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India decides to fight back aggressive China

The Sikh and Maratha were empires unto themselves. As there were at least two empires in Indian subcontinent at that time, there were clearly multiple government and countries. Your example provide another prove that India never existed as a nation until Britain defeated both Maratha and Sikh and united India? When the British East Indian company destroyed the Nawab of Bengal in Battle of Plassey, did the Maratha empire regard India being invaded or that was an event occurred in a far away place? Is clear that the Mawab of Bengal control a different country than that of Maratha empire.

Because Indian subcontinent consists of different nations and empires, the belief that a nation of India existed before British united India is not true. Its understandable that most people do not like to hear that their colonialist is the one that created their nation. But this fact cannot be denied by Indian about India. Britain created India is an establish fact as the sun rises from the east and sets in the west

The fact that Ashoka existed and created an unified country that started and included INdia blows your theory away. For most of its history, it wasn;t unified. Sure but nobody is arguing with that point. Yes the sikhs and Marathas were separate empires. I was mainly referring to the Marathas who had conquered the Mughals and took over Delhi. They were in the prime position to unify India but theh British were playing their divide and conquer tactics and when the Mughals fell, sweeped right in to take out the Marathas who were weak after fighting for so long. They were not able to recuperate. Yes till then it was a fractured country much like the British themselves who consisted of many smaller kingdoms till they were unified of even the EU.

The same can be said of CHina it was a bunch of separate nations that was unified and conquered at some point. The fact that those conquered nations never rose up again for independence tells me a great deal about their inability to fight I guess. Even China today did not exist in those times. China was much smaller than it is today. CHina today occupies many lands and includes many groups who are not HAN. The fact is that the British never created India. If they had their way we would be their colony like Hong Kong to this day. The ppl of India pushed and demanded independence and the British were forced with no other options as they were all exhausted. So before Ashoka to the present, we have gone thru many chapters in our history. But today, India is an unified land.

YOU again fail to realize that British unknowingly created an "us against them" attitude which prevails today and only gets stronger. The mere fact you ask if Marathas went to aid the Nawab speaks volumes of your inability to comprehend that the Nawab of Bengal was himself a foreigner. Bengal was a hindu empire for centuries. The Marathas were fighting foreign invaders. The marathas worked hand in hand with other kingdoms. The Sikhs themselves were Hindus who converted to this new philosophy. It was a rule for the first born son of Hindu families to be brought up as a Sikh.

Indians in Australia are work very hard in trolling.

Yeah Just like the CHinese in CHina
I think China should close its border with india and let indian burn from inside.

it is a loser nation with failed economy, it is now using this to fuel domestic nationalism.

so disguesting.

india should never exist in the first place, there was no "india" in human history.

such unified nation directly threat the interests of the people living in the land currently occupied by india. a far better solution is to divide india into 20-30 pieces and let them become independent nations.

funding those Maoist freedom fighters should become our national policy.

a chinese arsehole...go lick an arse of ur master for 1 penny u earned.....:sick:
In reality, Indians can work very hard. But they are all in America. Only lazy Indians stay back in India.

YOu are wrong again. There are lazy ppl all over the world. The reason why Indians abroad work hard compared to Indians in India is due to our govt. THe govt does not know have a clue how to effectively deal with inclusive growth in all sectors. What the Dalai Lama stated is correct but he is holding his tongue because he does not want to anger Indian authorities. The reality is that he woudl say the Indian govt is lazy. His reference to ppl being lazy has more to do with them not protecting enough. IN order for change to happen, ppl must mobilize and protest that their demands are met. As for CHinatowns, I as an Indian don;t like to live in an area full of Indians. i like to live elsewhere and mingle with all. CHinatowns in other countries are looked down negatively.
The fact that Ashoka existed and created an unified country that started and included INdia blows your theory away. For most of its history, it wasn;t unified. Sure but nobody is arguing with that point. Yes the sikhs and Marathas were separate empires. I was mainly referring to the Marathas who had conquered the Mughals and took over Delhi. They were in the prime position to unify India but theh British were playing their divide and conquer tactics and when the Mughals fell, sweeped right in to take out the Marathas who were weak after fighting for so long. They were not able to recuperate. Yes till then it was a fractured country much like the British themselves who consisted of many smaller kingdoms till they were unified of even the EU.

The same can be said of CHina it was a bunch of separate nations that was unified and conquered at some point. The fact that those conquered nations never rose up again for independence tells me a great deal about their inability to fight I guess. Even China today did not exist in those times. China was much smaller than it is today. CHina today occupies many lands and includes many groups who are not HAN. The fact is that the British never created India. If they had their way we would be their colony like Hong Kong to this day. The ppl of India pushed and demanded independence and the British were forced with no other options as they were all exhausted. So before Ashoka to the present, we have gone thru many chapters in our history. But today, India is an unified land.

YOU again fail to realize that British unknowingly created an "us against them" attitude which prevails today and only gets stronger. The mere fact you ask if Marathas went to aid the Nawab speaks volumes of your inability to comprehend that the Nawab of Bengal was himself a foreigner. Bengal was a hindu empire for centuries. The Marathas were fighting foreign invaders. The marathas worked hand in hand with other kingdoms. The Sikhs themselves were Hindus who converted to this new philosophy. It was a rule for the first born son of Hindu families to be brought up as a Sikh.

Yeah Just like the CHinese in CHina

2 quick question for you.

Do Indians regard the Sultan of Delhi and Mughal emperor as foreign invaders. If so, won't Indians regard all Muslims as foreigners. If that is the case, are Muslims in India foreigners according to you?

Base on your expert knowledge of China. When did China become a country. And when is the equivalent time in India?
was 1962 a warning?

No I call that a gift.

1. It helped us get rid of Nehru

2. It helped us kick out Mahatma Gandhi's policy of non violence

3. It kicked started our Military build up :enjoy:

4. It ensured Arunachal Pradesh become part of India :tup:

India lost nothing but gained everything in 1962.........though china became forever branded as an aggressor nation :cheesy:
Base on your expert knowledge of China. When did China become a country. And when is the equivalent time in India?

There is no country named or known as "india" in human history until the end of WWII.

Historically, it is land a poverty with no advanced science, tech and arts.
....chinese dint answer me .......are you going to give India another 'warning' ? :china:
No I call that a gift.

1. It helped us get rid of Nehru

2. It helped us kick out Mahatma Gandhi's policy of non violence

3. It kicked started our Military build up :enjoy:

4. It ensured Arunachal Pradesh become part of India :tup:

India lost nothing but gained everything in 1962.........though china became forever branded as an aggressor nation :cheesy:

:rofl: military build up? 50 years after 1962, you losers are still importing bullets and rifles. That is your build up?

aggressor? thanks, I really like this title.

....chinese dint answer me .......are you going to give India another 'warning' ? :china:

No, we will just wait the uprising from inside india.

Economically, politically, militarily, the gap is widening on every day. One day, indians would stand up and question why the regime in new delhi systematically failed so many generations of indians.

when that happens, we will step in and offer our help to all indians who want self determination and form their own nation. there was no nation called or known as "india" in history, it shouldn't exists in the future. dividing india into 30+ pieces will be the task for my generation of Chinese.
^your generation of chinese indeed have many tasks, primary of which is finding a wife. you best focus on that, unless you plan on buying one.

the pesky indians, (inspite of all the mighty e-warriors china has) will continue to rule south tibet.
2 quick question for you.

Do Indians regard the Sultan of Delhi and Mughal emperor as foreign invaders. If so, won't Indians regard all Muslims as foreigners. If that is the case, are Muslims in India foreigners according to you?

Base on your expert knowledge of China. When did China become a country. And when is the equivalent time in India?
Sultans were foreigners in cultural sense..but back then there was no strict sense of Indian nation or it's boundaries but a cultural sense, unity was existed, may be like Europe. There were good rulers among those sultans just as there were many bad Hindu rulers..At the end of the day we like the good rulers and hate the bad ones regardless of who they were or where did they come from.
Now the second part..Indian Muslims are our brothers who's forfathers changed faith due to various reasons, but changing the name of the god they follow does not make them foreigner or lesser Indian..
:rofl: military build up? 50 years after 1962, you losers are still importing bullets and rifles. That is your build up?

...yup that is one of our plans for Indian Military build up :enjoy: .... that really would not have been possible if 1962 dint happen. So thank you :P

No, we will just wait the uprising from inside india.

Economically, politically, militarily, the gap is widening on every day. One day, indians would stand up and question why the regime in new delhi systematically failed so many generations of indians.

when that happens, we will step in and offer our help to all indians who want self determination and form their own nation. there was no nation called or known as "india" in history, it shouldn't exists in the future. dividing india into 30+ pieces will be the task for my generation of Chinese.

That sounds like a great plan ......keep waiting for 'Indian uprising' :enjoy: ... and then attack us.

.....meanwhile we continue to build up Militarily ...:lol:

You must be one of the high IQ chinese masquerading in pdf :P
peaceful;3754146 when that happens said:
hey dude if you dont know thing any about bharat desh then dont make comments. do you know when bharat desh existed and about its teritory(akand bharat). if you want to know read king bharatas history.
2 quick question for you.

Do Indians regard the Sultan of Delhi and Mughal emperor as foreign invaders. If so, won't Indians regard all Muslims as foreigners. If that is the case, are Muslims in India foreigners according to you?

Base on your expert knowledge of China. When did China become a country. And when is the equivalent time in India?

I have no expert knowledge of China. No Indians don't think Muslims are foreigners today. The reality is that Islam arrived in India wihtout the sword. It peacefully entered India thru Kerala, the land of my ancestors. The rulers of these areas you mentioned were foreign in nature and maintained closer ties with their repective cultures. After a period of time, Indianization took over and these ppl firmly became desi. In fact, Muslims and Hindus have fought together against other invaders hand in hand.

China : China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first unified Chinese state was established by Qin Shi Huang of the Qin state in 221 BC. Qin Shi Huang proclaimed himself the "First Emperor" (始皇帝), and imposed many reforms throughout China, notably the forced standardization of the Chinese language, measurements, length of cart axles, and currency. The Qin Dynasty lasted only fifteen years, falling soon after Qin Shi Huang's death, as its harsh legalist and authoritarian policies led to widespread rebellion.[47][48]
The subsequent Han Dynasty ruled China between 206 BC and 220 AD, and created a lasting Han cultural identity among its populace that has endured to the present day.[47][48] The Han Dynasty expanded the empire's territory considerably with military campaigns reaching Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia and Central Asia, and also helped establish the Silk Road in Central Asia. China was for a large part of the last two millennia the world's largest economy.[49] However, in the later part of the Qing Dynasty, China's economic development began to slow and Europe's rapid development in the Industrial Revolution enabled it to surpass China.
After the collapse of Han, another period of disunion followed, including the highly chivalric period of the Three Kingdoms.[50] Independent Chinese states of this period such as Wu opened diplomatic relations with Japan,[51] introducing the Chinese writing system there. In 580 AD, China was reunited under the Sui.[52] However, the Sui Dynasty declined following its defeat in the Goguryeo–Sui War (598–614).

India: Ashoka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ashoka Maurya (304 BCE - 232 BCE) commonly known as Ashoka and also as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from ca. 269 BCE to 232 BCE
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