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India Developing, but still a long way to go

this bus is introduced in bangalore by bmtc,and its manufactured by chinese firm.my question is tata and ashok leyland have such kind of model why cant government purchase from them than source it from china
they are under trials mate

Alstom delivers first train set to Chennai metro

What would I know about merit, humility and hard work? All I have is because of hard work and merit dude...I am not naturally gifted in anything and I had to WORK my *** off to be where I am at. It surprises me that you assumed the contrary at the drop of a hat.

Back to topic, yes the media does throw mud on MMS. He is in the public limelight and that is bound to happen no matter who that person is. Tomorrow of Modi gets elected and he does a good job, still SOME media house out there will spew anit-Modi crap. I generally ignore the media and think objectively for myself. According to me:

1) MMS is a good guy no doubt but that is not enough to be an effective leader.
2) He HAS NOT done a good job (I gave you proof of why. I leave it to you to digest the facts of the matter)
3) The seeds of India's dramatic slowdown were planted under HIS watch. Did he know what was happening was not good for the country, hell yeah! Then why did he not step up to the challenge and reverse this policy paralysis? Answer that please.

Media glorifies Modi, as I'm not biased against Modi, I support that.

Modi is pushy, Modi is a cult phenomenon, Modi represents the majority sentiment, Modi is unifying, dynamic and charismatic and yet Modi is academically, intellectually nowhere. You know what, I agree India can use Modi to get to the next level.

However, I diagree that Dr. Saheb MMS is ineffective, or into policy paralysis etc. One needs to understand development - there are different stages, growth spurts and slowdowns and very important to borad base growth to make it inclusive in a large country like India.

Modi win is predicted by BBC Hard Talk's Stephen Sackur. All good.

My Style



Hafeez Contractor's Hiranandani and dlf projects are smashing!





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Then I am afraid you have no idea what you are talking about. Speaking of giving credit where credit is due, India has developed in spite of the government policies,not because of it. Only someone who has spent all his life in India understands this. In fact the entire world understands this, you do not seem to somehow.

Trust me, I have great respect for Dr. MMS but he is not a good politician. He does not know how to lead and to implement. He belongs in the classroom and academia doing research that other can follow. Otherwise how can you explain the policy paralysis that has plagued the country for the last 5 years with some disastrous populist schemes that have drained the coffers faster than I can say "Oh my fucking god" :(. Sure, he opened up the economy but that was an act of desperation rather than a calculated move which paid off.

Plus, what about the past 60 odd years? Was Nehru not a Congress guy? It was the Congress party that has played a big part in India's disastrous isolationist license raj policies that ha pushed 10s of millions into poverty and kept growth rates below 3 % for most of the nation's existence.

On a personal note:
Try to understand what point someone is trying to make before dismissing it as nonsense. It makes you look like a "semi-troll". This is especially taking into consideration that you have indirectly accused me of being a zealot and a zionist. No one hates Dr. MMS per se, they are merely frustrated and take out their frustration in various ways, some mature and some immature. Try to provide concrete, understandable proof backed by facts and figures. Nothing else will do. I have provided my facts, now its your turn.

But yes, we DO hate Sonia Gandhi and her retarded son. SoGa is totally corrupt and has funneled a huge amount of money to her two sisters in Italy.
Sonia Gandhi has to go and take her entire family with her. Whatever way you look at it-dynasties have NO place in modern DEMOCRACIES and I don't know how she can be in the ridiculously powerful position she is when she's not a directly elected official. Her position and title are all very shady and dubious.

I do honeslty believe though that the age of the Gandhis and the like in India are over, the Indian people who are getting much much smarter/more educated won't stand for this $hit anymore, they want accountability and politicians who work FOR them and thus deliver- you are seeing this across India,
Sonia Gandhi has to go and take her entire family with her. Whatever way you look at it-dynasties have NO place in modern DEMOCRACIES and I don't know how she can be in the ridiculously powerful position she is when she's not a directly elected official. Her position and title are all very shady and dubious.

I do honeslty believe though that the age of the Gandhis and the like in India are over, the Indian people who are getting much much smarter/more educated won't stand for this $hit anymore, they want accountability and politicians who work FOR them and thus deliver- you are seeing this across India,

Nice vid. Nice Canadian hotel 4 Seasons. Nice Canadian post too ;).
It's sunset in Mumbai, then why is Aer so empty like. Could be busier, or what? Monday ???

Re: quoted post, you know I agree and how.

The dynasties, criminals and oligarchs misrepresenting India's masses in parliament, and specially the paranoid press, has flogged the 1/2 dead horse of democracy so hard that this horse might to re-incarnate as a thoroughbred. It's an over 60 yrs old hoarse so retirement is due.

Singapore, Hong-Kong have done it. The cast is mold.

Over-exposure to 'democracy' has had the real side-effect of empowering the electorate.

Some of this empowerment was planned, seeded and amplified over 60 yrs. but the media outright hijacked the electorate empowerment game. Nowadays, bottom-of-the pyramid mass Indians eat, $hit and even pi$$ politics.

The 'middle-class' may have to protect it's turf as the 'hordes are at the gates'. This is going to be a bell-weather election, large parts of the electorate are educated and literacy is mucking up the usual caste, creed and religion based traditional political calculations, but only that much.

Politics has handed Indians slivers of real hope like identity, slick roads and better trains for the masses and dreams. Oscars, Nobels, Moon shots, Mars slings and super-duper-this-&-thatto mitigate the everyday doom-&-gloom daily grind.

All good, India is mature enough to handle change.

India home to 70 billionaires; Mukesh Ambani is richest Indian: Report

New Delhi, March 2:
India is home to the fifth largest group of billionaires in the world and Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, is the country’s richest man with a personal fortune of $18 billion, says a report.
According to China-based research firm Hurun’s 2014 global rich list, Mukesh Ambani was ranked 41st in the list that was topped by Bill Gates, whose personal networth stood at a whopping $68 billion.
Other noted Indians in the list include Lakshmi N Mittal ranked 49th with a personal net worth of $17 billion.
Dilip Sanghvi of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries and Wipro’s Azim Premji both ranked 77th with a personal wealth of $13.5 billion each. Tata Sons’ Pallonji Mistry ranked 93rd with a personal wealth of $12 billion.
SP Hinduja & family was ranked 93rd on the list, with a net worth of $12 billion.
In the global rich list, Gates was followed by Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett (2nd) with a personal wealth of $64 billion and Amancio Ortega of Inditex was ranked 3rd with $62 billion fortune.
The fourth position was claimed by Carlos Slim Helu & family ($60 billion) while Oracle’s Larry Ellison with $60 billion was ranked fifth.
The report said that during the past year the Indian rupee weakened 12 per cent against the US Dollar, making it harder for Indians to make the cut-off.
Despite the currency fluctuations, India has improved its position over last year. In the 2014 Hurun global rich list, the country is ranked fifth with 70 billionaires, 17 more than 2013.
Interestingly, India has higher number of these super rich individuals than Germany, Switzerland, France and Japan.
The combined wealth of the Indians billionaires comes to a staggering $390 billion.
The US is home to 481 billionaires, followed by China with 358 billionaires. The US and China now have half of all billionaires on the planet, the report said, adding that the UK, Japan, Switzerland, India and Russia are growing fast in terms of billionaires.
Moreover, Mumbai is home to 33 billionaires and is among the top six billionaire cities in the world.
New York is officially the ‘Billionaire Capital of the World’ as 84 of the Hurun Billionaires live in the ‘Big Apple’, up 14 from 70 last year.
The list is a compilation of US dollar billionaires and wealth calculations were a snapshot of the positions on January 17, 2014. The list ranked 1,867 billionaires from 68 countries. The total wealth of these super rich people amounted to an eye-popping $6.9 trillion.
Of the 1,867 billionaires, 946 saw their wealth increase and there were 482 new faces. Only 318 individuals saw their wealth decrease and 123 remained unchanged.
The average age is 64, up one year from 2013. One in nine billionaires is a female, compared with one in ten last year, the report said.


Easily 100 Billionaires then the above is the official rich list from govt. press Co. PTI.
And a Billion goes far ...
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You know I agree and how.

The dynasties, criminals and oligarchs misrepresenting India's masses in parliament, and specially the paranoid press, has flogged the 1/2 dead horse of democracy so hard that this horse might to re-incarnate as a thoroughbred. It's an over 60 yrs old hoarse so retirement is due.

Singapore, Hong-Kong have done it. The cast is mould. And yes, over-exposure to 'democracy' has had the real side-effect of empowerment among the electorate. Some of this empowerment was planned, seeded and amplified but the media outright hijacked the electorate empowerment agenda. All good, India is mature enough to handle change.

India (and Indians) is mature enough to handle change but a majority of its bureaucracy is not. If things change, their power to make black money and live like kings is wiped out overnight. This is the main problem. The only way out is if someone literally forces the change and makes the babus pay dearly.
India (and Indians) is mature enough to handle change but a majority of its bureaucracy is not. If things change, their power to make black money and live like kings is wiped out overnight. This is the main problem. The only way out is if someone literally forces the change and makes the babus pay dearly.


Sorry, I disagree it's not the babus but the 'technocrats' who are in on the ex-royalty, oligarchy and the criminal-politician who pack houses of parliament. And claim to represent the public. Babu minions just follow the wind.

By the way, the babu miniondom was created by the British and stands up to high standards specially compared to some places like EU & the Americas where the best and brightest go work for the private sector, the rest pack the govt. rafters.

Not to under estimate the military-industrial complex. How do you propose to 'literally force change'?
Modi may be the best chance, word is that a mega-project boom is coming re: Modi's election romp forecast.
All good!
Done in Gujarat, Modi will turn India into developed country in 5 yrs., @ 10% growth. Watch Modi, by Swamy:

Not my vid., sorry for audio quality.

Although I admire Modi, 10% overall growth is not really possible even under him. I would be very very content with 8.5% - 9% and that too not immediately. He first has to clean up the mess left by the Kongre$$ and its socialist hordes.

India will NOT become a developed country in 5 years even if we grow at 10%. Maybe sustained growth over 15 years will make us an upper middle income country of the likes of what Iran is today.
Although I admire Modi, 10% overall growth is not really possible even under him. I would be very very content with 8.5% - 9% and that too not immediately. He first has to clean up the mess left by the Kongre$$ and its socialist hordes.

India will NOT become a developed country in 5 years even if we grow at 10%. Maybe sustained growth over 15 years will make us an upper middle income country of the likes of what Iran is today.

Point taken.

Dr. Subramaniam S. is a former Harvard economics professor though.
I just realised, also the good Dr. is BJP's answer to the other good doctor, Dr. Manmohan Singh, of Ox-Cam.
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