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India does not retaliate against Pak due to nukes: US expert

Not true. Pakistan did not have nukes before 1999. India never attacked pakistan in the 90s, although pak sponsored militancy was at its peak back then. Not just terrorism, but there was a raging insurgency they sponsored in Kashmir. India still did not attack pakistan. Now the insurgency is dead and gone, and terrorism has also been eradicated, thanks to the very secure border management and the work done by the Rashtriya rifles.

So we did not attack pakistan in the 90s when they sponsored a lot of terrorism, militancy and even (what was then) a fearsome insurgency, and that had nothing to do with nukes. It's not like India has been constantly attacking pakistan and stopped the attacks once they got nukes.

which world r u living in??

We started work on nukes in 70s n in 83 we had nuke weapon n same year done some tests too.
War is not an option anymore since the nukes have come into the picture. India can't attack Pakistan in retaliation for Pakistani based ****** attacks anymore. The only thing that can be done now is covert operations which, if some PAkistanis are to be believed , is already happening and apparently we are quite successful although they have never shown any proof.
WINDJAMMER lets hope their is know ALL OUT WAR. Because the last time INDIA came calling with evrything YOU GUYS LOST YOUR ENTIRE Eastern Flank in 12 days in 1971.

Dont wake up a SLEEPING GIANT
I THINK THE PAKISTANIS are very lucky and fortunate that its INDIA who happens to be their ARCH RIVAL and enemy

and not a NATION LIKE ISRAEL OR RUSSIA or indeed UK...

The indians and their quivering leaders are SHIVERING wrecks yet THEY COMMAND a $2 trillion GDP and MASSIVE military.

YET luckly for Pakistan they wont SHOW OR USE THEIR MUSCLE.

PAKISTANIS past and present KNOW this so they NEEDLE INDIA with raids terrorists and stupid missions like KARGIL.

I personally feel THAT INDIA should cal their bluff and took out a FEW TERROR CAMPS using some of their 170 shinny new
SU30MKI or brahmos cruise missles.


Israel - No enemy has Nukes.

Russia - Again No ENEMY has Nukes.

UK - Again NO Enemy has Nukes.

Sole superpower US goes to fight a war with Afghanistan not ALONE but with physical military backing by all NATO nations.

While we fight a war when entire western world was threatening us & our larger neighbor was needling us being all ALONE, even than we achieved the biggest MILITARY VICTORY post ww2. So much for SHIVERING!!!!

which world r u living in??

We started work on nukes in 70s n in 83 we had nuke weapon n same year done some tests too.

Some TESTS??

How much??

10?? 10 & half?? 12 & half??

How much EXACTLY??
This is no reason, that is why India has no first use policy, I dont think India will nuke anybody until unless they are nuked, regarding Pak is concerned..I dont think they want to do that either..
@janon Calm down mate:lol:

India cannot take 100 Pakistani nukes and survive.

You will lose much more than Delhi.

Think of your twelve largest cities for starters. Major airbases, ports, naval bases could all be destroyed. Army may already be severely weakened having fought the Pakistanis.

My point was that both countries would be committing suicide to even think of engaging in a nuclear war so that option is not on the table.

You would need 4-6 of your kT nukes to destroy each large Pakistani city.

You think that a country has all its warheads on missiles and planes and in subs ready to be launched by just pressing the button?
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Nobody outside South Asia believes that India has a workable nuke device, because India had no records of a single successful n-test. It's no use to talk about n-deterrence like North Koreans.

I welcome that Indian posters link me to credible information on Indian niuks.
Bunch of cowards these Indians are, I say. Scared of a little nuclear showdown with Pakistan.

Well people call that responsible, not coward. As said..with great power comes greater responsibility.
If Pakistan lobbed a few nukes over the border, Indians would be so terrified that they won't dare retaliate for fear of Pakistan lobbing some more over the border.
WINDJAMMER lets hope their is know ALL OUT WAR. Because the last time INDIA came calling with evrything YOU GUYS LOST YOUR ENTIRE Eastern Flank in 12 days in 1971.

Dont wake up a SLEEPING GIANT

Last time India came calling, it had many many advantages, an army fighting a thousand miles away without the benefit of an air cover or reinforcements, a single unit of obsolete F-86s facing ten Indian squadrons, many equipped with the MiG-21s and above all the Indians had full support of Muktis and deserters.....under somewhat similar circumstances, recall what's now termed as India's Vietnam......that when the IA wasn't even fighting a regular army in Sri Lanka.

Living in UK, you must be familiar with the term....The BIGGER they are, the harder they fall. !!
If Pakistan lobbed a few nukes over the border, Indians would be so terrified that they won't dare retaliate for fear of Pakistan lobbing some more over the border.

Some TESTS??

How much??

10?? 10 & half?? 12 & half??

How much EXACTLY??
im not an expert u tell u exactly what happened but some tests related to nukes were gone in 83.

They were kept very secret but americans had put stateliness on Pak after that so no more were done n area is sealed since then.
maybe some senior members can tell exact story.
@nuclearpak @Windjammer
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im not an expert u tell u exactly what happened but some tests related to nukes were gone in 83.

They were kept very secret but americans had put stateliness on Pak after that so no more were done n area is sealed since then.
maybe some senior members can tell exact story.
@nuclearpak @Windjammer
From 1983 to 1994, around 24 nuclear cold tests were carried out by Pakistan; these remained unannounced and classified until 2000.
March 11, 1983, — Kirana-I (type: implosion, non-fissioned (plutonium) and underground). The 24 underground cold tests of nuclear devices were performed near the Sargodha Air Force Base. Due to serious political repercussions, Pakistan did not announce the results of the tests and even the yield of the first weapon remains classified. Because it was a cold test, the Pakistan Atomic Scientists Foundation (PASF) estimated the yield at no more than around 12–25 kilotonnes.
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Asymmetric warfare can't entail a conventional response. It needs to be fought in kind. A lot of blokes want to rip Pakistan to shreds these days. Find them and fund them.
If Pakistan lobbed a few nukes over the border, Indians would be so terrified that they won't dare retaliate for fear of Pakistan lobbing some more over the border.

Well give it a try and check it out?? Who's stopping you....moreover you had ample opportunity in 1999 during Kargil war, where was your courage gone then??
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