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India Developing, but still a long way to go












when they are jammed up ..that looks like good planning to you..I am smoking but you are dreaming..with 34 million population if the highway is congested..you can do your own math that there are very less highways or roads there ..so the system is clogged..forget about small cities ..even your big cities are congested and cramped..example old delhi..montreal..toronto..vancouver..you name it ..traffic jams ..all the population are concentrated in select cities montreal, toronto, vancouver..now a days calgary..India has hundred of cities..with comparison ..better infra..

I'm doing an internship in Mississauga and I use the 401 every single day of the week , so I know about it far better than anyone. 401 is jammed 7.30 -8.30 in the morning on maybe 2 out of 5 working days and 4.30 to 6.00 in the evening again on any 2 out of 5 working days. It's hardly bad future planning. If you do some research , you'll find that more than 50% of Canada's population lives in Ontario , and No. of Vehicles per 1000 people in India is 18 , while in Canada , it's 637. So the number of vehicles in Toronto is still more than the number of vehicles in mumbai or delhi.
And you are again proving my point. If 401 get's jammed some times despite having a total of 10 lanes , then imagine what will happen to the Eastern Freeway in the future (next 20 years) when per capita ownership of vehicles in India grows from about 18/1000 to about 90 or 100/1000.
the road network in India is second highest in the world..when you just have a single highway with your 50% canadian population, this is not known as planning..cheers
LOL , you are one of those over-patrotic Indians who things India's better than Canada , India's better than Europe blah blah. Get out of your delusions. Even I'm Indian and want India to be at the top in all fields , but I prefer to not live in delusions. Ask any Indian living in Canada and he'll tell you that a road in a relatively poor Canadian suburb is of far better quality and better planned than the road in the most expensive property you could find in Gurgaon/Pune etc. Besides, when measuring the length of road network in a country , they just look at the length of roads , not the quality or the width. That **** piece of road in Chandi Chowk or Dharavi would be added to the total when counting the total road network. :rofl: So would all the mudroads that get washed away every monsoon. Also , you are behind times. China now has a longer road network than India. We are third....
LOL , you are one of those over-patrotic Indians who things India's better than Canada , India's better than Europe blah blah. Get out of your delusions. Even I'm Indian and want India to be at the top in all fields , but I prefer to not live in delusions. Ask any Indian living in Canada and he'll tell you that a road in a relatively poor Canadian suburb is of far better quality and better planned than the road in the most expensive property you could find in Gurgaon/Pune etc. Besides, when measuring the length of road network in a country , they just look at the length of roads , not the quality or the width. That **** piece of road in Chandi Chowk or Dharavi would be added to the total when counting the total road network. :rofl: So would all the mudroads that get washed away every monsoon. Also , you are behind times. China now has a longer road network than India. We are third....

I am one who has seen both the worlds..when you were in your diapers..I had already visited these places.
I'd agree with you on the lack of foresight on the part of the Indian Government in many cases, and I know you mean well, but to say that a 4-lane urban expressway built to cater solely to north-south/SoBo-eastern suburban traffic, is a case of bad future planning, is a bit much. With Bombay's south-end (VT/Churchgate/Nariman Point/Colaba/Cuffe Parade/docks) already mostly fully built up and saturated with homes and businesses, this piece of infrastructure will serve the city's needs adequately for the next few decades. Besides, if I could have it my way, I'd rather the MSRDC build a fully underground expressway...that way, our already space-starved city could have more open spaces for parks etc.

By the way, Tokyo, Osaka, HK, and a few other densely packed cities, have had long-winding 2x2 lane urban expressways for decades.

Yes , you might be right. However , I'll tell you this. A friend of mine has graduated in Urban planning. I was once having a chat with him and he told me that traffic jams are only caused as a result of human impatience. Basically, if each and every person followed some basic rules , like keeping a 4 sec distance from the car in front, not changing lanes, signalling etc, then even one lane should theoretically be enough. However , this is not the case and traffic jams do occur. The cities you mentioned like Tokyo , Osaka etc have very strict driving rules and people do follow these rules , which is why a 2 lane freeway is enough for them. Compare this to India where there's no system of lane driving , the elite rich with big cars are arrogant and feel they have the right of way , there's 2 wheelers trying to squeeze in between , occasionally there are animals on road etc. You think that can work here?
Yes , you might be right. However , I'll tell you this. A friend of mine has graduated in Urban planning.

Cool. That was my minor.

I was once having a chat with him and he told me that traffic jams are only caused as a result of human impatience. Basically, if each and every person followed some basic rules , like keeping a 4 sec distance from the car in front, not changing lanes, signalling etc, then even one lane should theoretically be enough. However , this is not the case and traffic jams do occur. The cities you mentioned like Tokyo , Osaka etc have very strict driving rules and people do follow these rules , which is why a 2 lane freeway is enough for them. Compare this to India where there's no system of lane driving , the elite rich with big cars are arrogant and feel they have the right of way , there's 2 wheelers trying to squeeze in between , occasionally there are animals on road etc. You think that can work here?

Now traffic management and discipline is a whole different story, mate. That's not what we were discussing. :)
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