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India drops the periodic table, Pythagorean theorem and evolution from school textbooks



All books can be downloaded with one Google search....
I want same in Pakistan but just for " Darwin's theory of evolution" that is just bu*****t
They have scientific backing. And what do you have?
some of you must first evolve to apehood before commenting on such topics

What is the prevalent theory in India?
Lol. Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and some dumb pseudo seculars (read Joe's) are worried about what is there in our textbooks. We are people who worship education as maa Saraswati. We know how important it is to have good education. Worry about your own education systems, they seem be not producing enough talent inside their respective countries nor exporting any talent outside.
40424 - SoyBooru.png

"Aljebra is Islamic Jihaaaaaad and haraaaaaaam!! Pleaj ban Aljebra in Hindustaaaaaan!!!"
They have scientific backing. And what do you have?
No they do not have scientific backing, that's why it is called Theory of evolution, because science cannot come up with anything concrete.
As a Muslim, I believe that Prophet Adam (A.S.) was created by Allah Himself and subsequently descended to the Earth, accompanied by his wife Hawwa.
No they do not have scientific backing, that's why it is called Theory of evolution, because science cannot come up with anything concrete.
As a Muslim, I believe that Prophet Adam (A.S.) was created by Allah Himself and subsequently descended to the Earth, accompanied by his wife Hawwa.
Everyone and everything is created by Allah. It's only Adam's creation that Allah told in Quraan with few more things that happened meanwhile, because it is important for us to know.
I do not believe we came from monkeys.
We didn’t. We have a common ancestor.
The call center does not require a periodic table of elements.

Indian minister for higher education Satyapal Singh should watch this video, perhaps he may become enlightened at insulting his monkey god:-

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