons
India 1.75%
Pakistan ~3%.

But still we have less povrty then you even after spending more % then u + 10 years of internal mess :D now go salute ur democracy..... thats why i love communis and dictators :P
Bull sh1te. India is 98% self reliant on food stocks! That being said, the number is more likily in the 10s of millions. Not hundreds of millions. The problem is NOT with food production, but remote villages where govt, has no presence.
As witness, i've seen changes, but some areas are remote and off grid. Small percentage but still a huge figure. This is also the same areas, where Naxalite movements were the strongest. Go figure.
As for the food production, Pakistan could use Indian food and start to directly import Indian produce instead of making a UAE or Kuwaiti middle men rich. Thats just the low hanging fruit.
Kudos to India ... Keep buying which you can not use against anyone :enjoy:

Source: India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again
Its good India doesn't use it. Because evertime America, and Pakistan use them, they kill more civilans than combatants.
Wise man said, with great power comes great responsibility.
Obviously he wasn't Pakistani and didn't work for the pentagon either.
kid, your primitive India cant even make a simple screw, it is beyond a joke when you put your grandeur delusion of 'Superpwer' and 'Make in India' delusion into the context``:lol:

Source: India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again
Super power China spends how much on the olympics team to convenience the Hans of their superiority?
How much on failed Mars probe?
Or the Flankers passed of as domestic copies rather than license production? That too with 200 off the shelf buys?
or IQ test in Shanghai which were taken to "National" average?
The grandeur of illusion and superpower is greater in China than any other nation.
90% of Chinese believe, China has positive role in the world.
only 40 % of Indians believe, India has positive role in the world.
Difference? CCP has multiple propaganda brigades.

Do u read he is not talking about 1.25 dollar poverty line he is $2 poverty line.. which is more then 60% in India...

Source: India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again
Food is subsidized in India, Heavily! Which is India has HUGE issues with WTO. Read up on it and EDUCATE yourself on real issues.
But still we have less povrty then you even after spending more % then u + 10 years of internal mess :D now go salute ur democracy..... thats why i love communis and dictators :P

Source: India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again
Are you laughing at the poor's misery? If you want to know more, take a POLITICAL science course. Even for a day, maybe you'll learn something of Governance since Pakistan is lacking instead of throwing your sh1te with your left hand at your computer screen.
The Average Indian is better off than the Average Pakistani, even the poor. Which statistically shouldn't be. Pakistan receives MORE AID. Actual AID.
India is off the heroine and has been for a while. Statistics like these make headlines, but they don't give your the real picture. The percentage India spends on defence does NOT matter. The Annual budget on defence is important, which roughly stands between 10-20% annually. Then considering the subsidising and govt quota and what they stock on is ALOT more than what Pakistan does or even China. Which is why food is cheaper in India. Problem, again, getting the product to the people.
India's situation, isn't that horrible, because the future is bright. The statistics aren't changing slowly, they have moved 100 million people out of poverty in 1 year. In 1990, 50% of India was actually POOR. Really poor, no shoes no shirt poor. Today that statistic and reality is A LoT lower. Something like under 20% and that too is just rough figure.
You actually have to survey homes to understand this.
The problem is surveying people whom go vagabond, don't have home, remote village. One of the most challenging is people living on the foot hills of mountains or on them. Everything is more expensive on these villages and farming is more difficult. Stressing family structure to its limit.
But still we have less povrty then you even after spending more % then u + 10 years of internal mess :D now go salute ur democracy..... thats why i love communis and dictators :P

Weren't you banging your head on hunger to which I showed you the black board ?

But on poverty , may be. But we don't depend upon smuggled medicines from our neighbour, do we, unlike our western neighbours.
Weren't you banging your head on hunger to which I showed you the black board ?

Does it change the fact that India is biggest hungry nation? btw why compare Shupa powa wiith Pakistan... according to u Pakistan is failed state :D
Does it change the fact that India is biggest hungry nation? btw why compare Shupa powa wiith Pakistan... according to u Pakistan is failed state :D

Neither does it change the fact that land of pure depends upon medicines smuggled from poor short dark bhindus, a shame for shaheens.

But , quote me one Indian who ever said " India is a super power ".
As far as I remember we always aimed to be one. Didn't claimed anything.

Maybe madarsa graduates have LTML.
Time for some maths.

1. No of hungry people in India = 194 million
Total population = 1. 3 Billion
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%

2. No of hungry people in Pakistan =- 29 million
India home to world's largest number of hungry people: report - World - DAWN.COM
Total population = 200 million
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%.

You see how it is ?

no, i don't see how it is.

to hell with maths !!

how can you so callously forget all those people who died so unnecessarily, either by suicide or by hunger or by economic/social murders??

in late 2014, while modi the feku was touring the nato world trying to bring in more armaments and useless capitalist industry, the workers of the tea estates of darjeeling were dying of hunger and many were so weakened by hunger that they couldn't stand.

did any temple idol in india go hungry?? every day tons on milk, curds and prepared food items are wasted by using them to bathe and "feed" these religious, non-living idols made of stone, plaster and metal.

on average, 500,000 indian children under the age of five die every year because of malnutrition !!

there are 70+ million homeless people in india !!

250,000 people in india suicided in 2012, contributing to the 'world health organization' declaring in 2014 that india is 'suicide capital of the world' !!

300,000 farmers have suicided between 1995 and 2015, and this is only and only because of the extreme capitalism of the economic system and the senseless nature of the social system.

no pakistani, no chinese, no russian has caused india's miseries... it is india's ridiculous, unscientific and anti-human political/social/economic that has caused this.

india doesn't need any more armaments... in fact, the indian military must be decreased by 50 percent and the resources be sold, melted and redeployed to provide every citizen with high-quality free houses, low-costing food, free medical system, free education system, free water, free electricity etc.

LoL... now i feel bad for the chinese and Pakistanis here... Chinese love to boast about their self reliance but here they're following india in arm imports :lol:

get out your military mindset... both india and china are wallowing in capitalism and don't have anything of substance to show to the world... i was only day-before-yesterday saying to our chinese sanghi member, chinese dragon ( "cd" to his indian saffroni admirers ), that ever since china turned to vulgar capitalism, capitalism has created so many inequalities and unnecessarily problems within china.

the op article is actually pointing to the absolute anti-human attitude of the indian establishment/government where instead of spending money on bringing a welfare/socialist system to its citizens and turning the guns on the indians who through capitalism and reactionaryism have caused misery within india for 68 years, the money is being used to buying armaments that can kill pakistanis, chinese, syrians, iraqis, north koreas etc.

why don't you see the utter injustice and callous-ness of it all??
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Neither does it change the fact that land of pure depends upon medicines smuggled from poor short dark bhindus

Where from u making this shit? source of ur claim that we live or depends on ur gutter smuggled fake drugs ? India is largest exporter of fake drugs may be some corrupt faggots are using ur fake drugs in Pakistan for looting people...

India becomes a hub for fake medicines

But , quote me one Indian who ever said " India is a super power ".

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - timesofindia-economictimes :omghaha:

Maybe madarsa graduates have LTML.

Madrass garduate are no match to vedic patshala genius..
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Where from u making this shit? source of ur claim that we live or depends on ur gutter smuggled fake drugs ? India is largest exporter of fake drugs may be some corrupt faggots are using ur fake drugs in Pakistan for looting people...

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - timesofindia-economictimes :omghaha:

Madrass garduate are no match to vedic patshala genius..

1. Ok medicines, very simple. Go to your nearest medic store and ask him about cheap and effective drugs and its source.

2.Kalam said " his dream was that we become a superpower in next decade " ( when he was president in 2004) but then happed, congress.

I think claim and dream are two different things. Lol

3. Yes we don't be live that the earth is flat lol
India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - timesofindia-economictimes :omghaha:

Madrass garduate are no match to vedic patshala genius..

sorry but you are also doing mistake by turning this thread into a india-pakistan hindu-muslim war.

pakistan is no socialist paradise either. :)

you don't need to reply to sanghi trolls by becoming a troll yourself... you have the choice to talk about making the whole of south asia into a place where nationalism, capitalism and reactionaryism will not exist.
Do u read he is not talking about 1.25 dollar poverty line he is $2 poverty line.. which is more then 60% in India...
It's 58%.
Moreover, it is improving faster than you. And I bet you'll shut your mouth soon because it gonna be better than you in 2022-23.
But still we have less povrty then you even after spending more % then u + 10 years of internal mess :D now go salute ur democracy..... thats why i love communis and dictators :P
And we have GDP per capita which was your half in past. Best thing is that our GDP per capita will become your double in next 10 years and poverty ratio better than yours.
You had higher HDI in 1991. What happened after that?
We beaten up you in GDP per capita, HDI, literacy and life expectancy and are improving poverty at your double rate. :partay:
Does it change the fact that India is biggest hungry nation? btw why compare Shupa powa wiith Pakistan... according to u Pakistan is failed state :D
pakistan ranks worse than India in Global Hunger Index.
Yet it ranked better in 2012, but we overtook you in 2015.

Can you explain me:
1. We overtook you in literacy and still improving much faster than you.
2. Same for HDI.
3. Per capita income.
4.Life Expectancy.
5. Smartphone Penetration.
6. Per capita mobile phones.
7. Internet Users
8. Global Hunger. Index
9. We are eliminating poverty faster.

Now, give excuses of slow growth of your nation, because when India will be a developed country, largest or second largest economy, major space power, and major military power at par with US and China in next three decades, your GDP per capita will be 10-15000$ against our 35000$.
You started a day before us, you guys had much better conditions, but you failed against India miserably.
One country emerged as a global player, other still dreaming of snatching Kashmir.
Come out of dreams. Gap between India and pak will become like US and Mexico. :partay:
That's why we are called supa powa by foreign media (we never claim) and you are a failed state who lost the game. :D
Loser. :eek:
no, i don't see how it is.

to hell with maths !!

how can you so callously forget all those people who died so unnecessarily, either by suicide or by hunger or by economic/social murders??

in late 2014, while modi the feku was touring the nato world trying to bring in more armaments and useless capitalist industry, the workers of the tea estateshell darjeeling were dying of hunger and many were so weakened by hunger that they couldn't stand.

did any temple idol in india go hungry?? every day tons on milk, curds and prepared food items are wasted by using them to bathe and "feed" these religious, non-living idols made of stone, plaster and metal.

on average, 500,000 indian children under the age of five die every year because of malnutrition !!

there are 70+ million homeless people in india !!

250,000 people in india suicided in 2012, contributing to the 'world health organization' declaring in 2014 that india is 'suicide capital of the world' !!

300,000 farmers have suicided between 1995 and 2015, and this is only and only because of the extreme capitalism of the economic system and the senseless nature of the social system.

no pakistani, no chinese, no russian has caused india's miseries... it is india's ridiculous, unscientific and anti-human political/social/economic that has caused this.

india doesn't need any more armaments... in fact, the indian military must be decreased by 50 percent and the resources be sold, melted and redeployed to provide every citizen with high-quality free houses, low-costing food, free medical system, free education system, free water, free electricity etc.

get out your military mindset... both india and china are wallowing in capitalism and don't have anything of substance to show to the world... i was only day-before-yesterday saying to our chinese sanghi member, chinese dragon ( "cd" to his indian saffroni admirers ), that ever since china turned to vulgar capitalism, capitalism has created so many inequalities and unnecessarily problems within china.

the op article is actually pointing to the absolute anti-human attitude of the indian establishment/government where instead of spending money on bringing a welfare/socialist system to its citizens and turning the guns on the indians who through capitalism and reactionaryism have caused misery within india for 68 years, the money is being used to buying armaments that can kill pakistanis, chinese, syrians, iraqis, north koreas etc.

why don't you see the utter injustice and callous-ness of it all??

Answer me this, where were you when for more than 60 years ~5000 villages in India didn't had electricity? ( Thanks to MODI, Now they have ).

Where were you when we imported coal from Australia and overlooked the reserves in Jharkhand ( my state ). ( Now my state is receiving impetus, and by 2017 when we don't import coal , Jharkhand will produce 33% of India's Coal , giving jobs to my people ) .

To hell with your communism, even China has gone Capitalist.
Communism grows in lack of knowledge of Economics.Communism is, was and will be a failure.

PS :- Don't name Cuba, even the laws of Chemistry and Physics have exceptions.
burnol pal..Shaheen owned..

Obviously fake bharti medicine will be the cheapest as i said... but we Pakistani knows who are reliable and who are not.. we have companies that are working for decades in Pakistan without any scandle...

India becomes a hub for fake medicines

Lol, its you who accepted it.
Fake medicines ?
Why do Shaheens need fake bharti medicines then?

Today cheap drugs from India is the only weapon against deadly dieses in Africa. I wonder why the Islamic nations of Africa prefer Indian medicines over Pakistani ones. .....
Oh Shit, I forgot... you don't make medicines either lol
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