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India develops Fortified supercrop,will drastically drop Hunger rate.

The scientists that work for Monsanto that dont give a stuff about peoples health they care about the big fat bonus check. If a couple ofthousand people die in 10 years from some toxin in the new grain they didnt test for they dont give a stuf they are retiered and have their nice fat bonus.

If you think major corporations release products just because they are nice people google Bhopal.

Bhopal in the sense gas leak :-|
"Overtake"? What is this nonsense...

According to Goldman Sachs, India will not even become the 2nd largest economy by 2050. Let alone in three years...

Here are the actual projected GDP figures:

List of countries by future GDP (nominal) estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is the rate of growth and not real GDP. Indian media is shameless.

And by 2050, I'd be happy if Indians are literate , free of starvation and there is equality in the society. That in my opinion is better than beating China in GDP , if at all that is remotely possible.
Yea they did that before they released cane toads in Australia as well.

Well we do understand since we also paid a huge price of ecological imbalance after introduction of water hyacinth from US.....hence so much attention and media cry......
India develops Fortified supercrop,will drastically drop Hunger rate.
Well done india it was & long overdue better late then never
i fully support it though what both cardsharp & Vassnti are emphasizing are very valid points & must be taken in to account which will only help make the research on super-crop/bio-foods/bio-agriculture to help it become a more safer & healthy one the old but true saying "where there is a will there is a way". Along with all options of improvements & possibilities & process of precautions should be @ all times taken into account if done properly then this will with out a doubt help India improve rapidly especially in the important field of eliminating hunger & malnutrition's

can someone please explain this? its like 18000 years from now
It is the rate of growth and not real GDP. Indian media is shameless.

And by 2050, I'd be happy if Indians are literate , free of starvation and there is equality in the society. That in my opinion is better than beating China in GDP , if at all that is remotely possible.

India is a great country with high potential to do great things. The only problem is there are the levels of corruption. Not enough money is being reinvested into the public sector and not enough is done for its people.

Here n the UK people would get basic healthcare and government support. In India however, that's only something that they can dream of. Hopefully that will all be changed by then. Problem is, it is never an easy task to manage 1 billion people.
Oh this is crap.....

There is difference between complete GMC and selectively fortified crops (in this case)....though in layman terms both can be terms as potentially harmful but as in this case such possibility is much lesser....

In standard protocol there are four levels in clinical trails after SUCESSFUL production of the desired drug or in case fortified crop....

First phase start with various phases of animal testing and mind you third phase is most difficult to get though......if u need some details u may PM me.....

sorrry replace with--> after
But my question to the fellow Indians is that,
As long we have Food Ministers like Sharad Pawer, can the under privileged class enjoy the benefits of these crops?
When we have millions of tons of food crops in the storage, still millions of poor people are forced to sleep empty stomach :angry:

We also have to take in account the fact that there will be no dearth of "NGO's" and right groups squatting across the length and breadth of Jantar Mantar as soon as as any official policy statement with the words "GM crops" is announced.
Or lead in your toys or milk tainted with poison !

What a joke! In 1 minute India has lost more people to starvation or cholera than China did to poisoned milk. Learn to accept your country's weakness, and let the shame be a motivator. Don't even talk about poisoned milk or lead toys, Indians wish they had the poisoned milk to drink instead of starving to death and floating down the Ganges.
I've seen a documentary where a scientist changed one tiny DNA structure on a plant and it literally turned into something you wouldn't touch with a pole. Ultimately the risk with GM food is not so much the plant itself but how cross contamination with other plants once put into nature will happen, but that said I think without it the world population would be hard to sustain in the coming years.

What is the GOI doing with the current food distribution infrastructure? I would that thought that is more pressing least it would have immediate results compared to GM crops.
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