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India deploys Heavy infantry and moves heavy artillery near LOC

You are an idiot for writing this post. Show me ONE post where I ever said India should be destroyed. Posts like this are what makes you scratch your head thinking if the guy writing the post just got up after drinking a few bottles of Johnny Walker!!

I actually like India, I have Indian employees and they are good people. I don't like what the BJP is doing inside India and I think India has a much bigger role to play in this region as a "big brother". But that "big brother" mentality ain't coming through the BJP/RSS/Shiv Sena!! You guys will need to elect real leaders who can see past just Hinduism. So no, sorry, wrong person. I don't want anyone's destruction.

If I was an Indian PM, I'd have signed a no war pact with the Pakistanis, put in condition to protect India and Pakistan both from terrorism, make Kashmir a demilitarized zone where people to people contact can be made, and would have a free trade agreement with Pakistan with guarantee that the trade won't interfere with their country's integrity (terrorism in Baluchistan, etc).

At the end of the day, I would have opened borders over long term for people to people trade, joined CPEC and allow both the nations to create an Indo-Pak economic block having 1.5 billion consumers speaking the same language and sharing similar cultures. The war and terrorism threat would end once and for all. This is what India needs to be a big brother and really be the regional power it wants to be. But can I put this much sense into BJP's crazy religious heads? Not really!!
That is why you were not an Indian PM. Because seems you don't follow Indian history with Pakistan but just writing it here.
The trade option was given to Pakistan earlier and many times. MFN (India has already provided it to Pakistan, Pakistan has not reciprocated), pact for India-Pakistan-Afghanistan trade route (Pakistan does not allow that currently), gas pipelines etc. But they are hell bound of derailing it. So, no more talks on trade as well, at-least for time being.
A no-war pact with Pakistan cannot be done because Pakistan PM is a puppet and he does not control any thing. He even needs to have dictation from Army chief before UN address. so no point in talking to him.
PA's army existence is anti-India, they dont want anything which changes the status-quo towards peace. They are happy in letting the tensions brew which is in their favor.
India has closed it border problem with Bangladesh by giving away large pieces of its land to it, to settle the matter. We are creating an environment to have trade between Nepal and Sri-lanka as well. They all are agreeing to be part of SAARC trade,where as Pakistan stand is always anti-india. hence there is no point in talking with them any further.
BTW, Indian PM signed lahore declaration with Pakistan but he was back-stabbed by the same Pakistani-PM Nawaaz by doing kargil. PM Modi tried to cool down the stuff by going to lahore for his birthday, and then he gave him pathankot. If Nawaaz can back stab two PMs then nothing can be trusted to come out of Pakistan.

you really think so?
look at your history
What do you mean? Arent you guys claiming this is a false flag operation, India did it by itself, we will nuke India if they even fire a bullet across the border, bla bla..Then keep your nukes ready....Why are you pissing in your pants now!!! Are you scared?
You also need best for support fire in AJK, remember PA is facing huge IA and they have upgraded bofors which perform good in Kargil war.
In AJK sector, fastest troop advance is through transport helis. This should be considered by PA.
A no-war pact with Pakistan cannot be done because Pakistan PM is a puppet and he does not control any thing. He even needs to have dictation from Army chief before UN address. so no point in talking to him.

Are you hanging above the bathroom stalls and listening to his conversations?

PA's army existence is anti-India, they dont want anything which changes the status-quo towards peace. They are happy in letting the tensions brew which is in their favor.

You can't just go to a neighboring country shouts some anti-Pakistan rhetoric and on your way back to India have a layover in Lahore to meet Nawaz Sharif... Come on... If I go to your neighbor and say this guy/lady is a bit<h what type of meet and greet will you have with me when i'm leaving?
He's a black american
Beghairat honey key liye sirf baboon leagi hona kafi hay ye ap ko bisti proof karta hay

Who are you talking to mate ? the who is still confused to his dignity ? But since it is still in his DNA to support ganja and co he cant stop for that. The guys is almost silent on corruption of Ganja and co, and his massacre of model town.

Do tag me him another thread and also remember to tag me too
Bubble Butt has a media cell you forgot she pays people
Are you hanging above the bathroom stalls and listening to his conversations?

You can't just go to a neighboring country shouts some anti-Pakistan rhetoric and on your way back to India have a layover in Lahore to meet Nawaz Sharif... Come on... If I go to your neighbor and say this guy/lady is a bit<h what type of meet and greet will you have with me when i'm leaving?
That is from your own media. ask them their sources may be they are sharing beds.

Always ignoring the facts...What about Kargil? Vajpayee was always of the opinion of streamlining the ties. Have people to people contact. But what you gave him in return?
That is from your own media. ask them their sources may be they are sharing beds.

Always ignoring the facts...What about Kargil? Vajpayee was always of the opinion of streamlining the ties. Have people to people contact. But what you gave him in return?

What makes you think the Pakistani media is any wiser? My initial comment on media was reflective of both countries.

Each new administration is a "new era". These media/politicians/pdf members demanding war and retaliation are either too old, too young, or too rich to be involved. The evidence suggests stupid.

There is a threat of the old guard. Individuals who have a history of supporting "jihadi" groups from Afghanistan to their relocation into/around Kashmir. These guards will take a time to rout out and hang or dump into some landfill with a bullet in the head.

If Uri is found to have been sponsored from Pakistan, we all need to hope for the sake of Pakistan, the sponsors are taken care of. But, if Uri is homegrown from Indian Jammu Kashmir, that's India's own policy failure of not integrating the province into India.

The people throwing rocks aren't Pakistani infiltrators, screw the "Kashmiri Leaders" take up the actual common man and improve his life even by $1 he will be grateful.
130mm is doing the job very well.

Hopefully these serve us well too
Looks like the poor indians are dithering again, all talk no walk. If they blunder into a confrontation, In terms of pushing Indian economy right back, i think pak mil will be looking at economic targets in delhi and bangalore for CM strikes.
Indian army admit they never accuse Pakistan for that attack. They found no links and blasted at own media for false news. Uri was Kashmiri freedom fighters job.
What makes you think the Pakistani media is any wiser? My initial comment on media was reflective of both countries.

Each new administration is a "new era". These media/politicians/pdf members demanding war and retaliation are either too old, too young, or too rich to be involved. The evidence suggests stupid.

There is a threat of the old guard. Individuals who have a history of supporting "jihadi" groups from Afghanistan to their relocation into/around Kashmir. These guards will take a time to rout out and hang or dump into some landfill with a bullet in the head.

If Uri is found to have been sponsored from Pakistan, we all need to hope for the sake of Pakistan, the sponsors are taken care of. But, if Uri is homegrown from Indian Jammu Kashmir, that's India's own policy failure of not integrating the province into India.

The people throwing rocks aren't Pakistani infiltrators, screw the "Kashmiri Leaders" take up the actual common man and improve his life even by $1 he will be grateful.

How cleverly you are showcasing Pakistan the (the epicenter of terrorism because of its own policy of leveraging terrorism against India)as a victim and suggesting India to just hope for the time to pass out, where as you are putting the complete blame on India for its wrong policy on Kashmir.

I can see where your sympathy lies. I was not wrong in my first post and nor I am wrong here.

You say, if URI is done from within Pakistan, then sponsors are to be taken cared of, Who will take care of them in that case? Pakistan? Must be joking..

Has Pakistan with true intentions tried anyone in Mumbai case? The answer is no.
has Pakistan with true intentions tried anyone for doing 92 Mumbai blasts? The answer is no.

There are many other cases, you are aware of them, and I dont need to re-iterate them here.

The Pakistani awam, elites, governments, generals, army, all are gonna reap the fruits of the tree they have been nurturing for so long.
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