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India DEMANDS Pakistan release pilot as Kashmir crisis intensifies

Yesterday news. It's TODAY's (yesterday's in Pakistan) attack that provides India with the casus belli missing from yesterday's action. Perhaps India never meant to hit the terror base at all and its first action was merely meant as a set-up for today's "response".
the video is from a game called arma FYI as the thread is closed
Was this not a long-planned operation? How much has India mobilized on the ground? How prepared is the Pakistani Army?

Before Pakistan's shoot-down today India could not claim a casus belli against Pakistan itself, since Pakistan never acknowledged the targeted terrorists as its own and under post-9/11 resolutions an attack against "stateless" terrorists doesn't really count as an enforceable violation of sovereignty. Now, the shoot-down of the Indian fighter can be characterized by India as an aggressive attack rather than a proportionate response - and gives India an excuse for action not just against terrorists but against the uniformed Pakistani military.

(Had Pakistan responded differently - by, say, embracing India's reasoning to bombard terror camps in Afghanistan - India would have no such excuse, would it?)
Wow you dishonest creep. Those who did the Pulwama attack were local Kashmiris, not Pakistanis.

Get a grip on yourself.

And India had launched an attack on Pakistan and according to the Pakistani government did not kill anyone or do any casualties.

We downed two of the Indian planes and we captured one of their pilots.


Be honest now, the ball is now in Pakistan's court.

Stop being dishonest.
Such fantasies are part of why much of the world has no faith in Pakistani judgment of reality. @VCheng

The Pakistani version of reality is geared towards serving their national interest as they perceive them. What I will point out is that there does need to be a change in certain aspects of their policies and this change will certainly need some incentives and some pressure to come about.

He *** SHOULD BE EXCHANGED *** for the captured RETIRED Pakistani colonel who was kidnapped by India when he went for a job interview in Nepal.
The Pakistani version of reality is geared towards serving their national interest as they perceive them. What I will point out is that there does need to be a change in certain aspects of their policies and this change will certainly need some incentives and some pressure to come about.
"incentives and some pressure" as in surrender plus 90,000 prisoners of war?
No release untill clearification where is attacks happen in balakkot
"incentives and some pressure" as in surrender plus 90,000 prisoners of war?
You moron who cares about what happened in 1971. The new Pakistani generation doesn't care about that.

The new Pakistani generation knows we captured an Indian Air force pilot as a trophy.

You can fcuk off now.
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