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India drops the periodic table, Pythagorean theorem and evolution from school textbooks


"Saaaaaaar, aljibra is Islamic math Jihad!!!! Must nott be taughttt to Hindu children!!!!"
They have scientific backing. And what do you have?
Darwin theory has scientific backing??? Lol then why is it called a theory and not fact ? Oh my Indian friend you are still at the evolutionary stage of early neanderthal
I want same in Pakistan but just for " Darwin's theory of evolution" that is just bu*****t
There is a reason it is called a THEORY not a LAW which is inherent in the name that it is not an absolute truth. and if i remember correctly in Pakistani carriculum it is mentioned as a theory of how living beings evolved according to charles darwin, not a law how it is absolutely done. If i remember correctly, In the same chapter John Beptist DeLemark theory of evolution was also mentioned along with theory of special creation.

Science is the name of research and intrigue. Should we remove all theories from science books and teach only laws? even einsteins work is still theories that dont hold in every circumstance and yet look how much we have developed and benefitted from his theories.
There is a reason it is called a THEORY not a LAW which is inherent in the name that it is not an absolute truth. and if i remember correctly in Pakistani carriculum it is mentioned as a theory of how living beings evolved according to charles darwin, not a law how it is absolutely done. If i remember correctly, In the same chapter John Beptist DeLemark theory of evolution was also mentioned along with theory of special creation.

Science is the name of research and intrigue. Should we remove all theories from science books and teach only laws? even einsteins work is still theories that dont hold in every circumstance and yet look how much we have developed and benefitted from his theories.
Just like the constitution of Pakistan, we should not include any theory which goes against Islamic teachings.
Most Indians don't believe in evolution or monotheism.
Most actually do, at least the educated ones do while the illiterates don't even know about evolution leave alone having an opinion on it. Hinduism is essentially monotheistic with different gods being avatars or manifestations of the supreme God who is omnipotent and omnipresent.
Anyway there is no evidence for the existence of god and all religions, either dharmic or abrahamic, are just artificial constructs with no basis in anything real.

There is a reason it is called a THEORY not a LAW which is inherent in the name that it is not an absolute truth. and if i remember correctly in Pakistani carriculum it is mentioned as a theory of how living beings evolved according to charles darwin, not a law how it is absolutely done. If i remember correctly, In the same chapter John Beptist DeLemark theory of evolution was also mentioned along with theory of special creation.

Science is the name of research and intrigue. Should we remove all theories from science books and teach only laws? even einsteins work is still theories that dont hold in every circumstance and yet look how much we have developed and benefitted from his theories.
There is more than enough evidence for evolution. It is still a theory but almost all evolutionary and hereditary studies draw upon this theory and it has helped us undertand a great deal about life on earth unlike the "theory" of existence of god for which there is no proof, nothing, nada, zilch but still people blindly believe in their religious beleifs and god. Whom does the burden of proof lie on when it comes to proving that god exists? There can't be double standards. Anyone who believes in one blindly while demanding a truckload of proof for the other is just a bigot who can't see beyond a set of stupid fairytales.
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Finally "Nature" and "Lancet" is becoming political posts instead of content-specific magazines.
this article is fake at best since govt has moved the tables from the 10th standard to the 12th standard curriculum. It has not been removed as stated in the "Nature" articles.

"The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) decision to drop the periodic table from the Class 10 syllabus as part of the rationalisation exercise is being debated hotly. To be sure, the periodic table remains in Class 11 – for those who choose to continue further in the science stream. What cannot be debated, however, is why the periodic table is vital to understand what the world around us is made of."
i can understand how it can be done with evolution theory and teach it just in one chapter of the book in last year and be done with it .
but honestly i'm baffled on how you hope teach chemistry to kids without teaching them periodic table till the last year of high-school

Darwinism is against Islam. Darwinism is just a hypothesis, and not a fact.
I do not believe we came from monkeys. Only in USA, people believe in Darwinism.

But the Periodic Table, that is fact. Why would you remove the Periodic Table from books?
its a hypothesis , certainly but is it really against Islam ?
what is the order of creation in Abrahamic religions ?
i can understand how it can be done with evolution theory and teach it just in one chapter of the book in last year and be done with it .
but honestly i'm baffled on how you hope teach chemistry to kids without teaching them periodic table till the last year of high-school

its a hypothesis , certainly but is it really against Islam ?
what is the order of creation in Abrahamic religions ?
Just to give context to the change:
The US moved the periodic table to higher education during Obama's time
NCERT has structured the syllabus according to the IB board. People make themselves fools using half information.
Evolution, maybe. But why periodic table and Pythagoras ?
Pythagoras was Greek, if he was Muslim it would have made sense to ban his theorem :)

Next up Algebra and Algorithm.... that musla fudamentalist Al-Khwarzimi's concoctions!!!
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