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India develops Fortified supercrop,will drastically drop Hunger rate.

OK. Perhaps you know the dangers of GM foods.
If you do not mind the risk, I do not need to say anything. That matter has nothing to do with the Chinese people.

Must be careful GM foods plz.
OK. Perhaps you know the dangers of GM foods.
If you do not mind the risk, I do not need to say anything. That matter has nothing to do with the Chinese people.

Must be careful GM foods plz.

I think it is worth taking a calculated risk with fortified crops with due precautions which is infact being done.....:)
we have to go slow..better not to involve private players in this area as they are greedy and will bribe to get no objection certificate.
Super crop or no super crop, when the officials who are expected to implement the govt plan against malnourishment program are ready to do scam in the funds alloted to it, what those supercrop will do when needy people dont get them at all.

Oh my god..give it a break will ya? At least this one be happy for India.
India must accept being the world's food laboratory and the slave of biotech multinationals in exchange for liberation from starvation. A bitter choice for all Indians.
Fortified crops tough different from GMC in technical terms still have some problem's associated with it.

For Ex the Vitamin A-enriched orange maize can cause dropped productivity and illness and stunted development.

But the bigger uestion is that would consumer's accept it

We had already seen the hoopla with Bt Cotton.

For Ex the Vitamin A-enriched orange maize can cause dropped productivity and illness and stunted development.

But the bigger uestion is that would consumer's accept it

1) Dude thats gross generalisation let the research proceed it's natural pace....I dont think we shuld blow it out of proportions....

2) That remains to be seen...:)
OK. Perhaps you know the dangers of GM foods.
If you do not mind the risk, I do not need to say anything. That matter has nothing to do with the Chinese people.

Must be careful GM foods plz.

Just leave them alone, indian think that they have super tech or super body, GM can harm the other people but not indian.:tup:
Thanks for that. :tup:

The point is, in three years, India won't even surpass Brazil or Italy, let alone China. So what the article wrote was misleading, and it is only useful for fanboys.

This makes more sense, but I still don't believe it.

Indians have always been predicting that India will reach "double-digit" growth.... but it has never happened.

Still remember let world forget shanghai only remember munbai in 4 years said by a PM in 2004, 10$ laptop, free internet access service for while country and bla bla. Why are you surprised by this one?
India must accept being the world's food laboratory and the slave of biotech multinationals in exchange for liberation from starvation. A bitter choice for all Indians.

this programme is not done by companies of another country..
its done by own people for our people to reduce the hunger rate of own nation

We have good Bio-technological base..
i hope it becomes successful and without no Side effects
We have to reduce hunger rate,technology is the only way....
Still remember let world forget shanghai only remember munbai in 4 years said by a PM in 2004, 10$ laptop, free internet access service for while country and bla bla. Why are you surprised by this one?

It is better to fail when trying something ambitious... I read a quote where some wise man said, failure is the first step in the ladder called success...
India overtakes China?

In what area?

For economy size, e.g. GDP, I do not think there is any chance in my life time unless China falls into war again.

For growth rate, india does have a chance depending on what China wants for its economics development, simply keep growing in numbers or growing healthier in all-around areas, e.g. environment protection, economics balance and etc.

For China, india is never used for comparison. US should be the target. Germany and Japan are used into consideration as well.

You see, our growth rate has surpassed US for the past 30 years around 9% or 10%. We have never boasted that we have surpassed US (in growth rate).

Some people say we surpassed japan last year. So? What is the big deal?

Historically, China has been the wealthiest country in human history up to most of 19th century even when China suffered invasion by those foreign hooligans.

In the past 20 centuries, at least 18 of those 20, China is the No. 1. So China's economics development to drive itself back to the top is just historical norm. I really see nothing surprising at all.

Oh my god,Chinese dragon not that GDP nominal again.Anything tragic happened to you recently?Cuz you have been blasting off this future GDP list so vigorously.


india overtake china - Google Search

Stick to the topic,retard!
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