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India does not retaliate against Pak due to nukes: US expert

Water diversion in such a way that water flow into pakistan decreases drastically can have international implications!
All's fair in love and war! But of course the results of stopping water flow into Pakistan would take a couple of years for full effect. And what international implications? No one dare slap sanctions against India. They'll just blow a lot of hot air for public consumption.

But hey, all this is purely theoretical. No one's going to stop any water. Nor is there ever going to be a nuclear war whatever people may say!
nuclear fall out will probably leave both countries crippled, iran and bangladesh will feel pain too.

You are overestimating or underestimating the nature, but surely overestimating the nukes.. yes there will be a fallout, but nature will also play its roll(maximizing and minimizing)..there will be fallout, but not to an extent, one would imagine with our puny nukes... Realistically it will take the whole worlds nukes arms to totally wipe out the land mass equivalent to pakistan... Except for USA/Russia no other country has such amount of nukes with them to actually finish the war with the nukes if they think(even true for them against each other, due to simply the very large land mass they have)..

What that means that Nukes will only be the starting point of greater conflict between nuke powers.. and no way it is the end, until one side gets to his end..
All's fair in love and war! But of course the results of stopping water flow into Pakistan would take a couple of years for full effect. And what international implications? No one dare slap sanctions against India. They'll just blow a lot of hot air for public consumption.

But hey, all this is purely theoretical. No one's going to stop any water. Nor is there ever going to be a nuclear war whatever people may say!

It is math for after the nukes war starts.. If any country is willing to slap a section(in confrontational way) to a country which has already taken the nuke hits and ready to hit one (as nothing much to loose now anyway), not a good decision :)
@janon Calm down mate:lol:

India cannot take 100 Pakistani nukes and survive.

You will lose much more than Delhi.

Think of your twelve largest cities for starters. Major airbases, ports, naval bases could all be destroyed. Army may already be severely weakened having fought the Pakistanis.

My point was that both countries would be committing suicide to even think of engaging in a nuclear war so that option is not on the table.

You would need 4-6 of your kT nukes to destroy each large Pakistani city.

India won't sit back and let them put a 100 nukes on her. Also, the point you missed is that whatever pak can throw at India, India can throw back ten time fold. And pak is one tenth of India's size, in more ways than one.
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As a Senior member can you explain why we did not attack in 2001 Stand off and lost around 1000 soldier just for mobilization and around $4 billion cost .Kargil was fought in Our territory thats why we did not see PAF participating as we have cross the LOC then we have seen some real war.

This idea of nukes-for-all debunked several times. Right after the nuke experiment, there were Kargil war.

We could have escalated the war with opening other front in case we were not able to get back our land.

Having nukes are one thing that you can't cross some red lines.
And what about the loss of pakistan's urban centers, airbases, naval bases, ports etc? Is it easier for India to destroy all of pak's ports, or for pak to destroy all of India's ports? We have large ports in Vishakhapatnam and other places on our east, far away from pakistan. All of pakistan's ports lie a few hundreds Kms from India. Same for naval bases. And airports. And anything else.

When evaluating what is easier for who, try to do so on the basis of facts, not on the basis of which side you want to support. People often assume that it would be very difficult for India to strike pakistan's targets, but for pak, it's as simple as pressing a button, and all of India's infrastructure will vanish. By the way how many ports and naval bases does pak have that India needs to take out, and how many does India have? How many airports and airbases does pak have, and how many does India? How many large urban centers does pak have, and how many does India. At what distances do all these lie, from the other country?

After karachi harbour and the upcoming gwadar is destroyed, what are pakistan's options of shipping? If India loses Mumbai and Karwar, there is still Vizag (a major base), and several other big and small bases throughout its coastline.

Can pakistan survice the loss of Karachi and Lahore? Most of pakistan's productive population is concentrated in punjab and sindh. On the other hand, India has several urban centers, and then the rural population (which, if I'm not mistaken, still accounts for more than half its population).

If it is difficult for India to hit all the vital points of pakistan's strategic assets, it is ten times more difficult for pakistan, for many reasons. One, India has ten times as many of those assets. Two, India is a very large country, and most of its landmass is far away from pak. Three, whatever missiles or nukes pakistan can build, India can build those too, in greater numbers, because its economy is ten times bigger, and growing. Four, the size of our armed forces ensures that we can destroy more of their missiles and aircrafts (the delivery mechanisms) than they can destroy ours.

Besides, it's not like India will disintegrate as soon as the govt in delhi is gone. We are not like neighboring countries, or Arab countries held together by one dictator or strong center of power. There is a democractic tradition in India, and our political representation starts from the grassroots. The country is not held together by the army or the GoI. All the state level govts, and district level govts are representing people's will. Political parties and the system of politics permeates throughout society, at all levels. So even if New delhi is wiped out in a mushroom cloud, our representative political machinations will continue. And we will sweep the nuclear dust, and rebuild another central govt among ourselves. Another Indian govt will rise from the ashes, with intellectuals and politicians from every state contributing to a new capital and a new city. India and its civil institutions are more enduring than a government or a capital city. India is not held together by New delhi or the army headquarters, but by its states and its people. Unlike neighboring countries.

So all this fanboyism of "pak will destroy India with nukes", or that it will be mutual destruction, is just wishful thinking. Both sides will lose a lot, but only one side will cease to exist. And that side will not be India, "the ancient, the eternal and the ever new".

All this chest pumping does not change the fact that India would be as good as gone if it absorbed all Pakistani nukes. Pakistan would probably cease to exist right away but whatever is left of India and its people will cease to exist from the nuclear fallout that will follow. So maybe India will rise again but only if you guys are reincarnated as cockroaches. :rolleyes:
According to G Parthasarathy, India did not attack Pakistan after 26/11 because India was 5hit scared of China. China threatened to annex Arunachal Pradesh aka Southern Tibet if India launched any military action against Pakistan. So, it is incorrect to say India does not retaliate solely due to Pak nukes. Anyways, sooner or later, India will need to man up and call Pakistan's bluff because terrorist attacks cannot continue indefinitely without a response.

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Not true. Pakistan did not have nukes before 1999. India never attacked pakistan in the 90s, although pak sponsored militancy was at its peak back then. Not just terrorism, but there was a raging insurgency they sponsored in Kashmir. India still did not attack pakistan. Now the insurgency is dead and gone, and terrorism has also been eradicated, thanks to the very secure border management and the work done by the Rashtriya rifles.

So we did not attack pakistan in the 90s when they sponsored a lot of terrorism, militancy and even (what was then) a fearsome insurgency, and that had nothing to do with nukes. It's not like India has been constantly attacking pakistan and stopped the attacks once they got nukes.

But in 1990's Both countries were more matched conventially. Now that Gap has widened in favor of India due to difference in economic growth and internal troubles of Pakistan.

Irrespective of how many JF-17's pakistan field, it is still an inferior plane compared to MKI or even LCA.
All this chest pumping does not change the fact that India would be as good as gone if it absorbed all Pakistani nukes. Pakistan would probably cease to exist right away but whatever is left of India and its people will cease to exist from the nuclear fallout that will follow. So maybe India will rise again but only if you guys are reincarnated as cockroaches. :rolleyes:

Point one, it wont have to accept all pakistani nukes. India will do everything in its power to destroy most of pakistan's nukes, and delivery mechanisms.

Point two...well, no point two. Believe what you want, that India can be fully destroyed.
Water diversion in such a way that water flow into pakistan decreases drastically can have international implications!

I have seen countries like Thailand, Vietnam and India crying over the dams under construction in China...haven't seen any International implications yet.

Water diversion in such a way that water flow into pakistan decreases drastically can have international implications!

I have seen countries like Thailand, Vietnam and India crying over the dams under construction in China...haven't seen any International implications yet.
All this chest pumping does not change the fact that India would be as good as gone if it absorbed all Pakistani nukes. Pakistan would probably cease to exist right away but whatever is left of India and its people will cease to exist from the nuclear fallout that will follow. So maybe India will rise again but only if you guys are reincarnated as cockroaches. :rolleyes:

As I said in the earlier post.. you are overestimating our puny nukes.. The real horror will be shown after the nukes war starts. And No... The nuclear fallout of combined nukes of india+pak+china will not be enough to wipe out even a big indian state, leave alone the whole India...
Last time both countries came close to war resulted in the 2002 stand off, the deployment initiated by India later proved soul destroying for the Indian armed forces as even after loosing several hundred men, they remained paralysed on the border for almost one year. One can't think of any other reason other than petering out due to the threat of a nuclear confrontation.


The standoff inflicted heavy casualties. 789 to 1874 Indian soldiers died during the conflict, and more than 100 more were injured.The casualties were a result of artillery duels with Pakistan and vehicle and mine laying accidents.

Cost of standoff

The Indian cost for the buildup was 216 billion (US$4.0 billion) being much greater than that of Pakistani $1.4 billion.[26]
I THINK THE PAKISTANIS are very lucky and fortunate that its INDIA who happens to be their ARCH RIVAL and enemy

and not a NATION LIKE ISRAEL OR RUSSIA or indeed UK...

The indians and their quivering leaders are SHIVERING wrecks yet THEY COMMAND a $2 trillion GDP and MASSIVE military.

YET luckly for Pakistan they wont SHOW OR USE THEIR MUSCLE.

PAKISTANIS past and present KNOW this so they NEEDLE INDIA with raids terrorists and stupid missions like KARGIL.

I personally feel THAT INDIA should cal their bluff and took out a FEW TERROR CAMPS using some of their 170 shinny new
SU30MKI or brahmos cruise missles.

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