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India describes as false reports about Jaishankar's meeting with Taliban leaders


Sep 26, 2018
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India on Friday categorically rejected reports about External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar's meeting with Taliban leaders, describing them as ''false and mischievous''.

'We have seen some media reports based on a tweet by some journalists about meeting with Taliban by the External Affairs Minister,'' External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said at a media briefing.

''Let me categorically deny claims that the External Affairs Minister met any Taliban leader. Such stories are false and mischievous,'' he said while replying to a question.

Bagchi said India supports all peace initiatives and has been engaged with various stakeholders.

There has been a renewed push towards the Afghan peace process as the US looked to complete the withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan by September 11, ending nearly two-decade of its military presence in the war-ravaged country.

In the midst of fast-paced developments relating to the Afghan peace process, a senior Qatari diplomat said at a webinar organised by the Arab Center in Washington DC recently that he believed the Indian side was engaging with the Taliban as the group could be a key component in the future of Afghanistan.

India has been a major stakeholder in the peace and stability of Afghanistan. It has already invested nearly USD 3 billion in aid and reconstruction activities in the country. India has been supporting a national peace and reconciliation process which is Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled.

In March, Afghan foreign minister Mohammad Haneef Atmar visited India during which Jaishankar conveyed to him India's long-term commitment towards a peaceful, sovereign and stable Afghanistan.
After the Pak NSA has ridiculed the Indians for shamelessly turning to the Taliban after tirelessly working against them for the last 40 years, it's quite expected.....

The road to Afghanistan passes through Pakistan....
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