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India Declares Sharia Courts/Laws as illegal

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Uma Bharti, you have no right to interfere in our religious matters,

Bin Laden, I have every right to since your selective religious matters are an impediment to India's realizing of her full potential. Anything and everything that comes in the way of my country's dharmic and economic progress will be destroyed.
Bin Laden, I have every right to since your selective religious matters are an impediment to India's realizing of her full potential. Anything and everything that comes in the way of my country's progress will be destroyed.
Why do you hate Muslims so much? Did a Muslim boy break your heart?
Why do you hate Muslims so much? Did a Muslim boy break your heart?
I told you before I do not hate Muslims. I have Muslim family members as well as very good friends and colleagues. The Hindutva thinking goes that Muslims are victims of Islam and must be helped out of it or some such arrangement. So there is no hatred, rather sympathy.

Apart from ideological differences, there are absolutely no differences between Hindus and Muslims. All of us get along well as long as we are not discussing theology.
Yup, wow. In IT terminology, we think there is nothing wrong with the hardware, only the software needs to be changed.
It's suprising to see a fascist Indian girl full of hatred.
It's suprising to see a fascist Indian girl full of hatred.

Abhi yahan pe hatred kahan se aagaya? How can I hate Muslims when I think of them as victims because of accident of birth. Now if you were to say the same about commie Bengalis, I would agree because they are what they are of their own volition.
Abhi yahan pe hatred kahan se aagaya? How can I hate Muslims when I think of them as victims because of accident of birth. Now if you were to say the same about commie Bengalis, I would agree because they are what they are of their own volition.
Are you from the hindi belt or Gujarat?
Not nearly good enough, either scrap the terms secular and republic from the constitution or raze all these extra-judicial structures to the ground. There can only be one source of law which devolves down unto the people.
Yes,that's what struck me funny. You are a secular country, doesn't it mean all other religion and religious matter has free reign in your country? People are free to practice any religion in india.if government curbs some ritual and allows others, how can that work?in practice.
In theory maybe, but can you ask a Christian not to follow Christmas?
Yes,that's what struck me funny. You are a secular country, doesn't it mean all other religion and religious matter has free reign in your country? People are free to practice any religion in india.if government curbs some ritual and allows others, how can that work?in practice.
In theory maybe, but can you ask a Christian not to follow Christmas?

No you can't ask a Christian to not celebrate Christmas in a secular state, and that has nothing to do with being a secular state.

I suggest that you try not to conflate two different issues.

Look up the explicit meaning of the term "secular/secularism", post said meaning here and tag me in that post, after that I'll deign it fit to provide a proper answer.
That's a good step!! Next they should declare all the individual laws as illegal!! There should be one common law for everyone!! Nobody needs outdated medeival era law systems to deal with problems of today!!
thats the best u can do??
don't even let me tell u the reality of ur religion lest i will get banned here only.

there is a reason u guys are in a deep mess,,,work towards alleviating that rather than pointing fingers towards other people
What else can u bigots do. Did I say something wrong eh. If it hurts so much then don't play with fire. And by u threatening me or even saying something bad about my religion will change nothing about my religion. A dog can bark as cutely as he wants to it still can't sing.

And if u hate others telling u the truth. Then don't try and force ur 2 bit opinion on them.

I do not blame you, it's not your fault you've been taught that people are made for religion and will never be able to understand that religions are made for people.

Also, it's bit disappointing that you are posting off-topic rants without understanding the context.
World and people do look beautiful without glasses of hate/ radicalism!
I am who I am and I will believe in what I will believe in. I didn't even rant yet. In fact it was u who wants to play the Pharoah and tell us all what to do. So here is what I have to say to that. Third finger on my left hand and 3rd on my right. That's ur salute

Because I Indians basking in ur fake glory have forgotten that an opinion is just that an opinion. And everyone carries one. But when others give u theirs ur asses collectively catch fire.

@Aeronaut dude seriously so this is what we have come down to. These 2 bits good for nothing ungrateful morons will not only lecture us about our religion but also threaten us as if they hold the keys to some secret that we as Muslims don't know.
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