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India deploys destroyer, patrol vessel to Gulf of Oman

Keep an eye on these indian monkeys .They are not their to protect vessel or iran or to jump in conflict . They are opportunists, will try to settle score with pakistan in any emerging scenerio .

India and Iran are on good terms, IRGC have no beef with India to say the least. This is the impression, or so it seems.

Indian move indicate its resolve to protect its economic interests in a tense environment, didn't see this coming TBH. And I see a kolkata class destroyer in there.

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Lol, u just assumed that it actually is Iran that targeted the ships and that India deployed its ships to attack Iran....Genius man, BTW ur economy understanding is also this kinda genius. wasnt indian economy supposed to crash?

Theres a reason diplomacy was invented.....military is always the last resort. IN is there to protect indian ships...And Iran aint fool to attack Indian interests as India can lobby with USA to take softer stance on Iran. We have good relations with both.....Guess you dont understand the give and take on diplomacy.

In this war there are only two sides Iran and USA. So if you are deploying to protect your economics interests the question is from whom India needs protection? There are no pirates in the strait. So the protection is either from Iran or USA? India going against USA is out of question so the protection is from Iran.
So if you are deploying to protect your economics interests the question is from whom India needs protection?
From war, genius...
There can be mines, if there are naval ships around, a protocol needs to be followed which is also why IN has decided to deploy an Officer and 2 sailors onboard a tanker in the gulf.
The Indian Navy is deploying multiple vessels to the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, to provide “security” for Indian-flagged ships traversing the area.

What Indian flagged ships and security from who?

Just another BS.... only Pakistanis need to wake up, who are being surrounded by Indians, while Iranians giving them the excuse to come near to Pakistani waters.

How conveniently we forget their threats and their plan to attack Pakistani villagers and security convoys, during recent Pak-India military standout.

Iran India thought, together they can defeat us but when Indian fighter jets started to fall out of sky, Iranian mafia in bed with Imran Khan, asked for India's forgiveness.

Isn't best option for Iran to refrain from habitual fitna? or if had any balls than try attacking the military of any country directly... excluding Pakistan, who is ever ready with his pants down for Iran to screw us, what ever way.... be it hosting RAW or baiting mulla mansoor to help it's fitna buddy aka Uncle Sam.

Clearly, Iranian problem is not with US but with Pakistan.

Otherwise US is sitting in Afghanistan and if Iranian mulla were any sincere they would have chocked US supplies, on the contrary Iran sells most of his oil and other commodities to Afghanistan..... indirectly to same US military. Here Iran is all good with US.
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Pn is also alert and there are also reports of iaf patrolling near border.they tested new missiles and now integrating it.we should integrate pl-15 asap.their new long missile is specifically designed to take out our awacs.it has 300km range.
Pn is also alert and there are also reports of iaf patrolling near border.they tested new missiles and now integrating it.we should integrate pl-15 asap.their new long missile is specifically designed to take out our awacs.it has 300km range.

Send the bill of PN patrolling to Iranian puppies in Pakistan. Why should others pay for it?
The Russians, Americans, and Iranians very well know they are not gonna get India onto their side to fighting their wars. We're nobody's little bitch who can bark on their behalf, fight the master's wars, be a security guard etc... etc...
Nobody's bitch but still a bitch

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