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India decides to fight back aggressive China

Racist?!!! You must be dreaming that you guys are really the "white" aryans, I 'd done was merely inserting an "black" to indicate your racial type.
Oh yeah, maybe next time I should address you "germans" instead of "indians".
If you can use color of skin for defining our race, hope you won't mind if some defines by your facial features. Both can play this game. :D
Ladies first.....so you provide first. :D

Lets party..................

Both countries say these things just for their public and show that no one should take them soft.

In reality, both countries trade in billions, over 40 years have passed since they fought and have good relations among people of both countries. :D

Lady first?!!! So now indians are resorting to playing geentleman here after all these years of ill-treating their womenand others.

And who is he trying to insult, himself? Congratulations, you have just won yourself "the clown of 2013" on the very first day of 2013, for making mockery statement/example out of yourself and your fellow indian man.LOLOL... LOLOL... LOLOL...
National state is not just a western institution. Maybe to Indians. But ancient Egypt is an example of nation state with successive dynasties. So is China since 220BC. These are nation states outside of Western civilization.

I'm glad you realize that India was not a nation state until British India. You get the facts when you open up your mind.

I am flabbergasted. Your comprehension skills are excellent. While China can be a Nation state from so and so date in History, Not everyone, unlike chinese are so intreseted in and care about fitting in to the definations of Nation/empire/Kigndom.(Irrespective of the meme being Western or otherwise). Here's more. While Middle Kingdom can be nation state, The territory today that CPC and PRC control is NOT a nation state. It's 4 nations controlled by a deluded Political group(CPC) and an affiliated army(PLA). NO, You can't even claim to be of one civilisation just because white people can't seem to differentiate between the 57 ethnic groups in China.

Tibeto-burman sphere is distinct and does not fall in to Mongolian sphere or Middle Kingdom, your PRC China. Not everyone is intrested in becoming chinese.

India is hardly intrested in your stupid notions. Republic of India alone has atleast 100 nations/kingdoms/ethnolinguistic groups. Your friends PAK'stan has more than 6 dominant Nations and so on...

State has to have Ideals not Ideologies to tick. I am not sure you will get it even after this post. "British Creation" makes sense to people only outside of Indian culture/ethos. Race, ethnicity notions in India are different from the rest of world, so is the notion of India. Just because, you don't know or understand it, doesn't mean it's wrong or doesn't exist.
Lady first?!!! So now indians are resorting to playing geentleman here after all these years of ill-treating their womenand others.

And who is he trying to insult, himself? Congratulations, you have just won yourself "the clown of 2013" on the very first day of 2013, for making mockery statement/example out of yourself and your fellow indian man.LOLOL... LOLOL... LOLOL...
:lol: Seriously dude, tell me how hard you worked to become such an idiot or you are a prodigy. :D

Ceasefire from my side. Otherwise both will get infractions.
That's how one sounded like when he is running our of excuses to defend a point.

Nice of you to admit how you sound :laugh:

Aren't the indigenious people (Tibeto-Burman family) staying in AC and on the PRC's side belong to the same clan?

Last i recall, human settlements don't exist in Aksai Chin, that place is inhospitable, only nomadic shepherds exist there who hold no control of the land.

So what is the problem that these people built new/ upgraded the existing roads for their own conveniences?!!!

Any proof to support the above? If i remember the road was built to link Xinjiang and Tibet.

In fact, it is most ridicularous that india which is mainly a hindu

India identifies herself as a secular multiplural nation.

(the so-called black aryan) society

black aryan society? what is it with Chinis and the bizarre racial hierarchies ? symptoms of Stockholm syndrome from Japanese and colonial invasions? :fie:

and an absolutely outsider to them is laying claim on other's lands.

Well said about China. :D
Even if the PRC is not the righful owner of these lands, are you telling us,

According to whom the UN? or CCP certified UN? :lol:
the world that the the black aryans should automatically entitle to any lands belonge ro

Another retard racial theory perversion :bad:

any little poor neighbour of yours

You consider China to be a poor little neighbor of India. :woot:

simply because of your 8000 powerful and clarmful years of ancient civilisation?!!! LOLOL...

clarmful ?
:lol: Seriously dude, tell me how hard you worked to become such an idiot or you are a prodigy. :D

Ceasefire from my side. Otherwise both will get infractions.

No lah, I've actually learned a lot from you and your guys here. Indians are the real "ONES" lah. LOLOL...
^your generation of chinese indeed have many tasks, primary of which is finding a wife. you best focus on that, unless you plan on buying one.

the pesky indians, (inspite of all the mighty e-warriors china has) will continue to rule south tibet.

LMAO...go to look at the mirror, your generation have only one task is to overcome 1 meal per day...they don't even have time to look for wife and enjoy, as to buy one? you Indians can't even afford most likely.

As for AP, what you hold is AP body but we hold AP's heart: your life and death are depend on our mood to pump free water, you're not completely independant of China so call that as India rule South tibet is a joke when the survibility of millions of Indians are on Chinese's hand...we're the ultimate ruler of this land while you control it temporary.

And not to mention on your famous sacred Ganges that are also indirectly depend Tibet that flown across of Nepal...if we decide to play some dirty game on this river, it will send a shockwave to 0ver 400 millions Indians that are more or less affected.

E-warrior or not, you Indians are paranoid day and night of Chinese water policy, Your gorvermnent sure know that we hold the water resource of Asia that over 40% of earth population are depend on it and Tibet is our water tower :azn:...that's the fact, the day we decide to screw India, you will be helpless.
National state is not just a western institution. Maybe to Indians. But ancient Egypt is an example of nation state with successive dynasties. So is China since 220BC. These are nation states outside of Western civilization.

I'm glad you realize that India was not a nation state until British India. You get the facts when you open up your mind.

1. Egypt of the Pharaohs has had a territorial extent from as little as the Nile Delta-to-Thebes to as large as up to what is currently Sudan. Egypt has continuously existed as a state - but mostly due to it being passed whole from one line of rulers to another.
2. Similarly what you call China today came into existence as a broad area inhabited by those of Han Chinese descent. But the boundary has varied widely. See the link below.
Ancient China Map, Map of Ancient China, Ancient China Maps

In case of Egypt the state came from being a whole kingdom (no concept of nation), while the Chinese state is more a product of racial demographics.

India has a much longer history as a nation that was not defined by neither race nor rulers. The following sloka comes from the Vishnu Purana - a Hindu holy text written in 1st Century BC.

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."
Nice of you to admit how you sound :laugh:

Last i recall, human settlements don't exist in Aksai Chin, that place is inhospitable, only nomadic shepherds exist there who hold no control of the land.

Any proof to support the above? If i remember the road was built to link Xinjiang and Tibet.

India identifies herself as a secular multiplural nation.

black aryan society? what is it with Chinis and the bizarre racial hierarchies ? symptoms of Stockholm syndrome from Japanese and colonial invasions? :fie:

Well said about China. :D

According to whom the UN? or CCP certified UN? :lol:

Another retard racial theory perversion :bad:

You consider China to be a poor little neighbor of India. :woot:

clarmful ?

Wow! seem like you indians are really really free on this new year day. Totally "ZILCH" celebration for the new 2013 at all in whole india?!!!

BTW, no people in AC your head! You can't read very well right?

The region is almost uninhabited, has no permanent settlements, and receives little precipitation as the Himalayas and the Karakoram block the rains from the Indian monsoon.

Go and buy a dictionary and carry along with you always. And don't forget to go and check the meaning of "almost" and "non-permanent".

Lastly, Retake and PASS your G.C.E. "O' level again before you come and talk to us here, OK?

you cannot even capture Japan because it scares the **** out of Chinese that if sanctions are put or if the world goes aggressive Chinese will be wetting in their pants. Buddy Forget India it is a nuclear power and the second most populous nation after you. So do not utter stool out of your stinking mouth just for the sake of argument.

Failed arguments once again, did your Nuke really scare us? how relelavant for seconst most populous nation in to security equation while the majority are living under one meal per day? and as usual, you Indians are so shi1ty on your pants when debating against Chinese unless to invok the world as China's enemy...your sickness of 1962 is not over yet, you are just epic failed.
Failed arguments once again, did your Nuke really scare us? how relelavant for seconst most populous nation in to security equation while the majority are living under one meal per day? and as usual, you Indians are so shi1ty on your pants when debating against Chinese unless to invok the world as China's enemy...your sickness of 1962 is not over yet, you are just epic failed.

We can ask the same question to you ??Do you think your nukes scare us.Even if Indians are having less than one meal a day , they have the first thing a human should have -freedom ,unlike the chinese who are still slaves , earlier to kingdoms now to cpc.The only thing chinese have to show is 62.That is too much boasting for someone who has to run back scared from arunachal then in 67 and then in 87.chinese are nothing but full of hot air only warnings and no actions .barking dog seldom bites.

Hi, why can't you use your own words instead of copying mine? maybe it is a symptom of retardness huh? Quickly go and look for a shrink tomorrow if you can trust your own indian doctor! Or Maybe you can come to my Singapore for treatment when you have your government subsidising the medical bill. LOLOL...

That is funny .a chinese accusing others of copying.When your brain can actually grow to size of a pea may be then you will be able to stop your verbal diarrhea and actually write something that has sense......LOLOL
Failed arguments once again, did your Nuke really scare us? how relelavant for seconst most populous nation in to security equation while the majority are living under one meal per day? and as usual, you Indians are so shi1ty on your pants when debating against Chinese unless to invok the world as China's enemy...your sickness of 1962 is not over yet, you are just epic failed.

What is "under one meal per day"?

India became the largest rice exporter, if I read a news report correct some months back.

India also a leading exporter of wheat.

Ditto sugar...

Ditto milk ...

Ditto, you name it...

China - imports both rice and wheat; obviously CPC lies about "internal grain production" in china.
1. Egypt of the Pharaohs has had a territorial extent from as little as the Nile Delta-to-Thebes to as large as up to what is currently Sudan. Egypt has continuously existed as a state - but mostly due to it being passed whole from one line of rulers to another.
2. Similarly what you call China today came into existence as a broad area inhabited by those of Han Chinese descent. But the boundary has varied widely. See the link below.
Ancient China Map, Map of Ancient China, Ancient China Maps

In case of Egypt the state came from being a whole kingdom (no concept of nation), while the Chinese state is more a product of racial demographics.

India has a much longer history as a nation that was not defined by neither race nor rulers. The following sloka comes from the Vishnu Purana - a Hindu holy text written in 1st Century BC.

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

Though Egypt was a kingdom, they would fit into a nation from a perspective of history. It has continuous succession of rules that regard a core area as its history. And any successive rulers would claim itself as the sole legitimate ruler of that area. Ancient Egypt satisfy this rule from the first kingdom till Octavian conquered Egypt. And during that time, Egypt was ruled by foreigners such as Haksos and the Greeks. But its historical continuation and existence never broke until Octavian, later became Augustus, conquered Egypt. So the Egyptian dynasties is a continuous kingdom that fit into today's nation/state definition.

Ashoka created a empire or kingdom that was continuous for a certain period of time. After that, the ruler of successive empires never claimed any a core territory that he conquered. More importantly, no other rulers of successive kingdom claims to be a successor of Ashoka. As a result, to claim Ashoka was creator of India is historically inaccurate.

What India has is more of a religious centered civilization that has great influence over its neighbors. Its this force that bind India together today after independence. This is Bharat from the poem you speak about. But the force that put it into motion of creating an Indian nation is the British. So its historically accurate to say that the British created the Indian nation. Though the British never created the Indian civilization.
I am flabbergasted. Your comprehension skills are excellent. While China can be a Nation state from so and so date in History, Not everyone, unlike chinese are so intreseted in and care about fitting in to the definations of Nation/empire/Kigndom.(Irrespective of the meme being Western or otherwise). Here's more. While Middle Kingdom can be nation state, The territory today that CPC and PRC control is NOT a nation state. It's 4 nations controlled by a deluded Political group(CPC) and an affiliated army(PLA). NO, You can't even claim to be of one civilisation just because white people can't seem to differentiate between the 57 ethnic groups in China.

Tibeto-burman sphere is distinct and does not fall in to Mongolian sphere or Middle Kingdom, your PRC China. Not everyone is intrested in becoming chinese.

India is hardly intrested in your stupid notions. Republic of India alone has atleast 100 nations/kingdoms/ethnolinguistic groups. Your friends PAK'stan has more than 6 dominant Nations and so on...

State has to have Ideals not Ideologies to tick. I am not sure you will get it even after this post. "British Creation" makes sense to people only outside of Indian culture/ethos. Race, ethnicity notions in India are different from the rest of world, so is the notion of India. Just because, you don't know or understand it, doesn't mean it's wrong or doesn't exist.

You clearly are confused with nation state by civilization. What you say about both India and China fit into a civilization, not a nation state.
Though Egypt was a kingdom, they would fit into a nation from a perspective of history. It has continuous succession of rules that regard a core area as its history. And any successive rulers would claim itself as the sole legitimate ruler of that area. Ancient Egypt satisfy this rule from the first kingdom till Octavian conquered Egypt. And during that time, Egypt was ruled by foreigners such as Haksos and the Greeks. But its historical continuation and existence never broke until Octavian, later became Augustus, conquered Egypt. So the Egyptian dynasties is a continuous kingdom that fit into today's nation/state definition.

Ashoka created a empire or kingdom that was continuous for a certain period of time. After that, the ruler of successive empires never claimed any a core territory that he conquered. More importantly, no other rulers of successive kingdom claims to be a successor of Ashoka. As a result, to claim Ashoka was creator of India is historically inaccurate.

What India has is more of a religious centered civilization that has great influence over its neighbors. Its this force that bind India together today after independence. This is Bharat from the poem you speak about. But the force that put it into motion of creating an Indian nation is the British. So its historically accurate to say that the British created the Indian nation. Though the British never created the Indian civilization.

Just like USA didn't create the Chinese civilisation ... but there would have been no PRC as a nation without USA.
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