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India does not retaliate against Pak due to nukes: US expert

im not an expert u tell u exactly what happened but some tests related to nukes were gone in 83.

They were kept very secret but americans had put stateliness on Pak after that so no more were done n area is sealed since then.
maybe some senior members can tell exact story.
@nuclearpak @Windjammer


You claim something & than when i ask about source u say you are no expert & instead ask me for proof???

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From 1983 to 1994, around 24 nuclear cold tests were carried out by Pakistan; these remained unannounced and classified until 2000.
March 11, 1983, — Kirana-I (type: implosion, non-fissioned (plutonium) and underground). The 24 underground cold tests of nuclear devices were performed near the Sargodha Air Force Base. Due to serious political repercussions, Pakistan did not announce the results of the tests and even the yield of the first weapon remains classified. Because it was a cold test, the Pakistan Atomic Scientists Foundation (PASF) estimated the yield at no more than around 12–25 kilotonnes.

hope this clears.
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India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are one country, oops were one country. So instead of throwing nukes at each other, throw at the outside enemies.

At least respect your ancestors who would give their life for Hindustan. and here you all are trying to out do one another in destroying your own country.

does it matter who gets Kashmir, who gets Punjab, who gets Hyderabad, who gets Bengal, at the end of the day they belong to the people of Hindustan. But if you destroy it by Nukes where will you all stupid people go? to amrika.:omghaha:
Not true. Pakistan did not have nukes before 1999. India never attacked pakistan in the 90s, although pak sponsored militancy was at its peak back then. Not just terrorism, but there was a raging insurgency they sponsored in Kashmir. India still did not attack pakistan. Now the insurgency is dead and gone, and terrorism has also been eradicated, thanks to the very secure border management and the work done by the Rashtriya rifles.

So we did not attack pakistan in the 90s when they sponsored a lot of terrorism, militancy and even (what was then) a fearsome insurgency, and that had nothing to do with nukes. It's not like India has been constantly attacking pakistan and stopped the attacks once they got nukes.

Actually Pakistan had a basic nuclear capability since about 1985/6. The opening article is obvious. Nukes keep India at bay.
Oh I agree, India will use terrorism as the "start" of a war. It will be defending, using cluster weapons on cities , people... there is a whole lot of emotional baggage that needs to be taken out on Pakistan.

Is that some kind of guilty conscience speaking?
India only gained a massive conventional advantage over Pakistan since the US decided to with-hold those 71 F-16s in the 1980s due to the Pressler amendment.

Pakistan fell behind the Indians due to the fact that by the late 1980s India had over 100 Mig-29 and Mirage-2000 fighters and Pakistan had to make do with 40 F-16s that could not even fire BVR weapons.

By the time that India had a significant conventional advantage over Pakistan by late 1980s then the nuclear factor came into play.

Without Pakistani nuclear weapons, the IAF would have been bombing Pakistan long ago.

You won't completely destroy Pakistan as it is not a very heavily urbanised country but you can bet that India will cease to exist as the central government would not be able to hold the country together with the loss of it's largest urban centres, airbases, naval bases etc.

What chance did Mukti Bahini had over Pak Army in 1971? India has no intentions of attacking its neighbors for no reason. If that was the case India has other neighbors who do not have nukes. Only unadventurous countries have a threat from India...as one did in Kargil. Kargil happened in 1999 and both nations had nukes...but nobody dared to use it. And if misadventures like Kargil is repeated it will be dealt similarly whether the aggressor has nukes or not.
I hope Imran Khan becomes the PM in Pakistan and eliminates this terror from Pakistan, and hopefully improve the Indo-Pak relations and we can have open borders one day. As for Kashmir it is a small issue. If Imran Khan and Indian Govt show some guts then the LOC can be converted into IB.

then all the Pakistani Nukes would be wasted...:laugh:

India would still find them useful for China..:omghaha:

But question is, is Imran Khan strong enough and liberal enough to STOP all terrorist camps from Pakistan? I feel he is not filled with the hatred for Hindustan and maybe he will do it if he is strong enough in govt. Maybe he is the change both Pakistan and India needs. Rest time will tell.
Yaar world has reached in stars n moon n ur still dependent on wiki's info.
Let it go man its for children not men.

Well then did u happen to publish a research article on Pakistans nuclear test in Jorunals. If not then I would surely depend on Wiki: be it wikipedia or wikileaks.
Well give it a try and check it out?? Who's stopping you....

Fortunately for India, your army has stopped rushing troops to the Pakistani border ever since the 2002 nuclear brinkmanship. Pakistani Army has now resorted to taking pot shots at the Afghan Army to pass time until Indian Army can muster up a little courage again. :undecided:

India to withdraw troops from int’l border, not LoC
Thursday, October 17, 2002

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