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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Besides infrastructe what development has india achieved in social sector? True development of any society is measure in socialsector, but unfortunately key indicators show a mrked deterioration for example killing females children has increased alarmingly over the last two decades, cases of rapes have increasedby more than 873% in the last six decades, poverty has increased, gap between rich and poor has widened, health care facilities arealmost non-existent for amajority of indian people, 60% population don't have access to toilets, malnutrition among indian children is highest in the world.

With all these glaring socialand human problems, what does a few good roads and high rise buildings signify?


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Besides infrastructe what development has india achieved in social sector? True development of any society is measure in socialsector, but unfortunately key indicators show a mrked deterioration for example killing females children has increased alarmingly over the last two decades, cases of rapes have increasedby more than 873% in the last six decades, poverty has increased, gap between rich and poor has widened, health care facilities arealmost non-existent for amajority of indian people, 60% population don't have access to toilets, malnutrition among indian children is highest in the world.

With all these glaring socialand human problems, what does a few good roads and high rise buildings signify?

read the thread title first: "Re: India Developing, but still a long way to go"

You dont bring up any source for your statements... poverty has decreased. Infrastructure projects provide jobs, people with those jobs can afford more and new stuff, thus their purchasing power stimulates the economy further and support more industries and so on. Good infrastructure increases living standards and welcomes foreign investments which further help the economy.

All these fancy high rise buildings how you call them represent the success of our economy and companies not only in India but in other countries as well. And this success is the key to lift millions out of poverty every year.
Besides infrastructe what development has india achieved in social sector? True development of any society is measure in socialsector, but unfortunately key indicators show a mrked deterioration for example killing females children has increased alarmingly over the last two decades, cases of rapes have increasedby more than 873% in the last six decades, poverty has increased, gap between rich and poor has widened, health care facilities arealmost non-existent for amajority of indian people, 60% population don't have access to toilets, malnutrition among indian children is highest in the world.

With all these glaring socialand human problems, what does a few good roads and high rise buildings signify?

yes we do have the issues..hence the heading...
dnt know which data ur referring to .here's govt of india's data

literacy: 52%(1991) to 74%(2011)
poverty: 60%(1981) to 27%(2011)
health care: we're the largest contributors in brics
life expectancy: 50 yrs(1981) to 65.5(2010)
Crude birth rates have dropped to 26.1 and death rates to 8.7.
infant mortality:64.9(2000) to 30.15(2009)
population growth rate:1.58(2000) to 1.31(2012)
rape:increased by 2% from 2010 still not good.
further if u have any doubts..suggest u to use the links given

India Home
India - Infant mortality rate - Historical Data Graphs per Year
http://ncrb.nic.in/CD-CII2011/cii-2011/figure at a glance.pdf
Besides infrastructe what development has india achieved in social sector? True development of any society is measure in socialsector, but unfortunately key indicators show a mrked deterioration for example killing females children has increased alarmingly over the last two decades, cases of rapes have increasedby more than 873% in the last six decades, poverty has increased, gap between rich and poor has widened, health care facilities arealmost non-existent for amajority of indian people, 60% population don't have access to toilets, malnutrition among indian children is highest in the world.

With all these glaring socialand human problems, what does a few good roads and high rise buildings signify?

We can only dream of coming to par with "highly developed,gender equal and socio-economically advanced" pakistan :agree:

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