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India develops Fortified supercrop,will drastically drop Hunger rate.

Despite a strong economy predicted to overtake China’s within three years, India is among 29 countries with the highest levels of hunger, stunted children and poorly fed women, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)'s 2010 hunger index.

I must say, I like the way you intentionally highlighted in bold, the bit about China. Even a blind bat knows what your intentions are. This is about the supercrop and it has nothing to do with China. It's rediculous how Indian media and netzens likes to bad talk China every opportunity they can.

India having some of the worse cases for hunger and malnutrition in the world is a fact. To overtake China in 3 years is a good dream and the benefits of the supercrop over side effects are still up for debate. Personally, I am not a fan of GM (genetically modified) food or GMO (genetically modified organism), I do not like the way it obscures the possible dangers that can be done to humans, animals or environment.

India to promote more GMOs-India, GMO, regulation, approvals, GM seeds

"India to promote more GMOs

Source:deccanchronicle 2011-2-9
Tags:India, GMO, regulation, approvals, GM seeds

India is planning to replace the rules under the Environment Protection Act with a Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (Brai) Act. This will give genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) fast-track approvals and throw its critics into jail. The recently-appointed minister of science and technology, Ashwini Kumar, has announced that the Government of India is planning to introduce four bills in the upcoming Budget session — Brai Bill, DNA Profiling Bill, Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill and the Public Funded R&D (Protection and Utilisation of Public Funded Intellectual Property) Bill. The Prime Minister’s Office has already written to various state governments suggesting partnerships with corporations in the seed sector. This rush to push genetically-modified and patented seeds ignores evidence that GMOs will not be able to provide food security. Genetically-engineered seeds are patented. Patents allow companies to collect royalties. This increases the price of seed. Patents also force the farmer to buy seed every year. This pushes up the price of seed and traps farmers in debt. Debt has already pushed 250,000 Indian farmers to suicide in the last 15 years. Citizens as consumers also pay a very high price. They are forced to eat food with toxic genes. Biodiversity is replaced with uniformity; Taste and quality are replaced with hazards; and freedom to choose is replaced with force feeding.

A serious issue related to GMOs is conflict of interest. In fact, WikiLeaks recently released a communication where the US ambassador in Paris, Craig Stapleton, a close friend and business partner of then President George Bush, is urging the White House to launch a military-style trade war against GM sceptics in Europe. “Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the European Union since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits”, he wrote. America’s science and technology adviser Nina Fedoroff was sent to India in February 2010 to try and prevent the moratorium on Bt brinjal. At the Biotechnology Industry Organisation’s annual convention in May 2010, Jose Fernandez, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, US, told several hundred attendees from around the world that the US state department will aggressively confront critics of agricultural biotechnology as the United States seeks to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The US-based multinational seed giant Monsanto which has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with six states, controls 95 per cent of all GM seeds sold in India.

In India, the same scientists who promote GMOs sit on regulatory bodies. When the environment minister asked six academies of science to provide their scientific inputs for the Bt brinjal moratorium, what they submitted was propaganda material lifted verbatim from industry literature. The situation is worse in the US where the biotechnology industry literally runs all government agencies. That is why the US government tried to sue Europe in World Trade Organisation (WTO) for the GMO bans in some countries. The WTO GMO campaign was started by Navdanya with a large coalition of groups worldwide. Navdanya had to organise a massive global campaign and submitted 60 million signatures to WTO at the Hong Kong ministerial to prevent the removal of the bans.

GMOs continue to be promoted as the only solution to hunger and food security. However, the tools of genetic engineering are merely tools of transferring genes across species boundaries. They are not tools of breeding. The breeding is still done through conventional methods. The yield of a crop is determined by conventional technologies, not by genetic engineering. Yield is a multi-genetic trait, and genetic engineering cannot deal with complex traits. The report “Failure to Yield” of the Union of Concerned Scientists — a non-profit science advocacy group based in the US — shows that in no crop has genetic engineering contributed to yield increase. The yield trait comes from the variety into which a GM trait is introduced. As Andrew Pollack of the New York Times observes: “The yield of a crop is mainly determined by the seed’s intrinsic properties, not the inserted gene. An insect resistant protection gene will not make a poor variety a high yielder”. The scientists’ claim that GMOs will increase food security is therefore an unscientific myth. Over the 20 years of commercialisation of GMOs, two traits account for most genetic modification. These are crops into which a gene has been added to resist herbicides (herbicide-resistant crops) or a gene has been added to resist pests (Bt crops). The former are supposed to control weeds, the latter are supposed to control pests. However, herbicide-resistant crops have led to evolution of super weeds, and pest-resistant crops have led to creation of super pests. Monsanto introduced Round-up Ready Crops for herbicide resistance. When super weeds started to overtake crops, Monsanto introduced Round-Up Ready II. In 2010, it introduced smart stax with eight toxic genes — six for insecticides and two for herbicide resistance. Monsanto’s strategy was to “create a captive customer base” through stacking eight toxic genes. The strategy was a failure. Monsanto lost 47 per cent of its shares, and is paying US farmers $12 per acre to deal with the problems created by its GMO seeds. If one toxic gene does not control pests and instead creates super pests, stacking six insecticidal genes will only accelerate the emergence of resistance. Monsanto and others who promote GMOs forget Einstein’s observations that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”.

Another serious issue related to GMOs is the destruction of biodiversity, and the creation of monocultures and monopolies. India had 1,500 varieties of cotton. Today 95 per cent of cotton grown in India is Bt cotton. And most of the Bt cotton is owned and controlled by Monsanto through licensing arrangements. Monsanto charges `50 lakh as an initial licence fee and then royalty. When GM Bt cotton was introduced, prices of cotton seed jumped from `5 per kg to `1,600 per 450 gm of which the royalty was `725. If this extraction of super profits had continued, it translated into an annual transfer of `1,000 crore or `10 billion from poor Indian farmers to Monsanto. For the farmer this means debt. An anti-trust case against Monsanto filed by the government of Andhra Pradesh has forced the company to reduce the price of Bt cotton, but the introduction of Bollgard II has pushed the prices up again.

A failed and hazardous technology such as genetic engineering can only be pushed through dictatorial means. GMOs and democracy cannot co-exist. GMO-free food and agriculture is necessary for creating food security and defending food democracy."
Well! it's good if succeed in long run.

I am more concerned with stupid policies of Indian politicians to allow cheap and substandard chinese product in Indian market.
Those cheap dirty gadgets they have flood the market with where we have to try hard to find an indian product so that we can rely upon.

Why don't just ban it when trade deficit is so huge and chinese are worst beggars I have ever seen
and bring shame to the Buddhists

I doubt even if it is a Buddhist nation.If they are why such disgusting tactics.
Well! it's good if succeed in long run.

I am more concerned with stupid policies of Indian politicians to allow cheap and substandard chinese product in Indian market.
Those cheap dirty gadgets they have flood the market with where we have to try hard to find an Indian product so that we can rely upon.

Why don't just ban it when trade deficit is so huge and chinese are worst beggars I have ever seen
and bring shame to the Buddhists

I doubt even if it is a Buddhist nation.If they are why such disgusting tactics.
Well! it's good if succeed in long run.

I am more concerned with stupid policies of Indian politicians to allow cheap and substandard chinese product in Indian market.
Those cheap dirty gadgets they have flood the market with where we have to try hard to find an Indian product so that we can rely upon.

Why don't just ban it when trade deficit is so huge and chinese are worst beggars I have ever seen
and bring shame to the Buddhists

I doubt even if it is a Buddhist nation.If they are why such disgusting tactics.

Well said.
Well! it's good if succeed in long run.

I am more concerned with stupid policies of Indian politicians to allow cheap and substandard chinese product in Indian market.
Those cheap dirty gadgets they have flood the market with where we have to try hard to find an Indian product so that we can rely upon.

Why don't just ban it when trade deficit is so huge and chinese are worst beggars I have ever seen
and bring shame to the Buddhists

I doubt even if it is a Buddhist nation.If they are why such disgusting tactics.

I urge you to refrain from the use racist ethnic and religious insults. Your tone and choice of words can only bring shame upon yourself.
i know we are slow but not that slow!!!!:devil:

haha.. yeah I think we've noticed that too. I am sure India has the capability to make it happen in our lifetime if the plan gets the go ahead. :lol:

Yeah that's the ugly part of playing with nature......but if sufficient field trials are conducted then hopefully we would be successful in our pursuits......we have limited options unfortunately......

PS: I think that article is poorly written with very less technical details to form an opinion on it's basis.....can you provide some some other source....:)
India can not grow like China, as long as there are people like Sonia at the helm who has become a billioner, so are her sisters and Rahul - they have all plundered india aggresively.
Yeah that's the ugly part of playing with nature......but if sufficient field trials are conducted then hopefully we would be successful in our pursuits......we have limited options unfortunately......

PS: I think that article is poorly written with very less technical details to form an opinion on it's basis.....can you provide some some other source....:)

Sorry I'm not a fan of the daily mail either but it was the first article to come up in a search

india gmo suicide - Google Search
Indians do not know that GM foods will harm People's health?
That food can only extract cooking oil or as feed!

Indians should be more access to some "GM foods" information.

yes and you are more aware of the harm it will do than those scientist who spent year on it
I think sufficeint clinical trials have been conducted to assess its safely before allwoing it for mass consumption......

Yea they did that before they released cane toads in Australia as well.
yes and you are more aware of the harm it will do than those scientist who spent year on it

The scientists that work for Monsanto that dont give a stuff about peoples health they care about the big fat bonus check. If a couple ofthousand people die in 10 years from some toxin in the new grain they didnt test for they dont give a stuf they are retiered and have their nice fat bonus.

If you think major corporations release products just because they are nice people google Bhopal.
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