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India Developing, but still a long way to go

What are basic features of a Smart City? Everybody is talking about 100 smart cities coming up soon.

What does your company do which makes it smart??
This is a Nice composed article by Vinayak Chatterjee (Hopefully you understand it well)

So, here are 10 suggested attributes that may well describe, and to some extent define a smart city.

(i) Information, communication, and technology (ICT)-enabled governance: The international and domestic big daddies of the information technology (IT) world have, with their aggressive presentations, virtually hijacked the smart city definition to only mean IT-enabled administration and governance. While such a restrictive definition is undesirable, enabling ICT is clearly one of the more important planks. Often referred to as "smart government", the use of integrated technology platforms that are easily accessible across various devices is certainly key to providing access, transparency, speed, participation and redressal in public services. For example, on December 10, 2014, the President launched the Karnataka Mobile One app in Bengaluru that would provide citizens a range of e-governance services over mobile phones.

(ii) Efficient utilities - energy, water, solid waste and effluents: This area is often the most talked about after IT. Smart meters, renewable energy, energy conservation, water harvesting, effluent recycling, scientific solid waste disposal methods et al are all clearly the hallmark of a smart city.

(iii) Meaningful PPPs: The creative use of public-private partnerships (PPPs) is a key attribute of the smart city concept. PPPs are to be used not only as a source of much-needed capital but also for the efficient delivery of utilities with agreed service-level standards. PPPs could range from health care to street lighting; and be used wherever there is a clear connection between the provision of a service and the ability to charge for the same - directly or even indirectly.

(iv) Safety and security: This aspect is high in public consciousness, especially with disconcerting news on the safety of women, road rage, robbery attacks on the elderly and juvenile delinquency. Clearly, networks of video-cameras, brightly lit public areas, intensive patrolling and surveillance, identity-verified access, and rapid response to emergency calls are all on the expectations list.

(v) Financial sustainability: The 74th Amendment to the Constitution (1992) enjoins towns and cities to "take charge of their own destinies". Nowhere is this more important than financial independence. This is only possible with elaborate and extensive tapping of all sources of revenue - property taxes, advertisements et al; coupled with astute collection of user-pay charges across the full range of utilities. It also has to do with the elements of fiscal discipline that would enable the raising of long-term debt like municipal bonds.

(vi) Citizen-participative local government: The enthusiastic participation of citizens in local issues needs careful designing of electoral and participative fora. The current apathy towards civic elections needs comprehensive reversal.

(vii) Sufficient social capital: Smart cities cannot be devoid of the appropriate levels of social infrastructure - like schools, hospitals, public spaces, sporting and recreational grounds and retail and entertainment venues. Along with a brain that works, and hands and legs that move, it must also have a heart that beats to the joys of daily living.

(viii) Transit-oriented habitats: "Walk-to-work" is the dream solution here. Nevertheless, conveniently networked public transportation with first- and last-mile connectivities in place, reduced motivation to use personal vehicles, use of electric cars, and bicycle paths are all in the expectation matrix.

(ix) Green features: Minimising the carbon footprint and eco-friendliness are de rigueur. Parks and verdant open spaces, absence of pollution, use of renewables, conservation and recycling are mandatory.

(x) Minimum population criteria: Towards the end of November 2014, Panasonic Corporation announced the opening of its new business vector - the sustainable smart town (SST) at Fujisawa in Japan. It has rooftop solar energy, electric cars and electric-powered bicycles. However, it comprises only 1,000 homes over 47 acres that will have a population of 3,000 people. This kind of project is at best a smart enclave, and clearly, in the Indian context, cannot be included in the definition of a city. India has 5,545 urban agglomerations. Class 1 towns (called cities) are those with a population of 100,000 and above. This should be the minimum population cut-off for a smart city.

Achieving all the 10 attributes may well be Utopian. So, maybe even if seven out of the 10 attributes are achieved, we should have no hesitation in declaring an urban habitation as a smart city.

My Company is working on the Point 1 of this article, and is designing new products related to Public Waste Disposal and how can we make the people to throw waste into it.
First photo- Dumas Expy & University Road at Y Junction

Second Photo- Maheshwari Vidhyapeeth

yups Dumas Expy == Pipload Road
and University Road == Udana Madalla Road.

Approach to Y junction during night hours looks awesome with all kind of lights.
Feels like running on a air strip :P :D :)
Sneak peek: LHB Railway coach manufacturing unit in Chennai


Sneak peek: LHB Railway coach manufacturing unit in Chennai
8 Jul, 2015
Text: TNN, PTI

After its 50,000th coach rolled out, Integral Coach Factory (ICF) announced that it will now focus on producing safer, faster and more comfortable stainless steel LHB coaches.

The factory can now make 300 such coaches per year and it will soon double its capacity.

Let's take a quick sneak peek into the LHB Railway coach manufacturing unit in Chennai


LHB shorthand for Linke Hofmann Busch
8 Jul, 2015
LHB is shorthand for Linke Hofmann Busch, coaches that Linke-Hofmann-Busch of Germany (renamed Alstom LHB GmbH in 1998 after the takeover by Alstom) first developed and coach factories in India now produce.


Rs 252-crore facility
8 Jul, 2015
Integral Coach Factory will manufacture the new coaches in this Rs 252-crore facility.


Now, security cameras on doorways
8 Jul, 2015
The AC III tier coach was among one of the last in the batch of the ICF design that Indian Railways uses.

The coach has additional features such as security cameras in its doorways.


Refreshing makeover to train travel
8 Jul, 2015
Train travel is likely to get a refreshing makeover soon, with the railways deciding to hire professionals to redesign coaches.

The LHB design will be compatible with changes railways plans to make in terms of aesthetics and speed.

Professionals of National Institute of Design, which signed an MoU with the railways, will design the interiors of the new coaches.


Facilities and space
8 Jul, 2015
Railway Board member (mechanical) Hemant Kumar said ICF now has the facilities and space needed to make the coaches.

'We will in phases convert the existing space and workshops to manufacture the new coaches,' he said.


Safer & more comfortable coaches
8 Jul, 2015
The railways has so far been using coaches that ICF designed.

Railways is now planning to switch over to LHB because they are more comfortable and user friendly, as also safer in the event of an accident.

Coaches do not topple easily when a train derails
8 Jul, 2015
LHB coaches are considered safer because they do not topple easily when a train derails.

Energy-efficient trains are the future of railway travel.


Coaches with roof-top solar panels
8 Jul, 2015
'We have, in association with Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, completed trials of coaches with roof-top solar panels,' Kumar said. 'The panels will provide power to non-AC coaches.'


300 LHB stainless steel coaches project
8 Jul, 2015
The Ministry of Railways had in 2011 sanctioned the unit at a cost of Rs 252 crore for manufacturing 300 LHB stainless steel coaches with the state-of-the-art technology.


100 LHB shells already manufactured
8 Jul, 2015
About 100 LHB shells have already been manufactured at the facility.


8 Jul, 2015
The LHB unit has a capacity of producing 300 coaches per year (including high speed FIAT bogies).

The foundation stone for the LHB unit was laid in April, 2012.


ICF produces close to 2,000 coaches per year
8 Jul, 2015
ICF produces close to 2,000 coaches per year and has produced 50,000 coaches since its inception approximately in 500 different designs.


1,704 coaches produced in 2014-15
8 Jul, 2015
In 2014-15, ICF produced 1,704 coaches consisting of 50 variants involving high technological inputs.

1,704 coaches produced in 2014-15 - Sneak peek: LHB Railway coach manufacturing unit in Chennai | The Economic Times
Ltd. Edit RE's
- re. above report India on a roll and Modi rocks; rock-&-roll times.




(c) http://bharathautos.com/wp-content/...spatch-riders-limited-edition-motorcycles.jpg

With propah clothing ;)

Meanwhile ...

United Motorcycles to start its India Operations by July 2015!!

We previously reported here that the United States based two wheeler manufacturer, United Motorcycles (UM Motorcycles) have entered a 50:50 joint venture with the Indian electric two-wheeler manufacturer, Lohia Auto group, to produce the bikes locally at the manufacturing facility located at Kashipur, Uttrakhand. The production will start around the second quarter of 2015 and will see an annual capacity of 1,00,000 units.


UM Motorcycles will be getting the complete range of their motorcycles in India with an investment of about Rs 120 crore and they have already invested a part of the amount for the manufacturing facility's production and R&D purposes. UM will offer the range starting from UM Xtreet, which like the name suggests, is a street bike, Renegade cruiser range, including the Renegade Commando and Renegade Limited, Renegade Sports and Renegade Duty.

UM has aggressive plans to set a strong foothold in the growing domestic motorcycle market. The manufacturer will start with about 50 dealers in the first phase of operations, which will mostly cover all metro cities. The bikes to be launched will have an engine capacity of 250-500cc, against the 200-230 cc that was announced previously.


Rajeev Mishra, Managing Director at UM India Two Wheelers Pvt. Ltd said in an interview with Motoroids, “The process has started to appoint the dealers. We are expecting the products to be available in showrooms by the end of July. The bookings would commence by end of June. We are planning to launch two models, one in 250cc and one in 300cc segment followed by 400cc. So it would be one model in every three-four months. In one year we are planning to launch about four-five models.”

UM International, through the joint venture, aims to foray into the burgeoning motorcycle market in India by offering consumers products, initially in the Cruiser category and subsequently in other segments. UM will also arrive with a range of merchandise and accessories through its dealerships and would give a helmet as a standard accessory with the motorcycles. The cruiser range will be competitively priced and will create a niche market for young consumers looking for an affordable products. Mishra confirmed that the prices of the initial models would hover in the 100,000-150,000 INR zone.

(c) United Motorcycles to start its India Operations by July 2015!! / News / BikePortal
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Otherwise ...


- basically Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Western UP sales catchment area.


Otherwise ...


- basically Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Western UP sales catchment area.


Nothing beats the Royal Enfield Desert Storm in looks and performance.Got this beauty from my elder brother after he graduated to 4 wheeler,in love ever since.
2'nd hand love :) ?

1 Time Planning to make Navi Mumbai "A Citizen's City of Dreams" !
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2'nd hand love :) ?

1 Time Planning to make Navi Mumbai "A Citizen's City of Dreams" !
Currently studying,so don't possess aukaat for 1st hand.
Don't worry if i get through the UPSC hurdle,will soon be proud possessor of a Truimph Bonneville.
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