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India drops the periodic table, Pythagorean theorem and evolution from school textbooks

So it really is a futile exercise to educate Indians.

Most actually do, at least the educated ones do while the illiterates don't even know about evolution leave alone having an opinion on it. Hinduism is essentially monotheistic with different gods being avatars or manifestations of the supreme God who is omnipotent and omnipresent.
Anyway there is no evidence for the existence of god and all religions, either dharmic or abrahamic, are just artificial constructs with no basis in anything real.

Your post reminded me of this clip.
Does this also include future textbooks regarding warp field Theory?
The new structure thought process is, elementary knowledge is provided till the 10th (High School) then specific ones in Physics, Bio, Chemistry, and Maths are moved to the Higher secondary level.
what elementary knowledge?
here we study chemistry and physics and mathematics for 4 years in high-school

those basics are taught in primary school
1st year
math, science, Quran and Literature
2nd year
math, science, Quran and Literature and theology (not very advance more like stories about prophets and ...)
3rd year
math, science, Quran and Literature and theology and social sciences
4th year
math, science, Quran and Literature and theology and social sciences
5th year
math, science, Quran and Literature and theology and social sciences
6th year
math , science, Quran, Literature, theology, social sciences, Thinking and Research, Work and technology

then its junior high school and still basic if you are not attending special schools for gifted if you go to those schools your Math, science and Literature would be a lot more advanced
7th year
math , science, Quran, Literature, theology, social sciences, Thinking and life style , Work and technology, art and culture, Arabic, English
8th year
math , science, Quran, Literature, theology, social sciences, Thinking and life style , Work and technology, art and culture, Arabic, English
9th year
7th year
math , science, Quran, Literature, theology, social sciences(Geography ,History and Social science), defensive studies , Work and technology, art and culture, Arabic, English.

then its Senior high school. you are divided into 3 group based on your interest majority go into theoretical sciences some into industry studies and some into jobs their study would be different the majority that go into theoretical science for 4 years and are divided to for group of Mathemathic , experimental science and Literature and Islamic studies and in this 4 years they don't study basic any more they study , chemistry , physics, algebra , statistics , biology , Geology , Geometry , calculus, statistics, ecology ,discrete mathematics,history , geography, philosophy , sociology , logic art , ethics , fiqh ,.... depended ion the field they choose.

thats why it was strange for me when you say you are going to study basics till last years of high school, here we study those specific to our fields in detail for 4 years
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Your post reminded me of this clip.
I fail to see a relation between the two. Either respond with logic or don't. Detracting with one - liners is of no use. That clip reminds more of Pakistan than India anyway.
I fail to see a relation between the two. Either respond with logic or don't. Detracting with one - liners is of no use. That clip reminds more of Pakistan than India anyway.

There's a relation. There has been more than half a century of utter propaganda regarding how spiritual, cultural, educated and inclusive India is. The absolute heinous reality is quite opposite so you can spare us the Indian scam routine.
Watching a country go Backwards in Real Time. Don't get too complacent though Evangelicals would do the same in America if they were given the chance.
There's a relation. There has been more than half a century of utter propaganda regarding how spiritual, cultural, educated and inclusive India is. The absolute heinous reality is quite opposite so you can spare us the Indian scam routine.
You gotta read up more neutral sources than believing anything they teach u in the land of the pure. There is no propaganda. India is spiritual and cultural. It's called the spiritual capital of the world for a reason. Level of education does vary from region to region and also inclusiveness but that's true for any country. And incidents of violence, communal or otherwise are unfortunate but very few for a poor country the size of India in population. Just because Pakistan experiment has failed doesn't mean India has failed too. Yes, Indians can be corrupt, scamsters and the Indian experience can be harrowing for some at times but India is improving and most people who visit India fall in love with it including Pakistani Vlogger Abrar Hassan who just concluded his India tour.
Not willing to educate myself on Indians. They must achieve necessary evolutionary characteristics first.
it is not just willingness, you are not capable either. which is why you are devolving, though there is very little to devolve to
You gotta read up more neutral sources than believing anything they teach u in the land of the pure. There is no propaganda. India is spiritual and cultural. It's called the spiritual capital of the world for a reason. Level of education does vary from region to region and also inclusiveness but that's true for any country. And incidents of violence, communal or otherwise are unfortunate but very few for a poor country the size of India in population. Just because Pakistan experiment has failed doesn't mean India has failed too. Yes, Indians can be corrupt, scamsters and the Indian experience can be harrowing for some at times but India is improving and most people who visit India fall in love with it including Pakistani Vlogger Abrar Hassan who just concluded his India tour.
Spiritual capital of the world? that's not how google puts it though. It must take a lot of spirituality to be in what can only be considered ancient world, people lynching each other, fetuses ripped from the wounds, Trump temples, some ape practices of eloping with other women and a good old caste system.
it is not just willingness, you are not capable either. which is why you are devolving, though there is very little to devolve to
Are you referring to early childhood teachings that Indians go through that there are humans and subhumans? What next? India is least racist country of the world because of South India?
Are you referring to early childhood teachings that Indians go through that there are humans and subhumans? What next? India is least racist country of the world because of South India?
no, just your inability
May the Lord (whatever name one calls Him) help the next generation in India to gain actual knowledge instead of pseudo science.

@Joe Shearer dada - would you know if this NCERT dictum is applicable to all states in India? Or is it optional to adopt per State?

This is a very bad omen.

These Modi and BJP cohorts are causing irreparable damage to the future of India.... :(

This is much more serious than the attack on Indian medicinal practices (allopathy)....

Some states have openly declared that they intend to put it into the waste-paper basket.

That is not enough, as anyone will conclude after thinking about things even a little bit.

The loss of a scientific outlook, that does not limit itself to memorising by rote formulae from the physical sciences, cannot be repaired.

What is astounding is that the curriculum that at least allowed vast numbers of regressive-minded but superficially qualified individuals to enrich themselves far beyond the previous generations in their families is being jettisoned. It is well-known that jobs available are dropping rapidly, and with these incredibly short-sighted and theologically and politically determined educational policies coming in, overseas opportunities will also now predictably drop down.

As I told someone else, an Indian, a few minutes earlier, the Sangh Parivar is the biggest threat to india's survival as an independent nation.

Over 4,500 scientists and teachers protest sudden removal of evolution theory and periodic table from Indian textbooks

Evolution, maybe. But why periodic table and Pythagoras ?
you don't know much about

In India, at any given point of time, there are three school-leaving exams that can be taken: the central government's CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), the State Board (for instance, The Board of Secondary Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad) and the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education followed by the All India Senior School Education Certificate. In addition, the French IB (International Baccalaureate) is also available at a few limited schools.

ONLY the CBSE is affected by these confusing reforms. The other boards can totally ignore them.
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